November 1st
The November 1 is the 305th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 306th in leap years ), thus remain 60 days to the year.
Historic anniversaries October · November · December |
Politics and world events
- 82 BC BC : The Roman general Sulla defeats the followers of Marius and the Samnites in the battle at the Collinian Gate . After that, he was given dictatorship in Rome .
- 996 : In a deed of gift from Emperor Otto III. Austria is first mentioned to the Bishop of Freising under the name Ostarrichi .
- 1112 : After the death of his father Heinrich of Burgundy , Alfonso I becomes the new Count of Portugal , but due to his minority, his mother Theresa of León takes over the government first.
- 1248 : William of Holland is as anti-king to Staufer Friedrich II. The Roman-German king crowned.
- 1368 : Elisabeth of Pomerania , the fourth wife of Emperor Charles IV , is crowned Roman-German Empress.
- 1501 : Amerigo Vespucci sails into a bay of the New World and gives it the name All Saints Bay . Years later, the city of Salvador da Bahia was built on it .
- 1520 : A storm in front of what is now the Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena drives Ferdinand Magellan and two of his ships into a supposed bay during his circumnavigation of the world , which in the further course will prove to be a passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Magellan first gave this canal the name Estreito de Todos los Santos . The All Saints Canal will later be renamed the Strait of Magellan .
- 1546 : Sebastian von Weitmühl defeats the Protestant Schmalkaldic League in the battle of Oelsnitz .
- 1555 : The French Vice Admiral Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon occupied the small island of Sergipe in the Guanabara Bay with 600 soldiers and Huguenot settlers , on which Rio de Janeiro is today. There he founded the colony France Antarctique, which only existed for 12 years .
- 1625 : The Anglo-Spanish War begins with the attack of an Anglo-Dutch fleet on Cádiz . The operation ends in disaster.
- 1634 : The Treaty of Paris , with which Louis XIII. Committed to the support of the Protestants and Sweden , France finally embroiled in the Thirty Years' War .
- 1700 : Spain's King Charles II dies. In his will he appointed Philip of Anjou as heir. But the War of the Spanish Succession breaks out for his succession to the throne .
- 1781 : With the subject patent of Joseph II , serfdom is abolished in the Habsburg lands.
- 1800 : US President John Adams moves into his new official residence, later the White House .
- 1806 : Fourth Coalition War : The Prussians under Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg conduct a battle of retreat against French troops under General Bernadotte in the Nossentiner Heide to cover the retreat of General Field Marshal Blücher to Lübeck.
- 1809 : Andreas Hofer and 8,500 Tyroleans are defeated in the Fourth Battle of Bergisel against 20,000 Bavaria, allied with the French .
- 1876 : The friendship treaty between the German Reich and Tonga is signed (renewed in 1977).
- 1894 : After the death of his father Alexander III, Nicholas II . Tsar of Russia .
- 1897 : Two German missionaries from the Steyler Mission are murdered in China . Two weeks later this leads to the occupation of Kiautschou Bay by the German Reich.
- 1902 : Italy and France agree in a secret treaty on the delimitation of their spheres of interest in North Africa (Libya, Tunisia).
- 1911 : During the Italo-Turkish War , the first two-kilogram bombs are dropped from an airplane on people in oases.
- 1914 : The German East Asia Squadron wins the naval battle at Coronel over a British squadron during World War I.
- 1916 : The census of Jews is ordered in the German army .
- 1920 : In Czechoslovakia is women's suffrage introduced.
- 1922 : The Turkish National Assembly abolishes the sultanate .
- 1929 : Eberhard Koebel founds the German Autonomous Youth Association on November 1, 1929 (dj. 1.11) .
- 1936 : In a speech, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini speaks for the first time of the "Berlin-Rome axis". From this, the term Axis powers developed in the Second World War .
- 1937 : A conference begins in Geneva which - with the participation of 35 countries - is directed against international terrorism .
- 1943 : The two-day naval battle at Kaiserin Augusta Bay near Bougainville between US and Japanese warships begins. It is part of the Battle of the Northern Solomon Islands in the Pacific War .
- 1946 : The State of Hanover is founded by Ordinance No. 55 of the British Military Government.
- 1954 : The Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) begins the Algerian War .
- 1956 : Hungary declares its neutrality and withdraws from the Warsaw Pact . Thereupon Soviet troops begin to suppress the Hungarian people's uprising .
- 1956 : The provisions of the States Reorganization Act , which became law on August 31, 1956 and regulates the reorganization of the states of India essentially according to linguistic criteria, come into force
- 1963 : In South Vietnam , the military put a coup against the regime of President Ngô Đình Diệm , who flees but is arrested and executed the following day.
- 1966 : The predominantly Hindi- speaking eastern part of Punjab becomes a separate Indian state under the name of Haryana .
- 1974 : The Homeland QwaQwa receives from South Africa , the local government transferred.
- 1981 : Antigua and Barbuda gains final independence from Great Britain.
- 1986 : In Afghanistan , Babrak Karmal also loses the office of President of the Revolutionary Council and thus his function as head of state.
- 1987 : Afghanistan : The Loja Jirga adopts the constitution of the "Republic of Afghanistan" and elects Secretary General Mohammed Najibullah as President.
- 1993 : With the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty , the European Union is founded on the basis of “ three pillars ”.
