coat of arms | Germany map | |
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Coordinates: 48 ° 43 ' N , 8 ° 44' E |
Basic data | ||
State : | Baden-Württemberg | |
Administrative region : | Karlsruhe | |
County : | Calw | |
Height : | 347 m above sea level NHN | |
Area : | 59.88 km 2 | |
Residents: | 23,590 (Dec. 31, 2018) | |
Population density : | 394 inhabitants per km 2 | |
Postal code : | 75365 | |
Primaries : | 07051, 07053 | |
License plate : | CW | |
Community key : | 08 2 35 085 | |
City structure: | 13 districts | |
City administration address : |
Marktplatz 9 75365 Calw |
Website : | ||
Lord Mayor : | Florian Kling | |
Location of the city of Calw in the district of Calw | ||
Calw (formerly pronounced [kalp] and therefore sometimes spelled Kalb , today because of the spelling mostly [ kalf ], but [v] in "Calwer (in)") is a town in Baden-Württemberg , about 18 kilometers south of Pforzheim and 33 Located kilometers west of Stuttgart . The district town , which is also the largest town in the Calw district , forms a central center for the surrounding communities. Calw has been a major district town since January 1, 1976 . It belongs to the Northern Black Forest region and the edge zone of the European metropolitan region of Stuttgart .

Calw is located in the Nagold valley in the northern Black Forest at an altitude of between 330 and 630 meters above sea level. NHN . The old town is west of the river, the newer parts of the city develop on the slopes. Other waters in the urban area: Tälesbach , Ziegelbach, Wurstbrunnenbach, Schießbach, Schlittenbach and Schweinbach. The Bruderhöhle is located in the northern part of the city on the western slope of the Nagold Valley .
Neighboring communities
The following cities and municipalities border the city of Calw (clockwise, starting in the north): Bad Liebenzell , Althengstett , Gechingen , Wildberg , Neubulach , Bad Teinach-Zavelstein , Neuweiler , Bad Wildbad and Oberreichenbach (all districts of Calw ).
City structure
The urban area of Calw is divided into the 13 districts Altburg , Oberriedt, Speßhardt, Spindlershof, Weltenschwann, Calw, Alzenberg, Heumaden, Wimberg, Hirsau , Ernstmühl, Holzbronn and Stammheim . The city districts are officially named in the form "Calw, ...", the spatial boundaries of the city districts are those of the earlier municipalities or the districts of the earlier municipalities. The urban area is divided into the five residential districts in accordance with the Baden-Württemberg municipal code of residential district I (with the districts of Altburg, Oberriedt, Speßhardt, Spindlershof and Weltenschwann), residential district II (with the districts of Calw, Alzenberg, Heumaden and Wimberg), residential district III ( with the districts of Hirsau and Ernstmühl), residential district IV (the Holzbronn district) and residential district V (the Stammheim district). Within the boundaries of the residential districts, with the exception of residential district II , localities within the meaning of the Baden-Württemberg municipal code are set up with their own local council and mayor as its chairman.
The village of Altburg and the hamlets of Oberriedt, Speßhardt, Spindlershof and Weltenschwann lie within the boundaries of residential district I. The town of Calw, the village of Alzenberg, the towns of Heumaden, Schützenhaus and Wimberg and the houses of Tanneneck are within the boundaries of residential district II . In the boundaries of residential district III are the former Hirsau monastery and the surrounding village of the same name, as well as the hamlet Ernstmühl, the places Bleiche (Kurhaus) and Lützenhardt and the houses Kleinmuldbach and the desert Gumprechtsweiler. The village of Holzbronn and the houses and train station Talmühle are within the boundaries of residential district IV . The village of Stammheim, the towns of Station Teinach, cotton spinning mill Calw, the courtyards Hof Dicke and Hof Waldeck and the houses Obere Mühle, Öländerle, Ölmühle, Rehgrundklinge and Untere Mühle as well as the desert area of Thuma lie within the boundaries of residential district V.
Spatial planning
Calw forms a middle center within the Northern Black Forest region , the upper center of which is the city of Pforzheim . In addition to the city of Calw, the central area of Calw also includes the cities and communities of Althengstett , Bad Liebenzell , Bad Teinach-Zavelstein , Gechingen , Neubulach , Neuweiler , Oberreichenbach , Ostelsheim , Simmozheim and Unterreichenbach in the district of Calw. The city of Calw has an agreed administrative community with the municipality of Oberreichenbach .
The name comes from Middle High German kalwe , Old High German chalawa "bald spot".
middle Ages
In the 11th century, Calw, which was first mentioned in 1075, was built around the older castle of the Counts of Calw . In the Middle Ages , Calw was an important trading town, especially with the cloth and leather trade.
