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Portal history | Portal Biographies | Current events | Annual calendar

| 10th century | 11th century | 12th century |
| 990s | 1000s | 1010s | 1020s | 1030s | 1040s | 1050s |
◄◄ | | 1017 | 1018 | 1019 | 1020 | 1021 | 1022 | 1023 | 1024 | 1025 | |►►

Heads of State · Nekrolog

Emperor Heinrich II has Prince Pandulf IV of Capua imprisoned
At the request of Pope Benedict VIII, Emperor Heinrich II moves against Byzantine Apulia .
Illustration for the Genji Monogatari from the 19th century, Musée Saint-Remi
The Genji Monogatari of
the Murasaki Shikibu
is mentioned for the first time.
The Kingdom of Vaspourakan 908-1021
Byzantium annexes the independent kingdom of Vaspurakan .
1021 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 469/470 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1013/14
Buddhist calendar 1564/65 (southern Buddhism); 1563/64 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 61st (62nd) cycle

Year of the metal rooster辛酉 ( at the beginning of the year metal monkey 庚申)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 383/384 (turn of the year April)
Iranian calendar 399/400
Islamic calendar 411/412 (turn of the year April 16/17)
Jewish calendar 4781/82 (September 10-11)
Coptic calendar 737/738
Malayalam calendar 196/197
Seleucid era Babylon: 1331/32 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1332/33 (turn of the year October)

Spanish era 1059
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1077/78 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

Empire of the Fatimids

  • February 13th : al-Hākim bi-amr Allāh , sixth caliph of the Fatimids and sixteenth imam of the Shiite Ismailis , disappears under unexplained circumstances. It is believed that he was murdered while riding. His successor will be his 15-year-old son az-Zāhir li-iʿzāz dīn Allāh, ignoring the succession plan provided by al-Hākim. The affairs of state are for the time being carried out by his aunt Sitt al-Mulk . This has several Suwaidī Bedouins executed for their alleged involvement in the murder of al-Hākim. It was not until March 27 , the festival of the sacrifice, that al-Hākim's disappearance was announced to the public and the new caliph was proclaimed. al-Hākim is later deified by the Druze .

Byzantine Empire / Italy

Other events in Europe

First documentary mentions

Culture and society

  • March 16 : After almost four years, the Japanese era ( Nengō ) Kannin ends . It will be replaced by the Jian era the following day .
Murasaki Shikibu, after Tosa Mitsuoki (17th century)

The psychological novel Genji Monogatari ( The Tale of Prince Genji ) receives its first mention. The Monogatari - a collective term for novelistic, fictional narratives - which has a firm position in the Japanese has literature and occasionally as the first novel is considered at all, is the Japanese court lady Murasaki Shikibu (ca. 978-1014) from the Heian period attributed .




Date of death secured

Exact date of death unknown

Died around 1021

Web links

Commons : 1021  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files