Maria Josepha of Bavaria

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Maria Josepha of Bavaria, second wife of Emperor Joseph II.

Maria Josepha Antonia Walburga Felizitas Regula, Princess of Bavaria and Bohemia (born March 20, 1739 in Munich , †  May 28, 1767 in Vienna ) was the daughter of the Roman-German Emperor and Bavarian Elector Karl Albrecht and his wife Maria Amalie of Austria , a daughter of Emperor Joseph I. By marriage in 1765 she became Empress herself.


After the early death of his beloved first wife Isabella von Bourbon-Parma († November 27, 1763), the Roman-German King Joseph , son of Emperor Franz Stephan and Maria Theresia of Austria, did not want to marry again and only chose under pressure from his mother the Bavarian Princess Maria Josepha, his 2nd cousin, to his second wife. The marriage took place on January 23, 1765 in Schönbrunn Palace . The following wedding celebrations included u. a. the world premiere of the opera Telemaco by Christoph Willibald Gluck in the Burgtheater . Maria Josepha was then 25 years old, and she was promoted to Empress in the year of her marriage, when her husband became Joseph II's new emperor and co-regent of his mother after the death of his father Franz Stephan († August 18, 1765).

Joseph II's marriage to Maria Josepha, who was two years older than him, was not a happy one. The emperor described his “wife” as a “small and fat figure” with “ugly teeth”. However, he admitted that Maria Josepha was an "unprovoked woman" who loved him and whom he valued for her good qualities and that he suffered from not being able to love his second wife. The two probably never married. Joseph avoided the shared bedroom and even had the shared balcony in Schönbrunn Palace partitioned off so that he would not have to see his wife.

Tomb of Maria Josepha in the Capuchin Crypt

When a serious smallpox epidemic broke out in 1767 , Maria Josepha fell victim to this dangerous infectious disease after only two years of marriage - like her predecessor Isabella before. Joseph II had not stayed by her bed, but stayed with his mother Maria Theresa, who also had smallpox and who survived. As soon as the young empress died at the age of 29, her corpse was sewn in due to its horrific condition and exposed on a catafalque . Maria Josepha was in Vienna Imperial Crypt buried, Joseph II. Did not attend her funeral.

The unloved Empress only played a role for her husband Joseph II once more when he raised claims to large parts of spa Bavaria in 1778/1779 and, among other things, cited his marriage to the Bavarian Maria Josepha, which ultimately led to the War of the Bavarian Succession , in which the Habsburgs could only win the Bavarian Innviertel .


Pedigree of Maria Josepha of Bavaria

Maximilian I of Bavaria (1573–1651)
⚭ 1635
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (1610–1665)

Viktor Amadeus I of Savoy (1587–1637)
⚭ 1619
Christina of France (1606–1663)

Jakub Sobieski (1590–1646)
⚭ 1627
Zofia Teofillia Daniłowicz (1607–1661)

Henri de la Grange d'Arquien (1613–1707)
Françoise de la Châtre

Emperor Ferdinand III. (1608–1657)
⚭ 1631
Maria Anna of Spain (1606–1646)

Elector Philipp Wilhelm of the Palatinate (1615–1690)
⚭ 1653
Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt (1635–1709)

Georg Fürst von Calenberg (1582–1641)
Anna Eleonore von Hessen-Darmstadt (1601–1659)

Eduard von der Pfalz (1625–1663)
⚭ 1645
Anna Gonzaga (1616–1684)

Great grandparents

Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria (1636–1679)
⚭ 1652
Henriette Adelheid of Savoy (1636–1676)

John III Sobieski of Poland (1629–1696)
⚭ 1665
Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien (1641–1716)

Emperor Leopold I (1640–1705)
⚭ 1676
Eleonore Magdalene von Pfalz-Neuburg (1655–1720)

Johann Friedrich Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1625–1679)
Benedicta Henriette of the Palatinate (1652–1730)


Elector Maximilian II. Emanuel of Bavaria (1662–1726)
⚭ 1695
Therese Kunigunde of Poland (1676–1730)

Emperor Joseph I (1678–1711)
⚭ 1699
Wilhelmine Amalie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1673–1742)


Emperor Charles VII (1697–1745)
⚭ 1722
Maria Amalia of Austria (1701–1756)

Maria Josepha of Bavaria


Web links

Commons : Maria Josepha von Bayern  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

predecessor Office Successor
Maria Theresa of Austria Roman-German Empress
1765 to May 28, 1767
Maria Ludovica of Spain