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| 17th century | 18th century | 19th century |
| 1730s | 1740s | 1750s | 1760s | 1770s | 1780s | 1790s |
◄◄ | | 1763 | 1764 | 1765 | 1766 | 1767 | 1768 | 1769 | 1770 | 1771 | | ►►

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Ayutthaya ruins
The Burmese ruler Hsinbyushin conquered Ayutthaya ,
the capital of the Thai kingdom ,
and almost completely destroyed the city.
Royal Greenwich Observatory
The Nautical Almanac of the Royal Greenwich Observatory allows for the first time to reliably determine longitudes at sea.
Charles Townshend
The Townshend Laws for the taxation of the British colonies, named after Charles Townshend , are enacted.
1767 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 1215/16 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1759/60 (turn of the year 11/12 September)
Bengali solar calendar 1172/73 (beginning of April 14th or 15th)
Buddhist calendar 2310/11 (southern Buddhism); 2309/10 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 74th (75th) cycle

Year of the fire pig丁亥 ( at the beginning of the year fire dog 丙戌)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 1129/30 (turn of the year April)
Dangun era (Korea) 4100/01 (October 2/3)
Iranian calendar 1145/46 (around March 21)
Islamic calendar 1180/81 (May 29/30)
Jewish calendar 5527/28 (23/24 September)
Coptic calendar 1483/84 (September 11-12)
Malayalam calendar 942/943
Seleucid era Babylon: 2077/78 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 2078/79 (turn of the year October)

Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1823/24 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

Great Britain and its American colonies

Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton

Spain and its colonies

Central and Eastern Europe

Élie-Salomon-François Reverdil
Representation of Šćepan Mali

Voyages of discovery

Louis Antoine de Bougainville
Samuel Wallis / Philipp Carteret
Samuel Wallis is received by the Queen of Otaheite


Siamese-Burmese War

The course of the war since 1765
  • April 7th : The Burmese ruler Hsinbyushin from the Konbaung dynasty conquered Ayutthaya , the capital of the Thai kingdom of the same name , and almost completely destroyed the city after a siege of more than a year . The Siamese King Ekathat and his designated successor perish while on the run. The Ayutthaya period , which lasted more than 400 years, is thus over.
  • The Chinese-born governor and military leader Taksin revolted against the Siamese military leadership and left the battlefield in January, breaking through the Burmese ring of siege and moving his unit southeast to Chon Buri and on to Rayong . There he holds a meeting at which, in view of the dissolved state order in Ayutthaya, he is proclaimed head ( chao ) in his own right and gives feudal titles to local village heads. In June Taksin's army conquered Chanthaburi province , which became independent after the fall of Ayutthaya. As a result, he controls the entire east coast with several smaller ports and associated ships.
  • October: Taksin and his army advance westward into the Burmese-occupied central Thai plain. He takes the Thonburi fortress and has the Burmese commander executed. The news of this alarms the Burmese occupation forces near Ayutthaya, whose main army has already returned to Burma. Taksin opposes the troops deployed against him, wins the first smaller skirmishes and finally overruns the Burmese garrison. The Siamese troops subordinate to these may overflow to Taksin. Taksin does not have Ayutthaya rebuilt, but chooses the small fortress town Thonburi on the western bank of the Mae Nam Chao Phraya as the new capital.
Contemporary depiction of Taksin's accession to the throne

Other events in Asia

South India 1767


  • April 6th : The foundation stone for the German jewelry and watch industry is laid in Pforzheim . Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden allows the French Jean Francois Autran to open a pocket watch factory in the orphanage. The expansion to a jewelry and steel goods factory takes place in the same year. In addition, a " drawing school " will be opened in the orphanage , which will provide the young local jewelry and watchmaking industry with qualified junior staff. The gold city is still the center of the German jewelry industry.
  • July 3rd : The first daily newspaper in Norway is published in Trondheim , today's address avail .

science and technology

Geodesy and Cartography

The original Mason-Dixon line

Natural sciences

Technical achievements




Second edition by Minna von Barnhelm , 1770

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing will work as a dramaturge and consultant at the Hamburg National Theater for three years . During his work there he made the acquaintance of Friedrich Ludwig Schröder , Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach , Johann Melchior Goeze , Johann Friedrich Löwen and the Reimarus and König families. He also met his future wife Eva König . At the National Theater, of which Abel Seyler is the main supporter , Lessing's comedy Minna von Barnhelm will be premiered on September 30th . The premiere, which was preceded by a short-term performance ban and a dispute with the Berlin censorship authority, was an extraordinary success, and the piece was then played on all major stages in German-speaking countries.

Musical theater

Title page of the libretto by Partenope , Vienna 1767



Three brothers of the La Chaumette family hunted on May 1, 1765, during which the beast of Gévaudan escaped injured; contemporary representation

On June 19, the innkeeper and day laborer Jean Chastel killed a male predator in the forest of Teynazére in the mountains of the Margeride, the description of which remains a mystery to this day. On June 26th, a she-wolf is also killed, which apparently was on the road on June 19th with the animal that Chastel had killed. After a report was drawn up by the royal notary Maître Roch Etienne Marin, legend has it that the inadequately preserved animal is buried on the orders of the French king. Since there are no more attacks in Gévaudan afterwards , the creature is identified with the beast of Gévaudan , which has claimed around 100 victims since 1764 .

Historical maps and views


January to April

Maria Edgeworth
Andrew Jackson

May to August

John Quincy Adams
Antoine de Saint-Just, 1793

September to December

Exact date of birth unknown


January to March

April to June

Tomb of Maria Josepha in the Capuchin Crypt
Georg Philipp Telemann

July to September

October to December

Maria Josepha of Austria 1767

Exact date of death unknown

  • Beginning of the year: Bertin Quentin , French violinist and composer (* before 1690)
  • End of the year (buried January 1, 1768): Jan Lauwryn Krafft , Brussels engraver, eraser, shape cutter, writer, publisher and singer (* 1694 )

Died around 1767

Web links

Commons : 1767  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files