- 1998 : The European Court of Human Rights is set up as a permanent court in Strasbourg .
- 2000 : The Indian state of Chhattisgarh is newly formed from parts of the state of Madhya Pradesh .
- 2006 : The International Trade Union Confederation (IGB) is founded in Vienna .
- 2017 : Michael Müller , Governing Mayor of Berlin ( SPD ), becomes President of the Federal Council for twelve months.
- 2017 : UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon resigns on charges of sexual harassment of a journalist.
- 1794 : Heinrich Anton Christoph Seeliger opens a trading business in Wolfenbüttel , from which the CL Seeliger banking house emerged in the 1880s .
- 1844 : The Brennerstraße between Innsbruck and Schönberg in the Stubaital is opened to traffic after eight years of construction.
- 1849 : The Kingdom of Bavaria issues the first German postage stamp with the Black One .

1854: The exhibition grounds with the New York Crystal Palace
- 1854 : After exhibiting for over a year , the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations in New York City closes its doors with a loss of $ 300,000.
- 1874 : Burials take place for the first time in Vienna's central cemetery .
- 1949 : The first edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung appears.
- 1961 : The world's first complete postal code system is introduced in Germany with four-digit postcodes .
- 1970 : With " Christoph 1 " Germany's first rescue helicopter is put into service.
- 1996 : According to the law on European works councils , cross-border employee representatives can now be set up in companies operating across the EU with at least a thousand employees .
- 1996 : The new Arab news channel Al Jazeera starts broadcasting from Doha in Qatar via satellite.
science and technology
- 1770 : The mining and metallurgical teaching institute (predecessor of the Technical University ) is founded in Berlin .
- 1772 : Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier revolutionizes the scientific phlogiston theory with his observation that phosphorus and sulfur become heavier after combustion .
- 1876 : The North Sea Canal in the Netherlands is opened by King Wilhelm III. solemnly opened.
- 1895 : In Berlin's Varieté Wintergarten , the brothers Max and Emil Skladanowsky held a cinematographic screening for the first time in the world .
- 1952 : US nuclear physicists detonate the first hydrogen bomb on Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean . The test under the code name Ivy Mike also leads to the discovery of the chemical elements fermium and einsteinium .
- 1957 : The eight-kilometer Mackinac Bridge in the US state of Michigan is inaugurated.
- 1962 : The two Soviet Air Force officers Yevgeny Andreev and Pyotr Dolgov jump from a stratospheric balloon with a parachute . Andrejew sets a free-fall course record, which is only broken by Felix Baumgartner on October 14, 2012, Dolgow is killed by a defect in his pressure suit .
- 1963 : The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is inaugurated. The second largest radio telescope is also used to search for extraterrestrial intelligence .
- 2005 : Contact with the European microsatellite SSETI Express is lost after four days in space.
- 1512 : The ceiling frescoes by Michelangelo are unveiled in the Sistine Chapel in Rome .
- 1604 : William Shakespeare's tragedy Othello is premiered in London .
- 1611 : The play The Tempest by William Shakespeare premieres in London.
- 1756 : The writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova manages to escape from the lead chambers of the Doge's Palace in Venice in the early hours of the morning .
- 1838 : The first performance of the comic opera Der Schöffe von Paris by Heinrich Dorn takes place in Riga.
- 1857 : The cultural magazine The Atlantic Monthly appears for the first time.
- 1860 : The theater on Franz-Josefs-Kai in Vienna, built by Karl Treumann according to plans by the architect Ferdinand Fellner , is opened.
- 1973 : The fairy tale film Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella, which has been successful for decades, premieres in the ČSSR .
- 1975 : On the night of November 2, three intruders break into the old cathedral treasury in the north transept in Cologne Cathedral using mountaineering equipment and steal valuable monstrances and crosses. The perpetrators can later be caught with the help of the Cologne underworld and sentenced to higher terms of imprisonment. They melted down part of the booty.
- 1999 : A 16-year-old kills four people in a rampage in Bad Reichenhall .
- 451 : The Council of Chalcedony ends. It raises the Trinity to a dogma and thus decides the dispute about the relationship between the divine and human nature of Jesus Christ against the teachings of Monophysitism and Nestorianism . Thereupon the ancient oriental churches split off from the Byzantine imperial church.
- 610 : The Pantheon in Rome is converted into a church by Pope Boniface IV and consecrated to the Queen of Martyrs. The martyrs' graves located in the catacombs at the gates of Rome are abandoned to the oncoming Germanic tribes. The memory of the consecration of the Pantheon later becomes All Saints' Day and saves the ancient monument from decay.
- 731 A synod held from November 1, 731 under the Roman Pope Gregory III. condemns the iconoclasts , but this has in fact no effect; the Byzantine Emperor Leo III. reacts to this by withdrawing several dioceses in southern Italy from the jurisdiction of the Pope.
- 1007 : The bishopric of Bamberg is established by an imperial synod beginning today in Frankfurt am Main .
- 1478 : Pope Sixtus IV approves the establishment of the Inquisition in the Kingdom of Castile . His papal bull Exigit sincerae devotionis became the starting point for the Spanish Inquisition.
- 1503 : Giuliano della Rovere is elected Pope in one of the shortest conclaves and officiates as Julius II.
