Official community key
The official municipality key ( AGS ), formerly also the official municipality key number ( GKZ ), municipality key number or municipality key number, is a sequence of digits to identify politically independent cities , municipalities or non-municipality-free areas in Germany.
In Germany, the official municipality key is primarily used for statistical purposes and is issued uniformly by the statistical offices of the individual federal states . All statistics with a regional reference in Germany use this key, but the administration also uses the AGS, e.g. B. when looking for the competent registration authority.
In the old federal states, with one exception, the “community key numbers” were introduced in the course of 1955, initially to avoid errors in the registration system for communities with the same or similar names. A corresponding proposal was submitted by Schleswig-Holstein at the end of 1953 , which had already introduced the community code on a trial basis and had positive experiences with it. The municipality key directory for the municipality boundary map of Bavaria (1951) does not yet contain a municipality key in this sense, but rather sequential numbers for districts within the administrative districts, and below them sequential numbers for communities within the districts. As part of the regional reform in Bavaria , the municipality keys were completely reassigned on July 1, 1972.
The two-digit country codes, which were later changed again, or the five-digit district codes based on them, were issued at the latest on the occasion of the census of September 13, 1950 . Already on the occasion of the population and occupation census on October 29, 1946, based on a one or two-digit consecutive country number 1 to 17, three-digit extensions were introduced to a code number , which encoded the administrative districts (government districts) and therein first the city districts and then the rural districts (however with key numbers other than 1950), whereby the first digit of this three-digit extension was a zero in countries without administrative or governmental districts.
The community key must be given on the de-registration or registration when changing residence, for example. However, it is usually registered by the respective residents' registration office in the town hall .
The official municipality key (AGS) consists of a total of eight key points, which are composed as follows:
- The first two key digits denote the federal state (see table below).
- The third to fifth key position identifies the district or the urban district to which the municipality belongs. The first five digits are therefore also known as the circle key . In the case of countries in which government districts exist or have existed in the past, the third key digit usually shows the district, while in other countries it is 0. In Baden-Württemberg, the fourth key point also shows which regional association the municipality belongs to. In the real city-states of Hamburg and Berlin, there are three zeros here.
- Finally, the last three key points distinguish the communities within a district. For independent cities there are three zeros here.
03 2 54 021 = Hildesheim
- 03 Lower Saxony
- 2 former district of Hanover
- 54 Hildesheim district
- 021 City of Hildesheim
12 0 64 340 = Neuhardenberg
- 12 Brandenburg
- 0 (in Brandenburg there is no administrative unit administrative district)
- 64 District of Märkisch-Oderland
- 340 Neuhardenberg community
08 1 11 000 = Stuttgart
- 08 Baden-Württemberg
- 1 Stuttgart district
- 1 Stuttgart region
- 1 urban district of Stuttgart
- 000 (Stuttgart as the city district receives the community key ending 000)
Regional key
There is also the twelve-digit Official Regional Key (ARS), originally the Regional Key (RS), which was introduced in 1993/1994 and which has a similar structure, but in which, compared to the AGS, four digits are inserted before the last three digits for the encryption of the municipal associations . The AGS is therefore integrated into the ARS. Information at the municipal association level (in the EU: LAU 1 level) is increasingly required by Eurostat for intra-European and international comparisons and requested by the federal and state statistical offices. The official statistics in Germany aims to replace the eight-digit AGS with the twelve-digit regional key in the long term.
The official regional key is structured as follows:
1.–2. Stelle = Kennzahl des Bundeslandes 3. Stelle = Kennzahl des Regierungsbezirks; wenn nicht vorhanden: 0 4.–5. Stelle = Kennzahl des Landkreises oder der kreisfreien Stadt 6.–9. Stelle = Verbandsschlüssel 10.–12. Stelle = Gemeindekennzahl
The key position 6 in the association code (the so-called t indicator) indicates the type of municipality with the leading number:
- 0 - community free of association ,
- 5 - community member
- 9 - unincorporated area .
In the case of municipalities not belonging to the association, the three-digit municipality key is specified after the 0 in the association key.
Examples of the official regional code of a municipality:
12 0 64 5410 340 = Neuhardenberg
- 12 Brandenburg
- 0 (in Brandenburg there is no administrative unit administrative district)
- 64 District of Märkisch-Oderland
- 5410 Neuhardenberg Office
- 340 Neuhardenberg community
The official regional key for community associations has nine digits (shortened by the last three digits that identify the community).
Examples of the official regional key of a community association:
12 0 64 5410 = Neuhardenberg Office
- 12 Brandenburg
- 0 (in Brandenburg there is no administrative unit administrative district)
- 64 District of Märkisch-Oderland
- 5410 Neuhardenberg Office
The official community code can be read at any time from the official regional code by omitting the sixth to ninth digits. The reverse usually does not work, as the regional code contains additional information (membership of a community association), or only if it is a community-free community (here by inserting the sequence 0000 before the sixth digit of the official community code).
Since the regional key change on January 1, 2009, the number sequence 0000 for municipalities not belonging to the association has been replaced by 0, followed by a repetition of digits 10 to 12 (municipality level). This new encryption should accomplish the comprehensive delimitation or determination of the community association level. In this way, even in countries that do not have a division into municipal associations, non-association municipalities are treated as municipal associations.
States of the Federal Republic of Germany (until 1949 countries of the occupation zones)
The encryption is carried out from north to south (No. 01–09), in chronological order to the Federal Republic of Germany (No. 10–11) and in alphabetical order (No. 12–16).