Württemberg time

In 1345 the city became part of the county of Württemberg and soon became the seat of an office. A Latin school was set up before 1459. From 1500 Calw was part of the Swabian Empire . In the 16th century, the city was the summer residence of the Württemberg dukes. In 1620 Johann Valentin Andreae became superintendent in Calw, where he had more success with the reformation of schools, social services and poor relief. At that time, with around 3,500 inhabitants, Calw was half the size of Stuttgart and, thanks to its flourishing wool production, one of the economically most important cities in the old Württemberg. At the same time, social hardship prevailed among the poorer population. Andreae convinced the wealthy Calw merchants of the necessity of founding "a Christian, God-loving society" to support the poor, the sick and the youth. The so-called Calwer Färberstiftung, a social institution that existed until 1923, was created from a group of 13 men and 7,100 guilders of real estate.
During the Thirty Years' War, Calw was occupied and destroyed by imperial troops in 1634 after the defeat of the Swedes, allied with Württemberg, in the Battle of Nördlingen . Another occupation took place in 1692 during the Palatine War of Succession by the French.
In the 18th century, the timber trade ( rafting ) returned to an economic boom. In 1807, one year after the founding of the Kingdom of Württemberg , the old Württemberg Oberamt Calw was merged with the Monastery Office Hirsau, later changed several times and finally transferred to the district of Calw in 1938 during the Nazi era in Württemberg .
With the establishment of the Black Forest Railway in 1872, Calw was connected to the route network of the Württemberg State Railways .
Nazi era
In August 1941, the 17-year-old Erna Brehm from Calw was shaved in public because of her love affair with a Polish slave laborer on the market square. After serving an eight-month prison sentence in Calw and Stuttgart, she was deported to the Ravensbrück concentration camp on charges of racial shame , from which she was released in April 1944 as unfit for storage. In August 1951 she died as a result of the conditions in which she was held. In 1945 a sub-camp of the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp was set up in Calw , which was occupied by Jewish women and served as a manpower reservoir for the war industry.
post war period
After the Second World War, Calw fell into the French occupation zone and thus came to the newly founded state of Württemberg-Hohenzollern in 1947 . In 1952, the provisional post-war state was added to the administrative district of Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern and has since been part of the new federal state of Baden-Württemberg.
In 1957 the district of Heumaden was founded.
With the district reform on January 1, 1973 , the district of Calw received its current size. It became part of the newly established Northern Black Forest region , which was also assigned to the newly defined administrative district of Karlsruhe . The former Württemberg city is now also administered from the former Baden capital Karlsruhe. As part of the regional reform, the municipality of Holzbronn was incorporated into Stammheim on May 1, 1972. On January 1, 1975, Calw was united with the communities of Altburg, Hirsau and Stammheim to form the town of Calw-Hirsau . With this union, the city's population exceeded the 20,000-inhabitant limit. As a result, the city administration submitted the application for a major district town , which the Baden-Württemberg state government approved with effect from January 1, 1976. On this day the new city was given the (old) name Calw.
On May 25, 2009, the city received the title “ Place of Diversity ” awarded by the federal government .

The following municipalities were incorporated into Calw or merged with the city of Calw:
- 1933: Alzenberg
- May 1, 1972: Holzbronn (to Stammheim)
- January 1, 1975: Union of Calw, Altburg (with Speßhardt, which was incorporated in 1933), Hirsau and Stammheim
Population development
Population figures according to the respective area; the figures are estimates, census results (¹) or official updates from the respective statistical offices ( main residences only ):
¹ census result
Denominations and religions
Protestant church
Calw originally belonged to the district Weil der Stadt in the Archdiakonat Trinitatis of the Diocese of Speyer . From 1534 the Reformation was introduced in Calw as in the entire Duchy of Württemberg at that time . Calw became the seat of a deanery in 1555 (see church district Calw ), which still exists today. At first it belonged to the general superintendent of Maulbronn, from 1823 to Tübingen and today to the prelature of Reutlingen. On January 1, 2019, the former church district of Calw merged with the former church district of Nagold to form the new church district of Calw-Nagold of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg . Erich Hartmann has been Dean of Calw and since 2019 also for the Calw-Nagold church district since 2004. In the urban area of Calw there is the total parish of Calw, consisting of the inner city parish ( Stadtkirche Calw ), the mountain parish Wimberg / Alzenberg and the reconciliation parish Heumaden . The two last-named parishes only came into being through the influx of displaced persons after the Second World War . There are also independent parishes in the districts of Altburg, Hirsau, Holzbronn and Stammheim.