- 1745 : In the encyclical Vix pervenit, Pope Benedict XIV castigates the vice of loan interest . He justifies the prohibition of interest with the Holy Scriptures .
- 1870 : Pope Pius IX. protests in the encyclical Respicientes against the capture of Rome by Italian troops and imposes an immediate excommunication on authors and participants .
- 1885 : In his encyclical Immortale Dei , Pope Leo XIII. the doctrine of the "True State" condensed. In it he condemns freedom of religion and calls the church a Societas perfecta .
- 1950 : The bodily acceptance of Mary into heaven by Pope Pius XII. proclaimed as the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church .
- 1304 : The All Saints Flood interrupts the land connection between the Mönchgut peninsula on Rügen and the Ruden near Usedom . Two villages go under in the Baltic Sea , there are no casualties.
- 1436 : The All Saints Flood causes severe damage to the North Sea coast . 180 people die in the town of Tetenbüll alone .
- 1570 : A storm surge on All Saints' Day flooded the North Sea coast from Flanders to northwestern Germany . Around 20,000 people die.
- 1755 : The Portuguese capital Lisbon is two-thirds destroyed by an earthquake and a subsequent tsunami . Around 60,000 people are killed in Lisbon alone. The reconstruction of Lisbon is subsequently organized by Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello .
- 1986 : After a major fire at the chemical company Sandoz in Schweizerhalle near Basel, contaminated extinguishing water contaminates the Rhine and destroys a large part of animal and plant life there.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
- 1868 : Four participants hold the first all-female cycling competition in Bordeaux in the Parc Bordelais.
- 1897 : The Juventus Turin football club is founded.
- 1925 : Bernhard Ernst comments on the first live broadcast of a football game on German radio . Preußen Münster and Arminia Bielefeld play on the pitch .
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .
Before the 17th century
- 846 : Ludwig II , King of Western France
- 1165 : Gerlach , abbot and chronicler
- 1326 : Wartislaw V , Duke of Pomerania
- 1339 : Rudolf IV. , Duke of Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, Count of Tyrol
- 1351 : Leopold III. von Habsburg , Count of Habsburg, Duke of Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, Count of Tyrol
- 1419 : Albrecht II , Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and Prince of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen
- 1451 : Wolfgang von Bayern , Bavarian Prince from the House of Wittelsbach
- 1495 : Erhard Schnepf , German theologian and reformer
- 1518 : Francisco de Enzinas , Spanish humanist and Protestant
- 1526 : Katharina Jagiellonica , Polish-Lithuanian princess, queen of Sweden
- 1527 : Pedro de Ribadeneira , Spanish Jesuit
- 1535 : Johann Bökel , Dutch medic
- 1542 : Tarquinia Molza , Italian musician and poet
- 1567 : Diego Sarmiento de Acuña , Spanish diplomat
- 1578 : Dmitri Michailowitsch Poscharski , Russian prince and insurgent leader
- 1596 : Pietro da Cortona , Italian builder and painter
17th century
- 1602 : Friedrich Scultetus , German Protestant theologian
- 1607 : Georg Philipp Harsdörffer , German Baroque poet
- 1609 : Matthew Hale , English lawyer and statesman
- 1612 : Magdalena Sibylle von Brandenburg-Bayreuth , wife of Elector Johann Georg II of Saxony
- 1625 : Oliver Plunkett , Irish Archbishop
- 1633 : Gerhard Wolter Molanus , German theologian and abbot
- 1636 : Nicolas Boileau , French writer
- 1651 : Jean-Baptiste Colbert , French statesman
- 1658 : Johann Conrad Arnoldi , German pedagogue, logician, librarian and Lutheran theologian
- 1661 : Louis of France , heir to the French throne
- 1662 : Tobias Eckhard , German pedagogue, theologian and philologist
- 1672 : Wilhelm Chenu de Chalsac l'Aujardiere , Prussian colonel and adventurer
- 1673 : Meinrad II , Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
- 1680 : Johann Gottfried Kraus , German legal scholar
- 1686 : Axel von Löwen , Swedish baron, knight of the Serafine Order and governor general in Swedish West Pomerania
18th century
- 1703 : Władysław Aleksander Łubieński , Archbishop of Lemberg, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland-Lithuania and Interrex of Poland-Lithuania
- 1704 : Paul Daniel Longolius , German encyclopaedist
- 1707 : Giuseppe Bonito , Neapolitan painter
- 1728 : Johann Friedrich Städel , German private banker and patron
- 1732 : Georg Ludwig Alefeld , German medic and physicist
- 1738 : Johann Samuel Petri , German composer, pedagogue, cantor and author
- 1740 : Stephen Heard , American politician, governor of Georgia
- 1748 : Christoph Rheineck , German composer and innkeeper
- 1755 : Johann Theodor Roscher , German metallurgical inspector
