Alexander Borissowitsch Buturlin

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Alexander Buturlin

Alexander Buturlin ( Russian Александр Борисович Бутурлин ., Scientific transliteration Aleksandr Borisovič Buturlin ; born 18 jul. / 28. June  1694 greg. , † August 31 jul. / 11. September  1767 greg. In Moscow ) was a Russian general .

Buturlin came from a Russian boyar family and was educated at the Naval Academy in Saint Petersburg . 1720, he has been adjutant of Tsar Peter the Great . In 1756 he was appointed field marshal general . In the 1760 campaign he commanded the Russian army , which, allied with the Austrians , operated against Frederick the Great . He was unsuccessful and was in constant conflict with the Austrian generals. In the same year he was raised to the rank of count and in 1762 appointed Governor General of Moscow. He also held this position under Catherine II . Alexander Borissowitsch Buturlin died in 1767.

The city of Buturlinowka in today 's Voronezh Oblast is named after Alexander Buturlin .

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