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9th century |
10th century
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940s |
950 |
960s |
| 980s
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966 |
967 |
968 |
969 |
| 971
| 972
| 973
| 974
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Calendar overview 970
970 | |
The Byzantine Empire defeats Kievan Rus , Bulgarians , Magyars and Pechenegs in the Battle of Arcadiopolis . | |
970 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 418/419 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 962/963 |
Buddhist calendar | 1513/14 (southern Buddhism); 1512/13 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 61st (62nd) cycle
Year of the Metal Horse庚午 ( at the beginning of the year Earth-Snake 己巳) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 332/333 (turn of the year April) |
Iranian calendar | 348/349 |
Islamic calendar | 359/360 (turn of the year 3rd / 4th November) |
Jewish calendar | 4730/31 (September 4th / 5th) |
Coptic calendar | 686/687 |
Malayalam calendar | 145/146 |
Roman calendar |
ab urbe condita MDCCXXIII (1723)
Diocletian's era : 686/687 (New Year November) |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1280/81 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1281/82 (turn of the year October) |
Spanish era | 1008 |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1026/27 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Byzantine Empire
- Summer: Bardas Phokas the Younger, nephew of Emperor Nikephoros II, who was overthrown in the previous year, flees from his place of exile in Amaseia to Kaisareia in Cappadocia , where he is proclaimed anti-emperor by his supporters. His father Leon supports the rebellion from his place of exile, Lesbos , by trying to persuade the troops in the European part of the empire to desert the new emperor Johannes Tzimiskes . The uprising of the Phocades , however, is quickly put down.
- The Byzantine Empire under general Bardas Skleros defeated a coalition of Kievan Rus , Bulgarians , Magyars and Pechenegs under the leadership of Kievan Grand Duke Svyatoslav I in the battle of Arcadiopolis .
Other events in Europe
- February 22nd : After the death of his father García I, Sancho II becomes King of Navarre and Count of Aragón from the House of Jiménez .
- around 970: The Norwegian aristocrat Thorvald Asvaldsson , father of Erik the Red , is banished to Iceland for murder , where he dies a little later.
- around 970: Viking Age in the Faroe Islands : The dispute between Einar and Eldjarn and the murder of Brestir and Beinir in the Faroe Islands are part of the Faroe Islands saga .
First documentary mentions
- The marchia Carantana is owned by Markwart III. first mentioned in a document from the Eppenstein family .
- First documentary mention of Coaña , Liggersdorf and Nohn
Religion and science
- The St. Georgen Monastery is founded.
- Archbishop Gero of Cologne and his brother, Margrave Thietmar , found the Thankmarsfelde monastery .
- Al-Muʿizz li-Dīn Allāh , Caliph of the Fatimids , orders the construction of the Azhar Mosque in Cairo . Construction will start on April 4th .
Born 970
- Sitt al-Mulk : Regent of the Fatimids († 1023 )
Born around 970
- Adelaide of Vilich , Äbtissin the Benediktinnerinenabtei Vilich Bonn († around 1015 / 1018 )
- Gaudentius , first Archbishop of Gniezno († after 1000)
- Gebhard I , Lord of Querfurt († around 1017 )
- Gero , Count in Gau Serimunt, Schwabengau and in Hassegau, Margrave of Lusatia († 1015 )
- Gotzelo I , Duke of Lower Lorraine († 1044 )
- Guido von Pomposa , saint and abbot of the Benedictine monastery Pomposa († 1046 )
- Heimerad , German priest and itinerant preacher († 1019 )
- Heribert , Archbishop of Cologne, Chancellor of Germany and Italy († 1021 )
- Leif Eriksson , Norwegian-Icelandic explorer († around 1020)
- Prokop of Sázava , priest and the founder of the Sázava Monastery in Bohemia, Catholic saint († 1053 )
- Rudolf III. , King of Burgundy († 1032 )
- Sergius IV , Pope († 1012 )
- Werigand , Count of Friuli and Istria as well as Vogt of the Duke of Carinthia and Vogt of St. Peter in Salzburg († around 1051 )
- Wilfried II. , Count of Cerdanya, Conflent and Berga († 1050 )
Date of death secured
- January 18 : Hatto II , Abbot of Fulda and Archbishop of Mainz
- February 5th : Polyeuktus , Patriarch of Constantinople and Orthodox Saint
- February 22nd : García I , King of Navarre and Count of Aragón (* around 919 )
- June: Fernán González , Count of Castile (* 932 )
- November 1st : Boso , first bishop of Merseburg
- December 28th : Ansegis , Bishop of Troyes and Chancellor and Grand Almosier of France
Exact date of death unknown
- Beinir Sigmundsson , ruler of half of the Faroe Islands
- Brestir Sigmundsson , ruler of half of the Faroe Islands
- Fujiwara no Saneyori , Japanese regent (* 900 )
- Havgrímur , Viking chief in the Faroe Islands
- Oswulf , Bishop of Ramsbury
Died around 970
- Achahildis , Catholic saint and founder of the church on the Wendelstein
- Chasdai ibn Schaprut , Jewish diplomat in the Caliphate of Cordoba (* around 915 )
- Harald II , King of Norway
- Josef ibn Abitur , rabbi, Jewish scholar and poet between Mérida and Damascus (* around 900 )
- Menachem ben Saruq , Jewish scholar in the Caliphate of Cordoba (* around 920 )
- Torbjørn Gøtuskegg , Viking chief in the Faroe Islands
Web links
Commons : 970 - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files