- 1757 : Antonio Canova , Italian sculptor
- 1757 : Johann Georg Rapp , German Pietist leader
- 1761 : Angelo Anelli , Italian librettist and writer
- 1767 : Friedrich Christian Boock , Danish lawyer and landowner
- 1771 : Johann Stephan Schütze , German writer
- 1773 : Josef Klieber , Austrian sculptor and painter
- 1775 : Andreas Kretzschmer , German lawyer and folk song researcher
- 1777 : Per Krafft the Younger , Swedish painter
- 1778 : Gustav IV Adolf , Swedish King
- 1781 : Christian Wilhelm Schweitzer , German lawyer and politician
- 1781 : Joseph Karl Stieler , German painter
- 1783 : Carl Ritschl , German Protestant theologian, bishop and general superintendent of Pomerania
- 1783 : Johann Christoph Hilf , German musician
- 1789 : Friedrich von Seherr and Thoß , German officer, civil servant and manor owner
19th century
- 1808 : John Taylor , American clergyman, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- 1810 : Friedrich Ahlfeld , German theologian, preacher and author
- 1814 : Josiah Gardner Abbott , American politician, member of the House of Representatives
- 1816 : Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer , German writer
- 1819 : John Miller Adye , British general
- 1825 : Friedrich Haase , German actor, director and theater director
- 1831 : Harry Atkinson , New Zealand Prime Minister
- 1832 : Richard B. Hubbard , American diplomat and politician, Governor of Texas
- 1832 : Gottfred Matthison-Hansen , Danish composer
- 1835 : George Pomeroy Colley , British major general
- 1839 : Ahmed Muhtar Pascha , Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
- 1841 : Minna Cauer , German educator and women's rights activist
- 1844 : Auguste Bernus , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor
- 1845 : Sámuel Teleki , Austro-Hungarian politician, explorer and explorer
- 1847 : Emma Albani , Canadian singer
- 1847 : Karl Augustin , German auxiliary bishop
- 1847 : Hiệp Hòa , sixth emperor of the Vietnamese Nguyễn dynasty
- 1848 : Jules Bastien-Lepage , French painter
- 1849 : William Merritt Chase , American painter
- 1855 : Guido Adler , Austrian musicologist
- 1858 : Kurt von Morgen , German officer and explorer
- 1858 : Ludwig von Struve , German-Baltic astronomer and mathematician
- 1859 : Charles Aycock , American politician
- 1859 : Gerbrandus Jelgersma , Dutch psychiatrist and neurologist
- 1859 : George WP Hunt , American politician
- 1863 : Alexander Lambert , Polish-American composer, pianist and music teacher
- 1865 : Arthur Drews , German philosopher and writer
- 1866 : Cheiro , Irish-American occultist
- 1867 : Otto Lemm , German entrepreneur and manufacturer
- 1870 : Christopher Brennan , Australian poet
- 1870 : Santos Cifuentes Rodríguez , Colombian composer
- 1871 : Stephen Crane , American writer
- 1871 : Aleksandr Spendiarjan , Armenian composer
- 1872 : Friedrich Funder , Austrian journalist and publicist
- 1875 : Adolf Tannert , German gymnast
- 1876 : Albert Maria Fuchs , German auxiliary bishop
- 1877 : Else Ury , German writer and children's book author
- 1878 : Paul Beckers , German comedian
- 1878 : Carlos Saavedra Lamas , Argentine politician
- 1879 : Oskar Barnack , German precision mechanic
- 1879 : Pál Teleki , Hungarian scientist and politician
- 1880 : Alfred Wegener , German meteorologist and geoscientist
- 1883 : Charles Oulmont , French writer
- 1885 : Pierre Dupong , Luxembourg politician
- 1885 : Anton Flettner , German ship and aircraft engineer
- 1885 : Albert Steeger , German polymath
- 1886 : Hermann Broch , Austrian author
- 1886 : Hagiwara Sakutarō , Japanese writer
- 1886 : Matsui Sumako , Japanese actress
- 1887 : Max Trapp , German composer
- 1888 : George Kenner , German visual artist
- 1889 : Philip Noel-Baker , British athlete and politician, Nobel Prize winner
- 1889 : Huldreich Heusser , German automobile racing driver
- 1889 : Hannah Höch , German collage artist
- 1890 : Rudolf Henggeler , Swiss Benedictine and historian
- 1893 : Andreas Paul Weber , German lithographer, draftsman and painter
- 1896 : Willy Ackermann , Swiss actor, operetta buffalo and cabaret artist
- 1896 : Victor Aronstein , German doctor
- 1898 : Manfred Ackermann , Austrian politician and trade union official
- 1898 : Arthur Legat , Belgian racing driver
- 1898 : Sippie Wallace , American blues singer and pianist
- 1899 : Marco Bontá , Chilean painter
20th century
- 1901 : Fita Benkhoff , German actress
- 1902 : Frieda Apelt , German politician and trade union official
- 1902 : Eugen Jochum , German conductor
- 1903 : Jean Tardieu , French poet and playwright
- 1904 : Laura La Plante , American actress
- 1905 : Paul-Émile Borduas , Canadian painter
- 1905 : Aldo Fabrizi , Italian film actor and director
- 1906 : Gwendolyn Koldofsky , Canadian pianist and music teacher
