Georg Wurster

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Georg Wurster (born September 28, 1897 in Calw , † May 19, 1976 in Alpirsbach ) was a functionary of the NSDAP .

Early years

After training as a businessman, he served as a soldier in World War I from 1916 to 1918 , most recently in the rank of sergeant . From 1919 he took part in the fighting of German Freikorps in the Baltic states. He then held a position as an officer in the security police .

He found National Socialism very early on and is said to have been a member there as early as 1920. There is evidence of his membership in the NSDAP since 1922 (membership number 8 630).

He also participated in secret societies at the time such as the Consul Organization (OC) and the Association of Nationally Minded Soldiers (VNS). He is also said to have established contact between the OC in Hesse and the Black Reichswehr on behalf of Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz .


As part of the Küstriner putsch on October 1, 1923, he is said to have received an order from Major Bruno Ernst Buchrucker to occupy the Prussian Ministry of the Interior with his train. A corresponding site plan was secured when he was arrested. This fact arose from statements in the Kottbus trial from October 22nd to 27th, 1923.

Heinz, however, goes much further in his work The nation attacks . He showed that in the context of the OC a special use group had existed for a long time for the purpose of executing secret orders. According to this, Buchrucker's plan should have included the following use in relation to Wurster:

The "Formation for Special Use" of Sergeant Wurster, consisting primarily of shock troops from the West Germany group, was commissioned to arrest or neutralize the Prussian government and police authorities, as well as the people of Reich President Friedrich Ebert , the chief of Army Command Hans von Seeckt , of the To seize the leader of the Berlin group command , Lieutenant General Rudolf von Horn and the Reich Defense Minister Otto Geßler .

Because of his participation in the coup Wurster was convicted of high treason to one year imprisonment sentenced, he from 1 October 1923 to 30 September 1924 in Gollnow was serving. In the following years he became active again in the NSDAP and in the SA . So he joined the NSDAP again on June 1, 1928 ( member No. 90,449). In 1929 he founded a group of the SA in Calw.

Career in National Socialism

In the party, Wurster rose within the Gaus Württemberg from local group leader to district and district leader in Calw (full-time from 1934). He also took on the task of Gauausbilders true and also participated in the Nazi Party days . In his capacity as district leader, he had 17-year-old Erna Brehm shaved in public on the market square in Calw in August 1942 because of racial disgrace . After imprisonment in Stuttgart and then in the Ravensbrück concentration camp , she was released in 1944 as unfit for storage. In April 1951 she died as a result of her imprisonment.

In the Reichstag election on March 29, 1936, Wurster ran unsuccessfully on the list at 1002.

In Pforzheim he led the SA since May 1, 1935. On November 9, 1938 he was promoted to SA-Obersturmführer, on January 30, 1942 to Hauptsturmführer.

In Russia, he acted from January 6, 1943 as the deputy district manager in Minsk . From September 4, 1944 he was assigned to the party chancellery of the NSDAP to take on special tasks there.

After 1945

In the Federal Republic of Germany, criminal proceedings against Wurster for crimes against foreign workers were initiated, but were discontinued in 1961.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christine Arbogast: ruling bodies of the Württemberg NSDAP. Function, social profiles and life paths of a regional Nazi elite 1920-1960 , Oldenbourg, Munich 1998, p. 212


  • FW Heinz, The Nation Attacks , Berlin 1933, p. 177
  • Bernhard Sauer: The Black Reichswehr and the Planned March on Berlin (pdf, 1.1 Mbyte) In: Berlin in past and present. Yearbook of the Berlin State Archives , 2008.
  • Bernhard Sauer: Black Reichswehr and Fememicide . A milieu study on right-wing radicalism in the Weimar Republic. In: Series of documents, texts, materials / Center for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin . tape 50 . Metropol, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-936411-06-9 .