Charlotte Wilhelmine of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld

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Charlotte Wilhelmine von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, married Countess von Hanau
Charlotte Wilhelmine a.jpg

Princess Charlotte Wilhelmine of Saxony-Coburg-Saalfeld (born June 14, 1685 in Coburg , † April 5, 1767 in Hanau ) was a German princess and by marriage Countess of Hanau-Munzenberg.

Origin and marriage

She was born as the daughter of Duke Johann Ernst von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld and his wife, Duchess Sophie Hedwig von Sachsen-Merseburg (1666–1686). She was married to Count Philipp Reinhard von Hanau-Münzenberg (1664–1712). She was her husband's second wife and outlived him by more than half a century. The dowry she brought into their marriage was 18,000 guilders. However, this marriage remained childless.

Next life

After the death of her husband, she was given Babenhausen Castle as a widow's residence . After 1736 with Count Johann Reinhard III. the last Hanau count had died, the county was divided and fell to the Landgraviates of Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Darmstadt , a manorial house, the "salt house", was assigned to her as a widow's residence in the old town of Hanau, where she also died.


With her death, the last surviving member of the family of the Lords and Counts of Hanau died . She was buried on April 11, 1767 in the family crypt of the Hanau Counts in the Lutheran Church (today: Alte Johanneskirche) in Hanau. The tomb was largely destroyed in the bombing of the Second World War.


  • Reinhard Dietrich : The state constitution in the Hanauischen = Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 34. Hanau 1996. ISBN 3-9801933-6-5
  • Uta Löwenstein: "That you should go to your with-seat and otherwise not take things and actions from other people ...". Court holdings of princely women and widows in the early modern period In: Early modern court culture in Hesse and Thuringia (Series: Jenaer Studien 1) Ed .: Jörg Jochen Berns & Detlev Ignasiak. Palm & Enke, Erlangen 1993. pp. 115-141 ISBN 3-7896-0598-0
  • Pauline Ruppel: The problem of exercising guardianship in ruling houses by mothers, discussed and analyzed using the example of Countess Catarina Belgia von Hanau-Münzenberg . Marburg 1997. [Unpublished thesis]. P. 39.
  • Reinhard Suchier : Genealogy of the Hanauer count house . In: Festschrift of the Hanau History Association for its 50th anniversary celebration on August 27, 1894. Hanau 1894.
  • Reinhard Suchier: The grave monuments and coffins of the people buried in Hanau from the houses of Hanau and Hesse . In: Program of the Royal High School in Hanau. Hanau 1879. pp. 1-56.
  • Richard Wille: The last counts of Hanau-Lichtenberg = messages of the Hanau district association for Hessian history and regional studies 12. Hanau 1886. P. 56–68.
  • Ernst Julius Zimmermann : Hanau city and country . 3. Edition. Hanau 1919. ND 1978.

Individual evidence

  1. Suchier, Grabmonumente, p. 55.