May 22
The May 22 is the 142nd day of the Gregorian calendar (the 143rd in leap years ), thus remain still 223 days until the end of the year. Even the Roman and the Julian calendar to know 22 May (or Maius ). Dates prior to the Gregorian calendar reform are usually given in the Julian calendar.
Historic anniversaries April · May · June |
Politics and world events
- 337 : The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great dies. In the months that followed , high-ranking military officials murdered all of the emperor's adult male relatives with the exception of his sons Constantine II , Constantius II and Constans , whose rule was to be secured. Only Julian and Gallus , the sons of Julius Constantius , survive the massacre because of their youth.
- 1200 : In the Treaty of Le Goulet , King Philip II of France and the English King John Ohneland are reconciled .
- 1246 : After the deposition of Emperor Frederick II by Pope Innocent IV , Heinrich Raspe IV is elected as the anti-king by a minority of the princes in Veitshöchheim .
- 1455 : The First Battle of St Albans marks the beginning of the Wars of the Roses . The House of York under Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick , triumphs over the Lancastrians under Edmund Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset , who is killed in the process.
- 1499 : In the Battle of Calven during the Swabian War, the troops of the Three Leagues defeated an army of the Swabian League in Vinschgau with the support of the Swiss Confederation .
- 1526 : Just two months after his release after the Peace of Madrid , the French King Francis I founded the League of Cognac against Emperor Charles V with Pope Clement VII as well as Francesco II Sforza , the Doge of Venice , Andrea Gritti , and Florence .
- 1629 : The signing of the Lübeck Peace by the Danish King Christian IV causes Denmark to withdraw from the war in the Thirty Years' War .
- 1762 : Sweden and Prussia make the Peace of Hamburg during the Seven Years' War . The Peace of Saint Petersburg between Prussia and Russia on May 5th accelerated the conclusion of the treaty, which was brought about through the mediation of the Swedish Queen Luise Ulrike of Prussia .
- 1768 : The first French circumnavigator , Count Louis Antoine de Bougainville , discovered the Pentecost Island in the South Pacific, later named by James Cook, on his voyage with the frigate La Boudeuse .
- 1809 : In the Fifth Coalition War , the Austrian Archduke Karl inflicts the first defeat on the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in the two-day battle near Aspern near Vienna, but fails to exploit the victory and decisively weaken the exhausted French.
- 1810 : Under pressure from the Creoles under Juan José Castelli and Nicolás Rodríguez Peña , a Cabildo abierto (open citizens' meeting) is held in Buenos Aires during the May Revolution in the viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata .
- 1815 : The Saxon King Friedrich August I renounces the Duchy of Warsaw and releases the Polish subjects from their oath of allegiance. As an ally of Napoleon Bonaparte, the king is on the losing side after the Wars of Liberation .
- 1848 : Two months after the March Revolution , the Prussian National Assembly meets for the first time in the house of the Berlin Sing-Akademie .
- 1856 : Senator Preston Brooks beats his colleague Charles Sumner almost to death in the United States Senate . During a speech in Congress on May 20, regarding the violent events in Kansas, the latter sharply attacked conditions in the south and insulted Senator Andrew Butler , Brooks' cousin.
- 1859 : King Franz II. Succeeds his late father Ferdinand II as the new regent in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies .
- 1875 : The unification congress of the Social Democratic Workers' Party and the General German Workers' Association begins in Gotha , from which the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany , today's Social Democratic Party of Germany , will emerge.
- 1919 : During the Latvian War of Independence , the Baltic State Armed Forces and German Freikorps conquer Riga . Before they retreated, the Bolsheviks killed numerous hostages, including the Protestant clergy Hermann Bergengruen , Erhard Doebler , August Eckhardt , Theodor Hoffmann , Eberhard Savary , Eugen Scheuermann , Theodor Taube and Ernst Fromhold-Treu , as well as the singer Marion von Klot . These named persons are henceforth regarded as Christian martyrs in church circles.
- 1939 : The German Reich and Italy sign the Steel Pact , a military alliance signed by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and his Italian colleague Galeazzo Ciano in Berlin in the presence of Adolf Hitler .
- 1946 : After the US occupation forces under Douglas MacArthur expelled Hatoyama Ichirō , who was unwanted at the time and whose Liberal Party emerged as the strongest force in the 1946 election , Yoshida Shigeru was appointed Prime Minister of Japan. Yoshida is the last Prime Minister of the Empire; in the Japanese state from 1947 the prime minister is elected by parliament.
