Henricus Aeneae

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Henricus Aeneae

Henricus Aeneae (born August 19, 1743 in Oudemirdum , Gaasterlân-Sleat , † November 1, 1810 in 's Gravenhage ) was a Dutch scientist.

The son of the minister Eduard Schultetus Aenee attended the Latin school in Leeuwarden and from 1761 the college of Franeker, where he studied mathematics and physics with professors Nicolaas Ypeij and Antonius Brugmans. On the advice of the Rector of the Latin School, he Latinized his name. In January Pieters van der Bildt and Wytze Foppes he learned the construction of binoculars and telescopes.

After his marriage he began teaching mathematics in Amsterdam in 1767 . Pieter Nieuwland was one of his students . Two years later he was promoted to Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy at Leyden. In 1778 he became an honorary member of the Felix Meritis Society .

Immediately after the revolution of 1795, he became a member of a naval committee and checked the warships.

In 1798 he accompanied Jean Henri van Swinden to Paris as a member of the commission for determining the fundamentals of the metric system.


  • Description and use of a tellurium made by Hernn G. Adams in London ; 1789
  • Nieuwe andwoorden op de rekenkundige vraagen van H. Aeneae, voorkomende in deszelfs Rekenboek voor de Nederlandsche jeugd ; 1804

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/aa__001biog01_01/aa__001biog01_01_0149.php
  2. Algemene konsten letter bode; P. 133