Catholic Church
In the 19th century, Catholics moved to Calw again. In 1885/1886 they founded the parish of St. Josef, which later became the seat of a deanery within the Rottenburg diocese (now the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese ). The parish of St. Josef is now responsible for the entire city area and for some surrounding communities and, together with the parish of St. Lioba Bad Liebenzell, forms pastoral care unit 2 Calw-Bad Liebenzell within the Calw deanery .
Other Christian denominations
In addition to these two churches, there are also free churches in Calw , including the Jesus Center ( Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden ) in Stammheimer Feld, an Adventist church (founded in 1914) and a congregation of the Evangelical Methodist Church in Stammheim.
The New Apostolic Church is also represented in the districts of Heumaden, Holzbronn, and Stammheim.
The Wimberg district is home to a conference center of the International School of the Golden Rosicrucian, Lectorium Rosicrucianum .
There is a Turkish mosque in the Hirsau district .
Municipal council
The municipal council of the city of Calw has a total of 30 members who hold the title of city councilor. In addition, as chairman, the mayor has a seat and a vote. The local elections on May 26, 2019 came to the following conclusion:
Party / list | Share of votes | + / -% p | Seats | + / - |
Together for Calw | 30.7% | + 15.0 | 8th | + 3 |
FW | 27.9% | - 5.1 | 7th | - 3 |
CDU | 17.0% | - 3.0 | 4th | - 2nd |
New list Calw | 14.1% | - 3.2 | 4th | - 1 |
SPD | 7.9% | - 5.8 | 2 | - 2nd |
LEFT | 2.3% | + 2.3 | 1 | + 1 |
As early as the 15th century, the city of Calw was headed by a mayor who was elected by the court every two years. A council can be traced back to 1433. The mayor has held the title of Lord Mayor since it was elevated to a major district town in 1976 . His deputy is the first alderman with the official title of mayor.
Mayor and Lord Mayor
coat of arms
The coat of arms of the city of Calw shows a standing blue-tongued and blue-crowned red lion in gold on a blue three-mountain. The city flag is red and yellow. The lion on the Dreiberg is the coat of arms of the Counts of Calw , the former local lords of the city. The coat of arms has been used for centuries and was also adopted by the city that was newly formed as part of the territorial reform of the 1970s. It was re-awarded on July 20, 1976 by the Karlsruhe Regional Council.
Town twinning
Economy and Infrastructure
Calw has over 8000 jobs, of which over 5200 in the service sector and around 2700 in the manufacturing sector.
Calw is on the federal highways 295 , 296 and 463 . The B 296 has two lanes uphill from the Nagoldtal towards Stuttgart (Stuttgarter Straße to junction Heinz-Schnaufer-Straße, towards the end of the B 295). The 2.7 km long section makes it easier to overtake slower vehicles in two serpentines.
In Calw there are two stops on the Nagold Valley Railway , which runs from Pforzheim to Hochdorf : the Calw station , which is located directly at the central bus station , and the Hirsau stop. The old Calw train station , outside the city center, was abandoned, and the representative reception building is used for other purposes today. It used to be a connecting station with the Württemberg Black Forest Railway to Stuttgart , the western section of which, however, was closed in 1988. Since the purchase of the disused section to Weil der Stadt by the district of Calw in 1994, the district of Calw has been trying to reactivate it as part of the Hermann-Hesse-Bahn project . The reactivation is planned for the year 2023.
Local public transport ( ÖPNV ) is served by several bus routes from the companies Däuble, Pflieger , Rexer / BVN , Teinachtal-Reisen, Volz and SüdwestBus within the transport company Bäderkreis Calw (VGC). In addition to the development of the cities and communities in the district of Calw, there are also supraregional bus routes to Böblingen , Herrenberg and Weil der Stadt .
Authorities, courts and institutions
Calw is the seat of the district office of the district of Calw. There is also a tax office and a local court that the jurisdiction of the District Court of Tuebingen and the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court heard.
The city is the seat of the Calw church district of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg and the Calw deanery of the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese .
From 1866 to 1934 Calw was the seat of the Calw Chamber of Commerce and Industry .
The Special Forces Command (KSK) of the Bundeswehr 's since 1996 Graf Zeppelin - barracks stationed in Calw-Heumaden. Airborne Brigade 25 (LLBrig 25) was stationed in Calw from 1961 until its dissolution in September 1996 .
- Since 2002, Calw has been the seat of the private, state-recognized Calw University of Applied Sciences with the two departments “Taxation and Auditing” and “Media and Communication Management”.
