Joachim Johann Daniel Zimmermann

Joachim Johann Daniel Zimmermann (born October 27, 1710 in Salzwedel , † January 2, 1767 in Hamburg ) was a German theologian and church poet .
After he attended the schools in his hometown, he was sent to the Academic Gymnasium in Hamburg, where he was enrolled on April 13, 1728. He lived here with Pastor Erdmann Neumeister , who was a friend of his father's. Under Neumeister's direction he became acquainted with German literature and, in Neumeister's way, he later wrote poems himself. In 1730 Neumeister sent him to study theology in Rostock , from where he returned to Neumeister in 1732 to teach his youngest son. On October 31, 1732 he took his candidate exam in Hamburg. Later he continued his studies at the University of Helmstedt and also attended other universities for a short time. After returning to Hamburg, in 1738 he was elected catechist (i.e. the unordinated preacher) at the penitentiary, which office he took up in July of that year. On July 9, 1741 he was elected deacon to St. Katharinen in place of Johannes Ludwig Schlosser, who was appointed chief pastor , and later became archdeacon of this church.
Zimmermann was considered a particularly talented poet in his day. He wrote poems, texts for oratorios and other sacred music for special celebrations, such as introductions by preachers, inaugurations of churches (including for the St. Michaelis Church in Hamburg, which was newly inaugurated in 1762). Many of his works were set to music by Georg Philipp Telemann . He also worked with Barthold Heinrich Brockes , among others .
Works (selection)
- Learned
- The nullity of the doctrine of the restoration of all things, Herold, Hamburg 1748. (digitized version of the SBB-PK Berlin)
- Mr Joan Christian Cuno's attempt at some moral letters to his grandson and foster son: Along with other letters and answers in a bound speech, issue 2, Harmsen, Hamburg 1753.
- Infallible marks of obedience to the call of grace. Fritsch, Hamburg 1756.
- Reflections on the understanding and the consequences of God's first threat again some scholars who believe they find a mere annihilation in it. Published 1765.
- * Joach. Joh. Dan. Zimmermanns, Archidiac. At the Catharinen Church in Hamburg, defense of his writing from the first threat from God, at the same time also by some scholars, again the general German library: together with an experiment on the religion of this library, Herold, Hamburg 1767.
- poetry
- Earthly pleasure in God: In addition to an appendix of various corresponding translations: consisting of physical and moral poems . Authors Barthold Heinrich Brockes, Joachim Johann Daniel Zimmermann, Charles Claude Genest Verlag Joh.Christoph Kissners, Hamburg 1734.
- Lysias: Shepherd Poems (ca.1740).
- Occasional publications
- When the venerable ... Mr. Johann Albert Fabricius ... had his beloved married love ... brought to her resting place: consolation poem for Johann Albert Fabricius on the death of his wife Margaretha, born Schultzin on 23rd Jenn. 1736, poem published 1736.
- Lamentation poem from October 31, 1738 on the death of Pastor Johann Friedrich Winckler, 1738.
- About the unexpected demise of Mr. Johann Richey, the City of Hamburg authorized Syndici am Röm. Kaiserl. Court, felt, and his painfully touched father, Mr. Michael Richey public teacher at the grammar school, attested sympathy of the patriotic society 1738, Hamburg 1738.
- When the Magnificus,… Mr. Johann Joachim Weidener ,… On November 7th. 1730. The rectorate of the Rostock Universitæt took over, wanted to ... Show respect Joachim Johann Daniel Zimmermann, the Heil. Writes zealous . Schwiegerau, Rostock 1730.
- The Wilkens and von Kampische connection, poem 1741.
- Two sermons after the cremation of the main church of St. Michaelis in Hamburg, Herold, Hamburg 1750, caused by a weather ray on March 10th, 1750. (Digitized by SUB Göttingen)
- Speech at the baptism of a former Socinian: held on May 16, 1755 in the Catharinen Church in Hamburg, and brought to light along with some news, König, Hamburg 1755 (digitized by SUB Goettingen).