- 1907 : Theo Akkermann , German sculptor
Pawoł Nedo (* 1908)
- 1908 : Pawoł Nedo , Sorbian educator and ethnologist, Domowina chairman
- 1909 : Bruno Bjelinski , Croatian composer
- 1911 : Samuel Warren Carey , Australian geologist
- 1911 : Henri Troyat , French-Armenian writer
- 1914 : Rudolf Eberhard (politician, 1914) , German politician (CSU), MdL Bavaria
- 1914 : Yamazaki Hōdai , Japanese writer
- 1915 : Jos Romersa , apparatus gymnast from Luxembourg
- 1917 : Wolfgang Ruge , German historian
- 1918 : Barry S. Brook , American musicologist and university professor
- 1918 : Ken Miles , British racing car driver
- 1919 : Jerzy Karol Ablewicz , Polish bishop
- 1919 : Hermann Bondi , British mathematician and cosmologist
- 1920 : James J. Kilpatrick , American journalist, columnist, and linguist
- 1920 : Hansjörg Martin , German writer
- 1920 : Amadeus Webersinke , German pianist, organist and university professor
- 1921 : Ilse Aichinger , Austrian writer
- 1921 : Wadih El Safi , Lebanese singer, songwriter, composer and actor
- 1921 : Harald Quandt , German industrialist
- 1923 : Victoria de los Angeles , Spanish opera singer
- 1923 : Egon von Neindorff , German hippologist
- 1924 : Basil Bernstein , British sociologist
- 1925 : Fritz Laband , German football player
- 1925 : Dickson Mabon , British politician
- 1926 : Lars Ardelius , Swedish writer
- 1926 : Günter de Bruyn , German writer
- 1926 : Lou Donaldson , American jazz alto saxophonist and composer
- 1926 : Betsy Palmer , American actress
- 1926 : Bob Veith , American racing car driver
- 1927 : Marcel Ophüls , German-French director
- 1928 : Eduard Ackermann , German politician
- 1928 : Dieter Borkowski , German writer, journalist and historian
- 1929 : Ernst Lossa , victim of the systematic murder of people with physical, mental and emotional disabilities
- 1930 : Earl Aycock , American country and rockabilly musician
- 1930 : Edgar Basel , German boxer
- 1930 : Albert Ramsdell Gurney , American playwright
- 1931 : Yossef Gutfreund , Israeli referee
- 1932 : Joaquín Achúcarro , Spanish pianist and music teacher
- 1932 : Francis Arinze , Nigerian Cardinal
- 1932 : Alger Joseph Arbor , Canadian ice hockey player and coach
- 1932 : Edgar Reitz , German director
- 1933 : Helmut Moritz , Austrian geodesist
- 1933 : Huub Oosterhuis , Dutch priest, poet and liturgical reformer
- 1934 : Umberto Agnelli , Italian industrialist
- 1934 : Herbert Binder , German soccer player
- 1934 : Klaus Richtzenhain , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1935 : Edward Said , Palestinian-American literary theorist and critic
- 1937 : Bill Anderson , American country singer and songwriter
- 1937 : Dieter Beckmann , German psychologist
- 1937 : Jürgen Echternach , German politician
- 1937 : Witta Pohl , German actress
- 1938 : Josef Riegler , Austrian politician
- 1939 : Aras Ören , Turkish actor, journalist and writer
- 1939 : Robin Ridington , North American anthropologist
- 1940 : Larry Kusche , American pilot, flight instructor, librarian and non-fiction author
- 1940 : Bernd Wilms , German dramaturge and theater director
- 1941 : Thomas Appelquist , American theoretical physicist
- 1941 : Horst Arzt , German politician and football official
- 1941 : Uffe Ellemann-Jensen , Danish politician
- 1942 : Alajdin Abazi , Macedonian professor and physicist
- 1942 : Larry Flynt , American publisher
- 1942 : Ralph Klein , Canadian politician
- 1942 : Ulrich Pleitgen , German actor
- 1943 : Salvatore Adamo , Belgian musician, songwriter and pop singer
- 1943 : Jacques Attali , French economist, author and civil servant
- 1943 : Alfio Basile , Argentine soccer player and soccer coach
- 1943 : Attilio Bignasca , Swiss politician
- 1943 : Reinhild Hoffmann , German choreographer
- 1943 : Tom Mack , American football player
- 1944 : Gabriele Geißler , German table tennis player
- 1945 : Anthony Sablan Apuron , Archbishop of Agaña
- 1945 : Lani Hall , American singer
- 1946 : Ric Grech , British musician
- 1946 : Dennis Muren , American special effects artist
- 1947 : Ted Hendricks , American football player
- 1947 : Jim Steinman , American rock and musical composer and music producer
- 1947 : Tsunekazu Takeda , Japanese show jumper and sports official
- 1948 : Hans Aabech , Danish football player
- 1948 : Werner Holz , German painter
- 1948 : Valentina Leskaj , Albanian politician
- 1948 : Calvin Russell , American musician
- 1948 : Eddy Stibbe , Dutch eventing rider
- 1948 : Nicholas Thomas Wright , British Bishop
- 1949 : Bernhard Cullmann , German soccer player
- 1949 : David Foster , Canadian songwriter and producer
- 1949 : Gunter Funk , German handball player and handball trainer
- 1949 : Rainer Hunold , German actor
- 1949 : Sebastian von Rotenhan , German forest owner and politician