- Calw has two high schools , the Hermann-Hesse-Gymnasium and the Maria-von-Linden-Gymnasium . The latter is a general high school in Calw-Stammheim with a linguistic and a scientific profile. It was named after the natural scientist Maria Countess von Linden (1869-1936) and emerged from the division of the Hermann-Hesse-Gymnasium .
- In addition, there is a secondary school and a special school (Seeäckerschule) as well as several primary schools or primary and secondary schools (primary and secondary school with Werkrealschule Calw, Heumadenschule primary and secondary school with Werkrealschule and Wimbergschule primary and secondary school with Werkrealschule and one elementary school each in the Districts of Altburg, Hirsau and Stammheim). There is also a clinic school for the sick at the Northern Black Forest State Clinic.
- The district of Calw is responsible for the vocational schools Hermann-Gundert-Schule (commercial and home economics school) and the Johann-Georg-Doertenbach -Schule (commercial school).
- The private schools Business School Calw e. V., the Protestant Vocational School for Elderly Care Calw and the private home special school for the speech-impaired Calw-Stammheim round off the school offer in Calw.
- Furthermore, Calw has a community college and a music school run by the city. The latter has won many prizes in national competitions ( Jugend musiziert , German choir competition and others). The Aurelius Choir Boys in Calw are affiliated with the music school.
Culture, art and sights
The old town of Calw was largely spared from destruction in the Second World War. The town's market square and the Nikolausbrücke are visited by many guests.
In the 1970s, part of the historic city center was replaced by a shopping center , and the city center was standardized and cordoned off soon afterwards with the establishment of a pedestrian zone . Buildings with exposed aggregate concrete facades (bus station, multi-storey car park) have shaped the part facing the Nagold for several years. Another shopping center built around the turn of the millennium limits the old town to the north.
The Calw Hermann Hesse Prize is one of the highlights of the Calw Cultural Year . Every two years, it is awarded to literary magazines and translators who have rendered outstanding services to Hesse's work; the Hermann Hesse Colloquium, current questions on the subject of Hermann Hesse are discussed here by international experts.
Every year the “ Calw Monastery Summer in Hirsau ” festival takes place in the ruins of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Peter and Paul , which in 2008 replaced the traditional Hirsau Monastery Games. Hermann Hesse's Gerbersau stories are the material for the annual "Gerbersau Reading Summer". Stories and anecdotes are presented from over three dozen stories and reflections by Hesse about life in Gerbersau, his literary pseudonym for Calw. A special feature of the reading series are the often original scenes.
Music is a cultural focus of the Hesse city; The Aurelius Boys' Choir , whose reputation extends far beyond the borders of Baden-Württemberg, should be mentioned. Further musical accents are set by the concert series in the Evangelical City Church and in the St. Aurelius Church.
The classic rock festival Calw rockst has been held once a year on the market square since 2004 .
With the traditional Hirsau monastery games, theater, music and readings are presented in the open air. In 1959, for the 900th anniversary of Hirsau, there was a stage in the cloister for the first time.
There are several museums in Calw. The “Haus Schüz” city palace, built in 1813/1814, has housed the Hermann Hesse Museum and the Calw City Gallery with the Gunter Böhmer Foundation since 1990 . The Hesse Museum is dedicated to the life and work of the city's great son and has the most extensive collection of the 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature. The interactive exhibition “Weltflechtwerk” offers a different view of Hesse's work and invites you to explore thematically.
The city's museum in Palais Vischer , built in 1787/1791, gives an insight into the sophisticated living culture of the 18th century and shows interesting sights about the city's history in 18 rooms.
Other museums are the (currently closed) toy museum, the tannery museum and the farmhouse museum in the Altburg district and the monastery museum in the Hirsau district. Every two years there is a "Long Night of Museums" during which all museums are open.
- The historic market square is worth seeing . The oldest building on the square is the Schäberle house, which survived the destruction of the city and the city fires of 1634 and 1692 more or less unscathed. The birthplace of Hermann Hesse, Marktplatz 6, was built in 1692 by Johann Conrad Moseter. In 1697 Christoph Mayer set up a retail store in the house he had bought. To this day the building has remained a trading house.
- The Calw town hall is at Marktplatz 9, the first town hall building took place in 1454. In the 19th century, a number of renovations and changes were made. In 1929 the figures were attached to the facade. They symbolize the three most important tasks of the city towards its citizens: the figure of a knight for protection and justice, planting a tree for rooting and blossoming of the community, mother with children for care. Among the Rathausarkaden the benches or were Schrannen up (market stalls) of the bakers and butchers, today there is a modern meeting room housed whose glass facade highlights the architectural archetype. When concerns about the stability of the town hall arose in 2007, it was cleared and parts of the city administration relocated. From 2014 onwards, extensive renovation work was carried out, which should take almost three years.
