Hertha Feiler

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Hertha Feiler and Heinz Rühmann (1946)
Hertha Feiler's grave

Hertha Feiler (born August 3, 1916 in Vienna , † November 1, 1970 in Munich ) was an Austrian actress .


The daughter of a senior building officer attended secondary school until she graduated from high school . She gave up her goal of becoming a pianist because of tendonitis and instead took acting classes. Hertha Feiler made her debut in 1936 at what was then the Scala in Vienna (not identical to the Scala in Vienna , which only opened in 1948) and made her film debut in Liebling der Sailors just a year later . Since then she has represented the type of the smart young woman.

While filming Lauter Lügen (1938) she fell in love with Heinz Rühmann , the director of the film. The two married on July 1, 1939. Their son Peter Rühmann was born on June 7, 1942. According to the Nuremberg race laws , Hertha Feiler was considered a "quarter Jew". However, the Rühmann couple enjoyed a good reputation that could protect against racist attacks. Both actors worked with a special permit. On the one hand, this special permit could be withdrawn at any time, and on the other hand, they maintained social contacts with the minister responsible for film, Joseph Goebbels - this also in the sense of a balancing act.

After the end of the war, Feiler took a stake in Rühmann's Comedia production company . After their bankruptcy , their own career also stagnated. During this time she appeared increasingly in the theater until she was given film roles again from the mid-1950s. After her last film The Duck rings at half past seven (1968), the 33rd of her career, she was no longer able to accept further offers because of cancer.

Hertha Feiler was buried in the Grünwald forest cemetery near Munich.


Web links

Commons : Hertha Feiler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Torsten Körner : A good friend. Heinz Rühmann . Biography. Construction Verlag, Berlin 2001. ISBN 3-351-02525-4 . P. 209 ff.
  2. Actor on prisma.de