- 1949 : Bruno Sotty , French racing car driver
- 1950 : Barbara Fairchild , American country singer
- 1950 : Julio F. Largacha , Argentine pianist and professor of piano
- 1950 : Robert B. Laughlin , American physicist
- 1953 : Raffaele Arena , Italian actor
- 1955 : Joe Arroyo , Colombian singer and composer
- 1955 : Anne Frances Audain , New Zealand middle and long distance runner
- 1955 : Rudolf Elmer , Swiss bank manager and whistleblower
- 1956 : Ralf Isau , German writer
- 1958 : Rachel Ticotin , American actress
- 1959 : Jörg W. Busch , German medieval historian
- 1959 : Conrad Herwig , American jazz trombonist
- 1959 : Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. , Spanish sports official
- 1960 : Tim Cook , American manager
- 1961 : Frank Kirchner , German jazz saxophonist
- 1962 : Bernd Begemann , German singer, guitarist and entertainer
- 1962 : Anthony Kiedis , American singer ( Red Hot Chili Peppers )
- 1962 : Magne Furuholmen , Norwegian visual artist and musician ( A-ha )
- 1962 : Ulf Timmermann , German athlete
- 1963 : Rick Allen , British rock musician ( Def Leppard )
- 1963 : Nita Ambani , Indian philanthropist and sports official
- 1963 : Mayk Bullerjahn , German soccer player
- 1963 : Katja Riemann , German film actress
- 1964 : Timothy J. Jansen , American composer, organist, pianist and music teacher
- 1964 : Otto Konrad , Austrian football player
- 1965 : Olaf Hampel , German bobsleigh driver
- 1965 : Mia Korf , American actress
- 1965 : Sandra Redmann , German bookseller and politician
- 1965 : Patrik Ringborg , Swedish conductor
- 1966 : Barbara Becker , German jewelry and fashion designer
- 1966 : Henry Blatter , German handball player
- 1966 : Ingo Steuer , German figure skater
- 1967 : Sophie B. Hawkins , American singer
- 1967 : Tina Arena , Australian singer
- 1967 : Lutz Fischer-Lamprecht , Swiss politician
- 1968 : André Nendza , German musician
- 1971 : Antonio Sánchez , Mexican jazz drummer
- 1972 : Mario Barth , German comedian
- 1972 : Toni Collette , Australian actress
- 1972 : Katrin Ellermann , German engineering scientist and university professor
- 1972 : Jenny McCarthy , American model
- 1973 : Gunnar Grundmann , German soccer player
- 1973 : Aishwarya Rai , Indian actress
- 1974 : Emma George , Australian pole vaulter
- 1975 : Omar Nazar , Afghan soccer player
- 1976 : Jarbi Álvarez , Belizean football player
- 1976 : Stefan Lexa , Austrian soccer player
- 1976 : Logan Marshall-Green , American actor
- 1978 : Cosmo Klein , German singer and songwriter
- 1978 : Jessica Valenti , American feminist
- 1979 : Luís Manuel Ferreira Delgado , Angolan football player
- 1979 : Andrew Sheridan , English rugby player
- 1980 : Nina Girado , Filipino singer
- 1980 : Fərhad Vəliyev , Azerbaijani football goalkeeper
- 1981 : Marie Luv , American model and porn actress
- 1983 : Micaela Schäfer , German model as well as actress, presenter and DJ
- 1984 : René Toft Hansen , Danish handball player
- 1984 : Natalia Tena , British actress
- 1984 : Hosni Abd-Rabou , Egyptian soccer player
- 1984 : Tom Kimber-Smith , British racing car driver
- 1984 : Miloš Krasić , Serbian football player
- 1986 : Penn Badgley , American actor
- 1986 : Ksenija Balta , Estonian athlete
- 1986 : Bryn Kenney , American poker player
- 1987 : Saori Ariyoshi , Japanese national soccer player
- 1987 : Larissa Pereira da Cruz , Brazilian soccer player
- 1987 : Jordi Rubio Gómez , Andorran football player
- 1988 : Mohammed Ali Khan , Swedish football player
- 1988 : Kimberley Murray , British skeleton pilot
- 1989 : Gabriela Koukalová , Czech biathlete
- 1990 : Denise Feiersinger , Austrian biathlete
- 1991 : Lisa Magdalena Agerer , Austrian-Italian ski racer
- 1991 : David Müller , German soccer player
- 1992 : Andre , German singer
- 1992 : Gbenga Arokoyo , Nigerian soccer player
- 1992 : Duarte Ferreira , Angolan racing driver
- 1992 : Julia Obst , German actress
- 1994 : James Ward-Prowse , English soccer player
- 1995 : Till Brinkmann , German soccer player
- 1996 : Sean Gelael , Indonesian racing car driver
- 1996 : Lil Peep , American musician
- 1996 : Daniela Melchior , Portuguese actress
- 1997 : Nordi Mukiele , French football player
- 2000 : Elena Wassen , German diver
- 2000 : Tim Kips , Luxembourg football goalkeeper
Before the 15th century
- 436 : Marcellus of Paris , Bishop of Paris
- 670 : Audomar (Saint Omer), Bishop of Thérouanne and saint
- 887 : Boso of Vienne , king of Lower Burgundy
- 908 : Wigbert , Bishop of Hildesheim
- 955 : Heinrich I , Duke of Bavaria
- 970 : Boso , first bishop of Merseburg
- 987 : Harald Blauzahn , Danish king
- 1025 : Gunther von Meißen , Archbishop of Salzburg
- 1038 : Hermann I , German nobleman and Margrave of Meißen and Upper Lusatia