Protestant churches
- The nave of today's city church St. Peter and Paul was rebuilt in neo-Gothic style by the court building director Felix von Berner 1885–1888 after a fire in 1692, subsequent very economical and imperfect construction that took decades to complete and finally demolished in 1884 due to disrepair . The early Gothic choir of the previous church and the tower stump were retained. By 1914, several glass paintings (themes: Moses and prophets; life, suffering and resurrection of Jesus; western rosette: David with harp) were donated for the choir and made by the Munich workshops of Franz Xaver Zettler and Mayer . Further New Testament themes in the windows under the side galleries were created by Rudolf Yelin the Elder in 1930–1933 and 1959 . J.
- The oldest part of the Martinskirche Altburg , built as a fortified church, is the tower from the 12th century. The reticulated choir and the south wall are decorated with late Gothic wall paintings. In 1534 the parish Altburg became Protestant through the Reformation in Württemberg. After that, probably still at the end of the 16th century, the church was equipped with numerous seats without any expansion by installing a three-sided circumferential gallery in the nave and a north and east gallery in the choir, including floor-level choir seating, all of which are oriented towards the pulpit south inside the choir arch were; the altar was free. This facility, which was valid until 1954, complied with the requirements of the Württemberg church and church service regulations from the Reformation, according to which the preaching of the word should be at the center of the service - an example of the establishment of a transverse church in the existing building stock. During the renovation in 1954, the choir galleries and the south pore were removed and a new pulpit facing the ship and a glass painting by Adolf Valentin Saile with the motif of the mercy seat installed in the apex window . A choir organ was also set up.
- In Ernstmühl there is a small church with a roof turret in half-timbered construction, which belongs to the Hirsau parish. The layout of the high hall building as well as the interior fittings with a coffered ceiling, a gallery on bulged wooden supports and the pulpit cage point to a construction time around 1700. The sandstone surround of the entrance from around 1500 may come from the previous building or from the former Hirsau Monastery, which was destroyed a few years earlier. It was integrated as a component in the new church.
- In 1965, the Heumaden Reconciliation Church was built by architect Heinz Rall - with thick-glass concrete windows by Gerhard Dreher and a crucifix by Albrecht Kneer.
- The Marienkapelle in the former Benedictine monastery in Hirsau was the only building that remained unscathed in the great fire of 1692. A little later this gem of late Gothic architecture became a Protestant parish church. The monastery library was on the upper floor. From 1888–1892, the Württemberg senior building officer Karl von Sauter redesigned the Marienkapelle in the neo-Gothic style . The westwork, net vaults and coloring date from this time, and remnants of the colored glazing from that time have been preserved in the portal tympanum. The glass artist Wolf-Dieter Kohler created the three choir windows in 1970 (left: birth and passion of Christ; right: resurrection and ascension; center: the Lord exalted, judging and coming). The north window of the choir from around 1920 to commemorate the fallen in 1914/18 was designed by the Stuttgart artist Käte Schaller-Härlin , who had lost her recently married husband in the war in 1917.
- The Bernhardskirche Holzbronn , since 1998 with this name, was built between 1907 and 1908 according to plans by senior building officer Heinrich Dolmetsch († 1908) and his son Theodor. Formative Art Nouveau elements have been preserved or reused: the charming windows by the Stuttgart glass artist Kurt Glasche (Black Forest animal and plant ornaments ) and the original terrazzo floor . The chancel was changed during two renovations: In 1972 the axial arrangement of the font, altar and pulpit in front of an Art Nouveau picture wall had to be redesigned and a large-format mural by Rudolf Yelin the Elder. J. soft. His isosceles wooden cross with spatula-applied motifs and gold leaf was preserved during the renovation in 2006, while his mural was covered by a screen. The pagoda-like spire is affectionately known by the people of Holzbronn as the "yellow turnip".
- A predecessor church to Martinskirche Stammheim belonged to the Hirsauer Stiftsgut as early as 830, to which it was incorporated in 1326. Today's church is a late Baroque building from 1790. The choir tower of the previous church was retained. During the renovation from 1929–1931, the four-part south window (Old Testament: Jakobs Himmelsleiter, Jakob am Jabbok; New Testament: poor Lazarus and the Rich) were designed by the Stuttgart painter Berger and executed by the Wilhelm workshop in Rottweil. The glass artist Wolf-Dieter Kohler created the baptismal window, the Martin window and a narrow ornament window in 1964.
