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coat of arms Germany map
The municipality of Tetenbüll does not have a coat of arms
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Tetenbüll highlighted

Coordinates: 54 ° 21 '  N , 8 ° 50'  E

Basic data
State : Schleswig-Holstein
Circle : North Friesland
Office : Eiderstedt
Height : 2 m above sea level NHN
Area : 36.48 km 2
Residents: 587 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 16 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 25882
Primaries : 04862, 04864, 04865
License plate : NF
Community key : 01 0 54 135
Office administration address: Welter Strasse 1
25836 Garding
Website : www.amt-eiderstedt.de
Mayor : Thomas Lorenzen ( CDU )
Location of the municipality of Tetenbüll in the district of North Friesland
Achtrup Ahrenshöft Ahrenviöl Ahrenviölfeld Alkersum Almdorf Arlewatt Aventoft Bargum Behrendorf Bohmstedt Bondelum Bordelum Borgsum Bosbüll Braderup Bramstedtlund Bredstedt Breklum Dagebüll Drage Drelsdorf Dunsum Elisabeth-Sophien-Koog Ellhöft Emmelsbüll-Horsbüll Enge-Sande Fresendelf Friedrich-Wilhelm-Lübke-Koog Friedrichstadt Galmsbüll Garding Garding  Kirchspiel Goldebek Goldelund Gröde Grothusenkoog Hallig Hooge Haselund Hattstedt Hattstedtermarsch Högel Holm Hörnum (Sylt) Horstedt Hude Humptrup Humptrup Husum Immenstedt Joldelund Kampen (Sylt) Karlum Katharinenheerd Klanxbüll Klixbüll Koldenbüttel Kolkerheide Kotzenbüll Ladelund Langeneß Langenhorn Leck Lexgaard List auf Sylt Löwenstedt Lütjenholm Midlum Mildstedt Nebel Neukirchen Nieblum Niebüll Norddorf auf Amrum Norderfriedrichskoog Nordstrand Nordstrand Norstedt Ockholm Oevenum Oldenswort Oldersbek Olderup Oldsum Oldsum Ostenfeld (Husum) Oster-Ohrstedt Osterhever Pellworm Pellworm Pellworm Poppenbüll Ramstedt Rantrum Reußenköge Risum-Lindholm Rodenäs Sankt Peter-Ording Schwabstedt Schwabstedt Schwesing Seeth Simonsberg Sollwitt Sönnebüll Sprakebüll Stadum Stedesand Struckum Süderende Süderhöft Süderlügum Südermarsch Sylt Tating Tetenbüll Tinningstedt Tönning Tümlauer-Koog Uelvesbüll Uphusum Utersum Viöl Vollerwiek Vollstedt Welt Wenningstedt-Braderup (Sylt) Wester-Ohrstedt Westerhever Westre Winnert Wisch Witsum Wittbek Wittdün auf Amrum Witzwort Wobbenbüll Wrixum Wyk auf Föhrmap
About this picture

Tetenbüll (Danish: Tetenbøl) is a municipality on the Eiderstedt peninsula in the district of North Friesland . It is administered by the Eiderstedt office. Kaltenhörn, Warmhörn, Wasserkoog and Sieversfleth are in the municipality.


Geographical location

The municipality of Tetenbüll extends on the northern edge of the Eiderstedt peninsula about eight kilometers northwest of Tönning and twelve kilometers northeast of St. Peter-Ording in the large Eiderstedter Marsch area .

The marshland island of Eiderstedt, which was surrounded by a 1.5 meter high summer dike in the 12th century , was expanded to the north from the end of the 14th century. After the devastating Second Marcellus Flood of 1362, the Tetenbüller church and the Tetenbüller Osterkoog were first made land-based in the late 14th century. They were followed over the next two centuries:

  • Tetenbüller Marschkoog (around 1400)
  • Reinsbüllkoog (around 1400)
  • Tetenbüller Trockenkoog (1475)
  • Adenbüller Koog (1529)
  • Altneukoog (1559)
  • Sieversflether Koog (1610)
  • Wasserkoog (1617)

The eastern part of the Norderheverkoog, which was diked in 1937, also belongs to the municipality . Warmhörn and (partly) Kaltenhörn are also districts of Tetenbüll.