- 1112 : Henry of Burgundy , Portuguese count and ancestor of the House of Burgundy
- 1119 : Guy de Faucigny , Bishop of Geneva
- 1137 : Wolfhold von Admont , abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Admont
- 1197 : Jón Loftsson , Icelandic god and scholar
- 1239 : William of Savoy , Bishop of Valence and Liège
- 1247 : Rudolf II , Count Palatine of Tübingen and Vogt of Sindelfingen
- 1295 : Meinhard II , Duke of Carinthia
- 1300 : Ulrich I. von Falkenstein , nobleman
- 1303 : Hugo XIII. of Lusignan , Count of La Marche and Angoulême
- 1314 : Gottfried I. von Bülow , Bishop of Schwerin
- 1318 : Uguccione della Faggiola , Italian condottiere
- 1325 : Alexander Huno , council secretary, chronicler and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck
- 1391 : Amadeus VII the Red Count , Count of Savoy
- 1399 : John V , Duke of Brittany
15th to 18th century
- 1409 : Wulfhard Wulflam , Mayor of Stralsund
- 1420 : Heinrich von Lazan , governor of Breslau and royal Bohemian chamberlain
- 1431 : Nuno Álvares Pereira , Portuguese monk and military leader
- 1452 : Hilger de Burgis , auxiliary bishop in Cologne and Liège
- 1456 : Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond , English nobleman
- 1457 : Francesco Foscari , 65th Doge of Venice
- 1463 : David Komnenos , Byzantine nobleman, Emperor of Trebizond
- 1465 : Ruprecht von Pfalz-Mosbach , German bishop of Regensburg
- 1487 : Johann V. von Weißenbach , Bishop of Meißen
- 1508 : Waldemar VI. , Prince of Anhalt-Koethen
- 1543 : Nikolaus Brömse , Lübeck mayor
- 1546 : Giulio Romano , Italian painter, architect and builder
- 1564 : Wibrandis Rosenblatt , wife of Johannes Oekolampad, Wolfgang Capito and Martin Bucer
- 1587 : Alfonso d'Este di Montecchio , Margrave of Montecchio
- 1629 : Hendrick ter Brugghen , Dutch painter
- 1631 : Maria Magdalena of Austria , Grand Duchess of Tuscany
- 1635 : Johann Bernhard Gottsleben , German clergyman
- 1676 : Gisbert Voetius , Reformed theologian
- 1696 : Bernhard Rosa , abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Grüssau and an important reformer of his order
- 1700 : Charles II , King of Spain
- 1703 : Eberhard Anckelmann , German Protestant theologian, linguist and orientalist
- 1704 : Johann Ludwig I , Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst
- 1709 : Ludwig Friedrich zu Wied , German nobleman, soldier and court official
- 1710 : Michael Kongehl , German lyric poet and playwright
- 1711 : Christian Demelius , German composer
- 1736 : Johannes Tschudy , Basel cabinet maker, master builder and engineer
- 1750 : Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff , Governor General of the Dutch East Indies
- 1770 : Gaspare Traversi , Italian painter
- 1793 : George Gordon , British politician
19th century
- 1804 : Johann Friedrich Gmelin , German physician and natural scientist
- 1804 : Anton Wilhelm Tischbein , German painter
- 1806 : Johann Gottfried Kletschke , German Protestant clergyman
- 1806 : Ludwig Zöschinger , German clergyman, composer and organist
- 1810 : Henricus Aeneae , Dutch scientist
- 1812 : Laurent-Benoît Dewez , architect of the Austrian Netherlands
- 1818 : Marie-Gabrielle Capet , French painter
- 1827 : Karl Maximilian Andree , German physician and gynecologist
- 1831 : Erhard Adolf Matthiessen , German lawyer, businessman and councilor
- 1832 : Julius von Voss , German writer
- 1846 : Franz Anton Ries , German violinist
- 1849 : Peter Alois Gratz , German biblical scholar
- 1860 : Charlotte of Prussia , Prussian princess and wife of Tsar Nicholas I
- 1861 : Oldwig Anton Leopold von Natzmer , German general
- 1870 : Frederick Chamier , British writer
- 1877 : Friedrich Graf von Wrangel , German Field Marshal General
- 1880 : Albert von Rheinbaben , German general
- 1884 : Jacobus Anthonie Fruin , Dutch legal scholar
- 1888 : Nikolai Michailowitsch Prschewalski , Russian Asian explorer
- 1892 : Heinrich de Ahna , Austrian violinist
- 1894 : Alexander III. , Russian tsar
- 1895 : Ferdinand Janner , German Roman Catholic theologian and educator
20th century
- 1903 : Theodor Mommsen , German historian and classical scholar, Nobel Prize winner
- 1907 : Alfred Jarry , French writer
- 1910 : Simon Aichner , Austrian Prince-Bishop of Brixen
- 1911 : Carola Bruch-Sinn , Austrian writer
- 1912 : John Emms , British painter
- 1914 : Christopher Cradock , British admiral
- 1916 : Gustav Tweer , German stunt pilot and aviation pioneer
- 1917 : Ferdinando Gianella , Swiss engineer, architect and politician
- 1922 : Alva Adams , American politician
- 1926 : Robert Sieger , Austrian geographer and university professor
- 1936 : Ikuta Chōkō , Japanese literary critic and translator
- 1941 : Walter Otto , German ancient historian
- 1944 : Luise Kautsky , German local politician, wife of Karl Kautsky, victim of the Holocaust