- In 1955 the mountain church Wimberg was built by architect Hermann Hornbacher and the choir windows by Rudolf Yelin the Elder. J. designed with glass paintings of New Testament mountain events.
- The Nikolausbrücke with Nikolauskapelle , which Hermann Hesse often mentions in his works and was a favorite place of his childhood, was built in 1400 in the Gothic style . In 1926, during the renovation by Ernst Yelin, the two figures on the right and left, a cloth merchant and a raftsman, were used; they symbolize the city's former economic foundations. His brother Rudolf Yelin d. J. created glass art for five double windows (saints + family coats of arms) and two small side windows (other coats of arms from Calw families).
- The "Lange" , which protrudes far beyond the city , once served as a prison, and a guard room was housed in the tower above. The Reichert house, which used to be a toy museum, is empty. The Georgenäum was donated to the city in 1868 and was primarily intended to serve the education and training of young people.
- In the district of Hirsau there are two monasteries. The Aurelius Church - today the church of the Catholic community - is the oldest of the Hirsau monastery buildings from 1070. It has been restored and artistically designed by the sculptor Otto Herbert Hajek . The former Benedictine monastery of St. Peter and Paul was the most important German reform monastery north of the Alps during the Cluny monastery movement in the 11th and 12th centuries; it was destroyed by French troops in 1692 in the War of the Palatinate Succession . The ruins, which are of great architectural importance, contain relics from different architectural styles: the Romanesque pillar basilica, which was once the largest Romanesque church in southwest Germany, the Gothic cloister, the late Gothic St. Mary's Chapel and the ruins of a Renaissance castle, with the famous Hirsau elm within the four outer walls that have been preserved until 1989 to which Ludwig Uhland dedicated his poem Ulmenbaum in 1829 .
- On the edge of the Stammheim district, between wooded hills on the stream of the Schlittenbach, is the Untere Mühle , with the largest overshot wooden mill wheel in Europe (11.5 m diameter). The year "1853" is carved into the door frame of the mill barn.
- In the city forest in the west of the city is the Calw scaffold , an execution site built around 1800 and only used for a short time.
- Also in the forest to the northwest of the village of Hirsau is the Nagoldtal transmitter , a filler transmitter for Südwestrundfunk .
A memorial plaque in the cemetery on Bischofsstrasse commemorates all victims of the Nazi regime. With a memorial relief of the artist Wolfram Eisele in a workshop of the company Bauknecht is since 1990 the Jewish forced laborers and concentration camp prisoners thought that between January and April 1945 for the aeronautical equipment GmbH had (LUFAG) Forced labor in aircraft do.
The table tennis club TTC Calw rose from the district class to the table tennis league within seven years . He was a member of this from 1976 to 1981. He achieved the best placement in the 1977/78 season with the runner-up. The main sponsor was the Jägermeister company , which is why the association was renamed TTC Jägermeister Calw in 1977 . In 1981 the professional department was dissolved. The most famous player was Dragutin Šurbek . There is also the Calw diving club, the Calw football club, the Calw dance club and many other clubs.
"The Hermann Hesse City"
Calw describes itself as "The Hermann-Hesse-Stadt" and uses this attribute at the same time as a claim for self-confident self-promotion. Hermann Hesse , who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946 , was born in Calw in 1877 - he is still one of the world's most widely read German-language writers. In Calw, the Hermann Hesse Museum provides information about the life and work of the city's most famous son.
Udo Lindenberg Foundation
The Udo Lindenberg Foundation, founded on December 10, 2006, also belongs to Calw . The cultural and political foundation wants to combine the life and work of the poet Hermann Hesse with modern music. It promotes young copywriters and musicians with competitions in order to “look for new ways against marching along in the crowd, to write provocatively and not to adapt”, says the founder and initiator Udo Lindenberg , who feels connected to Hermann Hesse . The foundation offers talented musicians and up-and-coming bands a public platform for greater awareness and for the desired artistic breakthrough. The Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw is responsible for the management of the Udo Lindenberg Foundation .
