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9th century |
10th century
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930s |
940s |
950 |
| 970s
| 980s
| 990s
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962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
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Calendar overview 966
966 | |
The Prince of Polans and Duke of Poland , Mieszko I , can be determined by Roman Catholic kind baptized . |
966 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 414/415 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 958/959 |
Buddhist calendar | 1509/10 (southern Buddhism); 1508/09 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 61st (62nd) cycle
Year of the fire tiger丙寅 ( at the beginning of the year wood buffalo 乙丑) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 328/329 (turn of the year April) |
Iranian calendar | 344/345 |
Islamic calendar | 355/356 (turn of the year 16/17 December) |
Jewish calendar | 4726/27 (September 17-18) |
Coptic calendar | 682/683 |
Malayalam calendar | 141/142 |
Roman calendar |
ab urbe condita MDCCXIX (1719)
Diocletian's era : 682/683 (November turn of the year) |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1276/77 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1277/78 (New Year October) |
Spanish era | 1004 |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1022/23 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Holy Roman Empire / Italy
- August 6th : After the death of Berengar II , his son Adalbert II becomes Margrave of Ivrea . He leads the fight of his father to the Italian royal crown against Emperor Otto I continued.
- After a cry for help from Pope John XIII, who was imprisoned by the Roman city militias , Otto I undertakes his third expedition to Italy . In Worms, Otto arranged for representation during his absence in August: Archbishop Wilhelm von Mainz is to be responsible for the Reich , Duke Hermann Billung for Saxony . Then Otto moves with an army to Italy via Chur. The repatriation of the Pope goes on November 14th without resistance. The twelve leaders of the Roman militia who captured and mistreated the Pope the previous year are punished by the Emperor and Pope with death on the cross.
Other events in Europe
- After the death of his father Sancho I. the five-year-old Ramiro III. King of León . During his youth, government responsibility rests in the hands of his aunt Elvira Ramírez , who accepts the title of king for the time, and his mother, Teresa Ansúrez , who enters a monastery when her husband dies. His reign is thus characterized by a church-friendly policy.
- Kafur becomes Emir of the Ichschididen in Egypt .
- Đinh Bộ Lĩnh , Governor of Hoan, proclaims himself Emperor of Vietnam and thus renounces China . Its capital is Hoa Lư .
First documentary mentions
- The county of Haldensleben is first mentioned in a document.
- Reginold succeeds Starchand Prince-Bishop of Eichstätt , who died on February 11th .
- Christianization of Poland : The Prince of the Polans and Duke of Poland , Mieszko I , is baptized in the Roman Catholic manner , so that his people must also accept the new faith.
- Petrus Canepanova becomes Bishop of Pavia .
- Fujiwara no Kintō , Japanese poet and aristocrat († 1041 )
- Fujiwara no Michinaga , Japanese politician and regent († 1028 )
- Hisham II , Caliph of Cordoba († 1013 )
- Bjarni Herjúlfsson , Icelandic Viking and Greenland settler, possible discoverer of the American continent
- after January 2nd: Berta of Alemannia , Queen of Burgundy (* around 907 )
- February 11 : Starchand , Prince-Bishop of Eichstätt (* before 933)
- March 28 : Flodoard von Reims , West Franconian chronicler (* 894 )
- August 4 : Berengar II , Margrave of Ivrea and King of Italy (* around 900 )
- after October 30th: Sunifred II , Count of Cerdanya, Conflent and Besalú
Web links
Commons : 966 - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files