- 1963 : The Greek politician and peace activist Grigoris Lambrakis is run over by right-wing extremists in a delivery truck at a peace rally in Saloniki and dies five days later. In the course of investigations by examining magistrate Christos Sartzetakis, the apparent accident is revealed as a murder plot involving high-ranking members of the police and army.
- 1972 : Under the socialist Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike , Ceylon adopts a new constitution and becomes a republic under the name of Sri Lanka . The constitutional link to the former colonial power Great Britain is thereby broken.
- 1988 : János Kádár , General Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party since the suppression of the Hungarian People's Uprising in 1956 , resigns. His successor is the staunch communist Károly Grósz .
- 1990 : The Republic of Yemen emerges from the Yemeni Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen under President Ali Abdullah Salih . However, an actual unification of the administration cannot be achieved for a long time .
- 1998 : In two separate referendums in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, the voters endorse the results of the so-called Good Friday Agreement .
- 2001 : Delegations from 122 countries sign the Stockholm Convention , prohibiting and restricting measures for certain persistent organic pollutants .
- 2001 : The interior ministers of several Central European countries sign the "Joint Declaration", in which the organization and activities of the Central European Police Academy , a jointly supported educational institution for the training and advanced training of police officers from the middle police management, are regulated.
- 2004 : After Sonia Gandhi's rejection of office , Manmohan Singh is surprisingly elected Prime Minister of India . As a member of the Sikh religious community , he is the first non- hindu to hold this position.
- 2005 : After 39 years, the SPD loses its home state North Rhine-Westphalia in the state elections . Franz Müntefering and Gerhard Schröder announce new elections to the German Bundestag in autumn.
- 1882 : The Gotthard tunnel is ceremoniously opened and operations started ten days later. The railway connection between Göschenen and Airolo , designed by the engineer Louis Favre , makes passenger and freight traffic between Switzerland and Italy much easier.
- 1888 : Leroy S. Buffington, the architect of Pillsbury A Mill in Minneapolis , is granted a US patent on a steel construction for skyscrapers .
- 1892 : The dentist Washington Sheffield in New London (Connecticut) sells toothpaste for the first time in a tube he invented.
- 1936 : The Irish airline Aer Lingus is founded in Dublin .
- 1942 : In the United States, members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers and the Steel Workers Organizing Committee form the United Steelworkers ( USW ) union .
- 1980 : The Japanese entertainment company namco brings the video game Pac-Man, designed by the game designer Tōru Iwatani , onto the market in Japan. The Maze game becomes one of the most popular and successful video games in history.
- 1990 : The software manufacturer Microsoft publishes the Windows 3.0 operating system .
- 1998 : Expo 98 opens in Lisbon , the first world exhibition in Portugal , which will last until September 30th. Its motto is: The oceans , a legacy for the future . Among other things, the Vasco da Gama tower was built for the Expo, the area of which will be used as Parque das Nações after the exhibition has ended.
- 2010 : First documented transaction of a good with Bitcoin
science and technology
- 1897 : The Blackwall Tunnel under the Thames is opened by the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII . At 1344 meters, it was the longest underwater tunnel in the world at the time.
- 1930 : The first German radiosonde developed by Paul Duckert is started at the Lindenberg Aeronautical Observatory near Berlin and transmits measured values of temperature, pressure and humidity from over 15 km altitude.
- 1969 : The lunar module Snoopy of the Apollo 10 mission , launched on May 18, with Commander Tom Stafford and pilot Eugene Cernan on board, reaches its closest point to the moon at a distance of around 15.6 km. The mission is to simulate a moon landing in preparation for the Apollo 11 mission that will take place in the same year .
- 2012 : With the 634-meter-high Tokyo Skytree , the hitherto highest television tower and at the same time the second-tallest free-standing structure in the world is opened.
- 1813 : The world premiere of Gioachino Rossini's first major opera buffa , the number opera L'italiana in Algeri based on The Citizen as Nobleman by Molière , takes place in the Teatro San Benedetto in Venice.
- 1872 : The opera Djamileh by Georges Bizet is premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris. The libretto is by Louis Gallet . He used the verse tale Namouna by Alfred de Musset as a template .