Honorary citizen
The city of Calw has granted honorary citizenship to the following people :
- Hermann Hesse (1947)
- Rolf Sannwald
- Richard Bauer
- Karl-Heinz Lehmann, Lord Mayor
- Karl White (2010)
sons and daughters of the town
- Willebold von Berkheim († 1230), pilgrim, saint
- Ulrich Rülein von Calw (1465–1523), humanist, doctor and mining scientist
- Andreas David Carolus (1658–1707), Lutheran theologian
- Joseph Gärtner (1732–1791), botanist
- Johann Martin Vischer (1751–1801), timber wholesaler, builder of the Palais Vischer , Ludwig Uhland's father-in-law
- Christoph Friedrich Hellwag (1754–1835), doctor and physicist
- Gottlieb Link (1769–1844), businessman, member of the state parliament
- Johann Georg Doertenbach (1795–1870), entrepreneur and member of the state parliament
- Wilhelm von Widenmann (1798–1844), forest scientist
- August Friedrich Gfrörer (1803–1861), historian and member of the Frankfurt National Assembly
- Emil Wilhelm von Georgii-Georgenau (1820–1894), banker and philanthropist
- Wilhelm von Bätzner (1824–1893), senior bailiff in Württemberg, President of the Ministry of the Interior
- Emil Georgii (1828–1902), businessman, member of the state parliament
- Julius Staelin (1837–1889), manufacturer, member of the Landtag and Reichstag
- Gottlieb Friedrich von Weitbrecht (1840–1911), General Superintendent of Ulm
- Karl Dietz (1859–1904), psychiatrist
- Friedrich Veiel (1866–1950), clockmaker, Protestant-pietist clergyman and inspector of the St. Chrischona pilgrimage mission
- Wilhelm Dingler (1869–1932), politician, member of the Landtag and Reichstag
- Georg Stammler (real name: Ernst Emanuel Krauss , 1872–1948), writer
- Hermann Hesse (1877–1962), writer, Nobel Prize winner for literature
- Philipp Jakob Bischoff (1889–1959), Member of Parliament
- Fritz Fleck (1890–1966), politician (SPD), member of the state parliament
- Rudolf Schlichter (1890–1955), painter
- Wilhelm Ganzenmüller (1882–1955), science historian and teacher
- Martin Haug (1895–1983), Protestant theologian and regional bishop of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg
- Georg Wurster (1897–1976), NSDAP functionary, participant in the Küstriner putsch
- Hermann Eitel Wilhelm Krauss (1899–1971), surgeon and university professor
- Otto Sill (1906–1984), engineer and senior construction director in Hamburg
- Friedrich Bauer (1906–1990), District Administrator in Öhringen
- Ernst Braun (1915–1992), local politician
- Rolf Kaiser (1920–1994), gynecologist, clinic director and university professor
- Ernst Weiß (1920–2009), painter
- Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer (1922–1950), officer and fighter pilot in the Air Force in World War II
- Karl Moersch (1926–2017), politician (FDP / DVP), journalist and non-fiction author
- Wilfried Helmstädter (1930–2006), economist and politician (SPD), member of the state parliament
- Hans Mohr (1930–2016), biologist and philosopher of science (born in Altburg)
- Rolf Scheffbuch (1931–2012), Protestant theologian and prelate
- Claus Meyer (* 1939), economist, university professor and founder of the foundation
- Bert Schlatterer (1940–2013), veterinarian and environmental toxicologist
- Manfred Bischoff (* 1942), manager
- Peter-Klaus Schuster (* 1943), art historian
- Cornelius Bickel (* 1945), sociologist
- Hans Jochen Henke (* 1945 in Hirsau), politician (CDU), member of the Bundestag
- Gerhard Koch (1945–1999), local politician, Lord Mayor of Ostfildern
- Stephan Kretschmer (* 1949), officer
- Peter Lehmann (* 1950), author and book publisher
- Artus M. Matthiessen (* 1950), actor
- Winfried Scheuer (* 1952), professor at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart
- Alfred Klink , (1952 *) Cooking with a star in the Michelin guide awarded
- Matthias Ulmer (* 1958), musician, keyboardist and composer
- Volker Kugel (* 1959), gardener and moderator
- Heiko Volz (* 1961), author, moderator and university lecturer
- Jörg Lutz (* 1963), Lord Mayor of Lörrach
- Harald Seiz (* 1963), entrepreneur, speaker and author
- Peter Felten (* 1965), diplomat
- Ed Herzog (born 1965), director
- Martin Pfleiderer (* 1967), musicologist
- Frank Hölzle (* 1968), full professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Götz Rothacker , (1968 *) chef with two stars in the Michelin guide awarded
- Stephan Blum (* 1970), archaeologist
- Sascha Goc (* 1979), ice hockey player
- Björn Springorum (* 1982), writer and journalist
- Marcel Goc (* 1983), ice hockey player
- Nikolai Goc (* 1986), ice hockey player
- Florian Kling (* 1986), chairman of the Darmstädter Signal, Lord Mayor of Calw
- Nicole Mieth (* 1990), actress
- Max Lang (* 1992), weightlifter
- Deniz Almas (* 1997), athlete
People who lived and worked in Calw
- Johann Valentin Andreae (1586–1654), superintendent in Calw, likely author of the legend of Christian Rosencreutz
- Gottlieb Christoph Bohnenberger (1732–1807), pastor in Altburg near Calw and physicist . He was the father of the astronomer , mathematician and physicist Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von Bohnenberger .