- Important consequences of the answered prayer and supplication of the crucified Savior: in a sermon held on the quiet Friday in 1754 instead of Mr. Johann Ludwig Schlosser's blissfully fallen asleep ... sermon, Piscator, Hamburg 1754.
- Texts for pieces of music
- Immortal after-glory Friederich Augusts King of Pohlen and Elector of Saxony: Published in a Serenata, Hamburg 1733; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, TWV 4: 7.
- 6 moral cantatas . for a voice, a solo instrument (violin or flute) and basso continuo (1736); Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, TWV 20: 23–28.
- Meal and joyful meal of the citizen-Capitaine on August 29, 1737 (captain's music): oratorio and serenade; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann: Beneke, Hamburg 1737.
- Cantatas at the consecration of the venerable and highly learned Mr. Erdmann Gottlieb Neumeister as diaconate at St. Jacobs Church; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, Beneken, Hamburg 1739.
- About the Höchstschmertzhaffte demise formerly your Roman Kayserl. The Majesty of Carl the Sixth Most Glorious Memento, composed and sung in the Hamburg churches on the second Sunday of Advent in 1740; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, Hamburg 1740.
- On his consecration as diaconate at the church of St. Cathrinen, Cantata sung after Telemannic composition, published 1741.
- Cantatas for the coronation and celebration of Carl VII's chosen Roman Emperor, published 1742.
- A little lamb goes and is to blame, St. John Passion 1745; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, TWV 5:30.
- Hamburg's complaint about the most painful death of your Roman Imperial Majesty Carl the Seventh most glorious memory: In an oratorio which was performed in churches on Sunday Reminiscere 1745, König, Hamburg 1745; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann: "I hoped for the light", TWV 4:13.
- At the solemn oratorio sung at the very highest coronation feast of your Roman Imperial Majesty on the most enjoyable fee day; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, König, Hamburg 1745.
- At the consecration of ... Johann Melchior Goeze to the pastorate of the parish of St. Katharinen in Hamburg ... Cantatas sung on November 13, 1755 ..., Hamburg 1755.
- Oratory for the inauguration of the new St. Michaelis Church in Hamburg on October 19, 1762; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann "Come again, Lord, to the crowd of thousands in Israel", TWV 2:12, Piscator, Hamburg 1762.
- Singing poem to accompany the solemn speech in the lecture hall of the grammar school at the Hamburg Peace Festival; May 17th, 1763; Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, “Piscator”, Hamburg 1763 (digitized version of the SBB-PK Berlin).
- Sermons
- Selected sermons on the most important passages from the epistolic texts throughout the year, 3 vols., Hamburg 1758–1762.
- The will of God for Christian servants: On Sundays Jubilate 1758 from the usual epistle presented and presented for repetition of the expansion of the edification sought by Christian lords and servants, Hamburg 1758.
- Johann Dietrich Winckler : Article Joachim Johann Daniel Zimmermann, in: ders .: Messages from Lower Saxony famous people and families, Volume 1, Hamburg 1768, pp. 106–115.
- Poetry of Lower Saxony, or, by all means, mostly never-before-printed poems by the most famous Lower Saxons, especially some respectable members of the Teutsch-practicing society that previously flourished in Hamburg. Volume 1-3. Kissner, Hamburg 1721–1726.
- Authors and works in the German language, ed. by Walther Killy with the assistance of Hans Fromm, Munich 1988–1993, ISBN 3-570-04671-0 .
- lu: Zimmermann, Joachim Johann Daniel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 45, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1900, p. 266 f.
Web links
Individual evidence
personal data | |
SURNAME | Zimmermann, Joachim Johann Daniel |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Carpenter, Joach. Yo. Daniel |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German theologian and church poet |
DATE OF BIRTH | October 27, 1710 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Salzwedel |
DATE OF DEATH | January 2, 1767 |
Place of death | Hamburg |