- 1944 : Andrej Scheptyzkyj , Ukrainian Grand Archbishop
- 1945 : Rupert Mayer , German Jesuit priest and resistance fighter
- 1948 : Max Kassiepe , German Roman Catholic clergyman and people's missionary
- 1950 : Heinrich Tessenow , German architect of reform architecture and university professor
- 1955 : Dale Carnegie , American communications and motivational speaker
- 1956 : Lajos Asztalos , Hungarian chess player and chess author
- 1956 : Pietro Badoglio , Italian politician and head of government
- 1960 : Heinrich Albert , German lawyer, politician, Reich Minister
- 1962 : Pyotr Dolgow , Soviet parachutist and space pioneer
- 1963 : Eugène Chartier , Canadian violinist, conductor and music teacher
- 1964 : Johann Astl , Austrian politician
- 1964 : Pierre Meyer , French forester
- 1966 : Roland Foster , Australian singer and music educator
- 1966 : Eva Garza , Mexican singer
- 1966 : Alexis Roland-Manuel , French composer and music critic
- 1968 : Georgios Papandreou , Greek politician, Prime Minister
- 1970 : Hertha Feiler , Austrian actress
- 1971 : Gertrud von Le Fort , German writer
- 1972 : Ezra Pound , American lyric poet
- 1973 : James Abbe , American photojournalist and radio host
- 1974 : Paul Smalian , German painter
- 1976 : Pavel Reiman , Czech writer and literary historian
- 1977 : Franco Albini , Italian architect
- 1979 : Mamie Eisenhower , American first lady
- 1982 : Michel Aunaud , French racing car driver
- 1982 : Eric Ross Arthur , Canadian architect and author
- 1982 : James Broderick , American actor
- 1982 : Ray Draper , American jazz tuba player
- 1982 : King Vidor , American director
- 1983 : Günther Bartels , German motorcycle racer
- 1983 : Anthony van Hoboken , Dutch musicologist and collector
- 1984 : Marcel Moyse , French flautist
- 1985 : Georg Stadtmüller , German historian and Byzantinist
- 1986 : Serge Garant , Canadian composer and conductor
- 1989 : Hoimar von Ditfurth , German doctor, journalist, television presenter and writer
- 1990 : Anni Berger , German rose breeder
- 1993 : Georges Dancigers , Russian-French film producer
- 1995 : Reinhardt Abraham , German manager at Lufthansa
- 1995 : Charles Richard Ashcraft , American political scientist
- 1995 : Lex Hixon , American poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher
- 1996 : Margot Rojas Mendoza , Cuban pianist and music teacher
- 1997 : Wolfgang Abel , Austrian anthropologist
- 1997 : Karl Rührschneck , German motorcycle racer
- 1998 : Georg Dietrich , German lawyer and Lord Mayor of Offenbach am Main
- 2000 : George Armstrong , English football player and coach
21st century
- 2002 : Ekrem Akurgal , Turkish Classical Archaeologist
- 2002 : Käte Jaenicke , German actress
- 2003 : Xela Arias Castaño , Spanish author and translator
- 2003 : Heinz Zahrnt , German theologian and publicist
- 2004 : Mac Dre , American rapper
- 2004 : James Hanson , British entrepreneur
- 2004 : Mark Ledford , American jazz musician
- 2004 : Klaus-Günter Pods , German judge at the Federal Labor Court
- 2004 : Marco Augusto Quiroa , Guatemalan painter and writer
- 2005 : Skitch Henderson , British-American pianist and conductor
- 2006 : Bettye Louise Ackerman , American actress
- 2006 : William Styron , American writer
- 2007 : Paul Tibbets , American pilot, head of atomic bombing over Hiroshima
- 2008 : Jacques Piccard , Swiss oceanographer, deep-sea research pioneer
- 2008 : Yma Sumac , Peruvian singer
- 2009 : Achim Stocker , German football official
- 2011 : Heinz Ludwig Arnold , German publicist
- 2012 : Gae Aulenti , Italian architect
- 2012 : Agustín García Calvo , Spanish philosopher and writer
- 2012 : Mitch Lucker , American singer
- 2013 : Eva Aschenbrenner , German author
- 2013 : Brigitte Neumeister , Austrian actress
- 2014 : Klaus Bölling , German publicist
- 2014 : Brittany Maynard , American euthanasia activist
- 2014 : Wayne Static , American singer
- 2015 : Günter Schabowski , German journalist and politician
- 2017 : Vladimir Makanin , Russian writer
- 2018 : Theodor Hoffmann , German admiral and politician
- 2019 : Johannes Schaaf , German director and actor
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- All Saints' Day (Anglican, Catholic)
- Remembrance Day of the Saints (Evangelical)
- Erhard Schnepf , German pastor, reformer and professor (Protestant)
- Name days
- State holidays and memorial days
- Algeria : National Day (1954)
- Antigua and Barbuda : Independence from Great Britain (1981)
- Mexico : Day of the Dead (second day)
- More information about the day
- World Vegan Day (since 1994)
See also
- Allerheiligenlinie , a local transport line that is only offered once a year on November 1st
The list of commemorative and action days contains further entries .
Commons : November 1st - Collection of images, videos and audio files