- Karl Friedrich von Gärtner (1772–1850), botanist; lived and died in Calw
- Hermann Gundert (1814–1893), linguist, Protestant missionary, writer and publisher (grandfather of Hermann Hesse)
- Marie Hesse (1842–1902), teacher and evangelical missionary (mother of Hermann Hesse)
- Johannes Hesse (1847–1916), Protestant missionary and publishing director Calwer Verlagsverein (father of Hermann Hesse)
- Hanns Vogts (1900–1976), writer
- Theophil Laitenberger (1903-1996) worked in the city from 1938 to 1968 as a teacher, cantor and composer
- Saskia Esken (* 1961), politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag, lives in Calw
- Petar Šegrt (* 1966), Croatian football coach, grew up in Calw and started his career here
- Joseph Stöckle : Guide through Calw and the surrounding area. Leo Woerl Publishing House, Würzburg / Vienna 1889.
- Württemberg city book ; Volume IV, sub-volume Baden-Württemberg. Volume 2 from the German city book. Urban History Handbook. On behalf of the Working Group of the Historical Commissions and with the support of the German Association of Cities, the Association of German Cities and the German Association of Municipalities, ed. by Erich Keyser. Stuttgart 1961.
- Josef Seubert: From Auschwitz to Calw. Jewish women in the service of total warfare. Ed. Isele, Eggingen 1989, ISBN 3-925016-49-X .
- Uli Rothfuss: Daud - A "Swabian Negro" in the Black Forest. Silberburg-Verlag, Tübingen 2000, ISBN 978-3-87407-360-8 .
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ State Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg - Population by nationality and gender on December 31, 2018 (CSV file) ( help on this ).
- ↑ Germany described by Galletti , p. 100
- ^ Karl Bohnenberger: The dialects of Württemberg. Verlag Silberburg, Stuttgart 1928, p. 31.
- ↑ Main statutes of the large district town of Calw from July 21, 2005 ( Memento from July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; accessed on August 20, 2008)
- ^ The state of Baden-Württemberg. Official description by district and municipality. Volume V: Karlsruhe District Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1976, ISBN 3-17-002542-2 . Pp. 492-498
- ^ German book of place names , p. 110
- ↑ Werner Müller: Nazi history from below: Forbidden love . In: The time . No. 06/1985 ( online ).
- ↑ Internet presence of the former Stuthof concentration camp, list of subcamps (accessed on November 3, 2008)
- ↑ a b Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality register for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 334 .
- ↑ a b c Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 488 .
- ^ Election result of the Calw municipal council
- ^ Albrecht Lass-Adelmann: The Marienkapelle in Hirsau Monastery - collection of material for monastery guides ; Contents: history, choir window, inscriptions, library room; ed. Ev. Hirsau rectory, Hirsau 2009
- ↑ Evangelical monastery sites in Württemberg ; Magazine in the “Traces” series; ed. Evangelical Church in Württemberg, Ev. Oberkirchenrat; Stuttgart 2018, page 50
- ↑ Ellen Pietrus: The new church buildings by Heinrich Dolmetsch - An architect in the Kingdom of Württemberg ; in: Reutlinger Geschichtsblätter, New Series No. 40, year 2001, ed. Stadtarchiv Reutlingen and Reutlinger Geschichtsverein, 2001, pages 125–228
- ↑ Hellmut J. Gebauer: Ernst and Rudolf Yelin - testimonies to their artistic work in Calw ; in: Kleine Reihe der Stadt Calw, Volume 24, Calw 2008
- ↑ Hellmut J. Gebauer: Ernst and Rudolf Yelin - testimonies to their artistic work in Calw ; in: Kleine Reihe der Stadt Calw, Volume 24, Calw 2008
- ↑ Ulmenbaum ( Memento from July 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), Ludwig Uhland (1829)
- ↑ Image brochure of the city of Calw 2008 ( Memento from July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 3.3 MB)
- ↑ Memorial sites for the victims of National Socialism. A documentation. Volume I. Bonn 1995, ISBN 3-89331-208-0 , p. 30.
- ↑ DTS magazine , 1976/12, p. 44
- ↑ DTS magazine , 1976/18, p. 22
- ↑
- ↑ Hermann Hesse. In: City of Calw. Retrieved June 10, 2018 .
- ↑
- ↑ Archived copy ( Memento from April 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Udo Lindenberg Foundation | IMPRINT. Accessed March 9, 2019 (German).