The country keys originally established in 1950 were arranged according to occupation zones (11 to 14 British occupation zone , 15 to 18 American occupation zone , 21 to 24 French occupation zone ).
In the municipal directory for the population and occupation census on October 29, 1946, one cannot yet speak of country codes, as these have a consecutive number from 1 (not 01) to 17 for the alphabetically listed countries (including the five countries in the Soviet occupation zone (until 1949) or the GDR ). The code number formed together with the three-digit extensions, however, encrypted the administrative districts (government districts) and therein first the city districts and then the rural districts.
Other nomenclatures for the delimitation of areas are, for example, the postcode from the postcode directory of the Deutsche Post or the NUTS code (Nomenclature des unités terriotales statistiques according to EU Regulation No. 1059/2003) used by European statistics. In Marketing also be Nielsengebiete used.
Austrian municipality key: Structure of the municipality code (code)
The Austrian municipality key is part of the code numbers for the territorial divisions . It is also known as ÖSTAT no. and is composed as follows:
- 1st position - federal state in alphabetical order and corresponds to ISO 3166-2: AT ( codes for the names of countries and their sub-units as an ISO standard)
- 2nd and 3rd position - statutory city or political district
- 4th and 5th place - municipality
- 6th and 7th place - enumeration district : This is from the Statistics Austria uses
- 8th position - Zählsprengel : This is from the Statistics Austria uses
- Examples
3 25 21 = Rappottenstein
- 3 Lower Austria
- 25 Zwettl district
- 21 Rappottenstein municipality
9 07 01 = Vienna new building
- 9 Vienna
- 07 new building (7th district)
- 01 -
Both designations, community code and community code occur in the official being . These codes are not to be confused with the cadastral community number (KGNR)
The Danish name for the official municipality key is “ Kommunenummer ”.
Danish municipality numbers are three-digit. Between the Danish municipal reforms of 1970 and 2007 , each individual office had a municipality number that ended in “50” or “00”, and the municipalities in the office had municipality numbers that were each within the following 50 values. In each office, the municipality numbers were assigned in the alphabetical order of the municipality names. After the last municipal reform, several of the merged municipalities received new municipality numbers. The municipality number "000" stands for the entire country.
Example: Københavns Amt had the municipality number 150 and the municipalities in the office had numbers between 150 and 200. Albertslund Municipality has municipality number 165, as the municipality was previously called Herstedernes Kommune and is therefore between Herlev Kommune (163) and Hvidovre Kommune (167).
Below the municipal level, Sogne and Byområder have key numbers. These are structured according to the pattern <kkk-(n)nnnn>
, with <kkk>
the municipality number and <(n)nnnn>
the - four or five-digit - number of the Sogn or the Byområde. If a Byområde extends over several municipalities, it also has several key numbers that <(n)nnnn>
are identical in the part. The city of Helsingør extends over Helsingør municipality (municipality number 217) and a small part of Fredensborg municipality (municipality number 210). The city therefore has the key numbers 217-10172
and 210-10172
Similar classifications in other countries
- Roman Catholic and Protestant Church: Parish key
- formerly in the GDR: Basic Territorial Key (TGS)
- European Union: NUTS
- France: Insee code
- Japan: Japanese community key
- Russian Federation: OKATO
- Switzerland: municipality number
- Slovakia: Kód obce
- United Nations: UN / LOCODE
- W. Maier: Why community key figures? Bavaria in numbers 06/1956, pages 166–167
- E. Krack-Roberg, H. Krajzar: Regional boundaries for Germany . In: Regional Standards Working Group (Ed.): Regional Standards (= gesis series of publications by the Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences ). tape 12 , 2013, p. 67-85 ( ).
Web links
- Germany
- Federal Statistical Office (Destatis): Community directory information system GV-ISys. Retrieved September 25, 2017.
- Statistical offices of the federal government and the federal states: Community directory online. Quick query. Retrieved September 7, 2018.
- Community and district code for the state of Brandenburg (PDF file) (571 kB)
- Community key after the new district reorganization law came into force on September 4, 2011 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (PDF; 175 kB)
- Federal Statistical Office (Destatis): Assessment rates for real taxes (with regional key for all municipalities in Germany). Retrieved September 25, 2017.
- Austria
- Austrian community list sorted by community code, area status 2018 (incl. Vienna city districts, MS Excel ; 299 kB)
- Denmark
- List of municipality numbers in Denmark ( Memento from February 7, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) with duration of validity from Danmarks Statistics , accessed on September 17, 2012 (Danish)
Individual evidence
- ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Official municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Final results after the census of September 13, 1950 (= Statistics of the Federal Republic of Germany . Volume 33 ). W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Cologne 1952, p. 6 ( digital version [PDF; 27.1 MB ]).
- ↑ a b Committee of German Statisticians for the Population and Occupation Census 1946: Population and Occupation Census of October 29, 1946 in the four zones of occupation and Greater Berlin. GERMAN COMMUNITY DIRECTORY
- ↑ Area changes from 01.01. until December 31, 1993
- ↑ Area changes from 01.01. until December 31, 1994
- ↑ a b Harry Krajzar: Municipal Directory Information System (GM ISys): New Regional key and website. In: Methods - Procedures - Developments. News from the Federal Statistical Office, 1/2009 , pp. 23–24
- ↑ Dr. Thomas Helmcke: Regional statistics on a European and national level. In: Wirtschaft und Statistik, 3/2008 , pp. 207–216
- ^ Community directory Germany (link to Microsoft Excel file) ( Memento from April 11, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Federal Statistical Office (Destatis): Municipal directory information system GV-ISys. Territory changes from 1990. Retrieved September 25, 2017.