Neighboring communities

Bordering on Tetenbüll:

Osterhever Norderfriedrichskoog
Poppenbull Neighboring communities Oldens word
Garding (parish) Katharinenheerd Kotzenbüll

The Wadden Sea area of ​​the Heverstrom joins in to the north .


A first chapel was built around 1113; Today's St. Anna Church was built around 1400 after the Tetenbüller Kirchenkooges was dyed . The wooden beam ceiling is adorned with an 18th century painting showing the path of Christ. Thirty scenes from the Old Testament are shown in pictures on the north gallery from 1612 .

Tetenbüll forms a parish with Katharinenheerd.


Community representation

  • Of the nine seats in the municipal council, the CDU had four seats since the 2008 local elections, the KWT electoral community had three and the Greens had two seats.
  • In the local elections on May 26, 2013, the CDU received 43.6% of the votes cast and received four seats. The Greens got 29.2% and three seats. The Tetenbüll Municipal Voting Association (KWT) had 27.3% and two seats. The turnout was 63.27 percent.


Thomas Lorenzen (CDU) was elected as the new mayor for the 2013–2018 election period. He succeeded Henning Möller (CDU) who held the office for 23 years.

Economy and Infrastructure

General economic structure

The municipal area is predominantly structured agriculturally, but there are also some commercial enterprises and a port. Tourism is also an important source of income for the community.

Transport links

South of the village, the federal highway 202 and the Husum – Bad St. Peter-Ording railway line pass through the neighboring village of Katharinenheerd.

The train stop of the same name is served by all trains on line RB 64 of the Schleswig-Holstein local transport network . In Husum you can change to long-distance trains . Various intercity lines stop here , which run through Hamburg via the march railway to Westerland on Sylt.


  • The gymnastics and sports club TSV Tetenbüll e. V. from 1951 offers popular sports in the fields of volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, badminton, gymnastics, dancing and floorball.
  • The Ringreiterverein offers a special equestrian sport. A ring of different sizes is to be speared at a gallop with a lance.
  • The Boßeln is powered by two clubs in the community. The men are in the Boßelverein from 1894 e. V. organized; the women pursue this sport in the Fruunsboßelverein .

Public facilities

  • There is a kindergarten and a primary school in the community. The latter is a branch of the Theodor Mommsen Elementary School in Garding.
  • Fire protection is ensured by the Tetenbüll volunteer fire brigade, founded in 1934 . She is also responsible for the Katharinenheerd municipality.


Sons and daughters of the church


  • Hans-Walter Wulf: Churches in Eiderstedt. Lühr & Dircks, St. Peter-Ording 1981, ISBN 3-921416-13-2 , pp. 60-64.

Web links

Commons : Tetenbüll  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. North Statistics Office - Population of the municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein 4th quarter 2019 (XLSX file) (update based on the 2011 census) ( help on this ).
  2. Schleswig-Holstein topography. Vol. 9: Schönberg - Tielenhemme . 1st edition Flying-Kiwi-Verl. Junge, Flensburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-926055-91-0 , p. 366 ( dnb.de [accessed on August 6, 2020]).
  3. in brackets the respective dike times
  4. cf. Kunz, Harry: Die Köge Nordfriesland , 2nd edition, Nordfriisk Instituut, Bräist / Bredstedt, 1999
  5. ^ Hans-Walter Wulf: Churches in Eiderstedt. Lühr & Dircks, St. Peter-Ording 1981, p. 60 f.
  6. [wahlen.amt-eiderstedt.de/2013/kommunal/tetenbüll] accessed on May 27, 2013
  7. The second attempt, Husumer Nachrichten from July 5, 2013, worked, accessed on July 6, 2013