- 1872 : The foundation stone for the festival hall is laid in Bayreuth . On this occasion, Richard Wagner conducts Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th Symphony in the Margravial Opera House .
- 1874 : On the first anniversary of the death of the poet Alessandro Manzoni , Giuseppe Verdi's Messa da Requiem has its world premiere in the Church of San Marco in Milan.
- 1892 : The first performance of the opera Pagliacci ( The Bajazzo ) by Ruggero Leoncavallo takes place at the Teatro Dal Verme in Milan.
- 1911 : The Fédération Cynologique Internationale ( FCI ), an international umbrella organization for the dog industry , is founded in Paris .
- 1960 : The children's opera Der Mann im Mond by Cesar Bresgen has its world premiere at the Schauspielhaus Nürnberg .
- 1986 : The Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation fades out for the duration of the broadcast of the windshield wiper from the common TV program of the ARD , because the management of the cabaret goes too far.
- 2017: In the terrorist attack during a Pop -Konzerts the American singer Ariana Grande are in Manchester , United Kingdom , 23 people were killed.
- 2004 : Prince Felipe and the journalist Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano get married in the Spanish capital, Madrid .
- 964 : Benedict V succeeds the late John XII as Pope elected by the Romans . Emperor Otto I drives his deposition. About a month later, the person chosen is brought to Hamburg as a prisoner under the care of Archbishop Adaldag .
- 1377 : Pope Gregory XI. issues five papal bulls against 18 sentences from the writings of John Wyclif , which were sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, the English King Edward III. , the Chancellor and the University of Oxford are addressed. Due to the popularity of Wyclif, their influence remains small.
- 1844 : Sayyid Ali Muhammad al-Bab, also called Bab (the gate), founds Babism in Shiraz , Iran , from which the religion of the Baha'i later emerged. The witness of the revelation is Mullah Husayn from Bushruyyih, who becomes the first disciple of the new revelation.
- 1920 : The Riga martyr's stone in memory of the Baltic evangelical clergy who suffered martyrdom at the hands of the Bolsheviks is inaugurated. In the inter-war period it became an important memorial site.
- 1988 : The Swiss Richard Fehr officially takes up the post of Chief Apostle and Church Leader of the New Apostolic Church International in a solemn divine service in the New Apostolic church building Fellbach near Stuttgart , which his predecessor Hans Urwyler handed over to him on May 3rd at his sick bed.
- 2004 : As part of the pilgrimage of the peoples, the Central European Catholic Day takes place in Mariazell, Styria . Pilgrims from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Austria take part.
- 1915 : The worst rail accident in British history occurs at Quintinshill near Gretna Green, killing 230 people, injuring 246 and destroying five trains. Since most of the victims are soldiers of a troop transport, the process is kept secret.
- 1927 : An earthquake of 7.9 magnitude in Qinghai , Republic of China, calls for about 200,000 human lives.
- 1960 : A 9.5 magnitude earthquake , the epicenter of which is in Valdivia , Chile, claims 4,000 to 5,000 lives. It is the strongest earthquake ever recorded. The effects can be felt up to Hawaii, where a tsunami hits the city of Hilo .
- 1967 : A fire breaks out in the À l'innovation department store in Brussels . There are about 4,000 people in the building at the time. The lack of a sprinkler system facilitates the rapid spread of the fire, the department store burns to the ground. A total of 322 people died in the accident, and the property damage amounted to over 85 million euros.
- 1968 : The American nuclear submarine USS Scorpion (SSN-589) sinks with 99 men 400 miles southwest of the Azores .
- 1971 : An earthquake near Bingöl in Anatolia kills around 1,000.
- 1998 : An earthquake measuring 6.6 in Bolivia kills 105 people.
- 2010 : When landing in Mangaluru, Air India Express flight 812 goes over the runway into a forest. The machine breaks and catches fire. 158 people die, eight survive.
- 2020 : Shortly before landing in Karachi crashed Flight 8303 of the Pakistan International Airlines . 97 of the 99 inmates are killed.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
nature and environment
- 1902 : Crater Lake National Park in the US state of Oregon is established. It includes the area of the Mount Mazama volcano and the 594 meter deep Crater Lake in its caldera . Inside Crater Lake is the famous Old Man of the Lake floating tree stump .
- 1915 : The Lassen Peak in the Cascade Range of the United States breaks out. Besides Mount St. Helens, it is the only volcanic eruption on the mainland of the United States in the 20th century. A year later, the Lassen Volcanic National Park was established here.
- 1898 : The Ensgraber family and a few friends found the FK Olympia 1898 in Darmstadt, from which the SV Darmstadt 98 emerged after the merger with the Darmstädter SC in 1919 .
- 1970 : The Buffalo Sabers ice hockey team is founded in Buffalo , New York .
- 1987 : The first Rugby Union World Cup begins in Australia and New Zealand.
- 1993 : The American Roy Jones junior wins the middleweight boxing world championship after a unanimous victory over his compatriot Bernard Hopkins .
- 2004 : Borussia Mönchengladbach wins its last home game in the Bökelbergstadion 3-1 against TSV 1860 Munich . It is the last Bundesliga game in the traditional stadium on Bökelstrasse.
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .
Before the 18th century
- 1466 : Marino Sanudo , Italian historian, writer and diary writer
- 1522 : John Jewel , Bishop of Salisbury
- 1545 : Karl Christoph , Duke of Münsterberg
- 1567 : Georg Mylius , German Lutheran theologian
- 1570 : Johann III. , Duke of Saxe-Weimar
- 1618 : Henrik Horn , Swedish field marshal and governor general of Bremen and Verden
- 1623 : Kanō Sadanobu , Japanese painter
- 1625 : Johann Hecker , German astronomer
- 1665 : Magnus Stenbock , Swedish field marshal
- 1667 : Melchior Schildt , German composer and organist
- 1671 : Abraham Patras , Governor General of the Dutch East Indies
- 1693 : Johann Salomon Brunnquell , German legal scholar
- 1694 : Daniel Gran , Austrian baroque painter
18th century
- 1715 : François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis , French politician, cardinal and poet
- 1721 : Johann Daniel Müller , German theologian
- 1724 : Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne , French naval officer and long-distance trader
- 1724 : Henriette Maria Luise von Hayn , German poet of sacred songs
- 1727 : Johann Koenen , German lawyer
- 1729 : Giuseppe Parini , Italian poet and satirist
- 1733 : Hubert Robert , French painter
- 1734 : Josef Gerl , Austrian architect
- 1749 : Valentin Sonnenschein , German sculptor, painter and plasterer
- 1750 : Giacomo Pes di Villamarina , Piedmontese general and viceroy
- 1750 : Peter Josef Weber , German Roman Catholic theologian
- 1752 : Louis Legendre , French politician
- 1755 : Gaetano Andreozzi , Italian opera composer
- 1757 : Levin von Heister , Prussian lieutenant general
- 1760 : Naftali von Ropschütz , Galician rabbi
- 1761 : Johann Friedrich Abegg , German businessman and senator in Bremen
- 1767 : Alexandre Girardet , Swiss etcher, draftsman and watercolorist
- 1768 : Marie Victor Nicolas de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg , French general
- 1770 : Elisabeth of Great Britain, Ireland and Hanover , Landgrave of Hessen-Homburg
- 1778 : Joaquín Abarca , Spanish prelate
- 1778 : Matthias Ludwig Leithoff , German doctor and orthopedist
- 1779 : Johann Nepomuk Schödlberger , Austrian landscape painter
- 1781 : Newton Cannon , American politician
- 1782 : Johann Andreas Harmssen , German captain, circumnavigator
- 1783 : William Sturgeon , English physicist and inventor
- 1785 : John Hindmarsh , British Rear Admiral and Governor of South Australia
- 1789 : Wilhelmine Herzlieb , German publisher
- 1791 : Karl Magnus Pilar von Pilchau , Russian lieutenant general
- 1792 : Bernhard von Heß , Bavarian lieutenant general
- 1794 : Albrecht Philipp Thaer , German agronomist
- 1795 : Karl von Roehl , Prussian lieutenant general of the artillery
- 1798 : Alexander McDonnell , Irish chess player
- 1799 : Tobias Philipp Ekart , German botanist
- 1799 : Josef Hafner , Austrian color lithographer
19th century
- 1802 : Louis Vivien de Saint-Martin , French geographer
- 1803 : Heinrich Ernst Bindseil , German librarian and historian
- 1808 : Gérard de Nerval , French writer
- 1809 : Bernhard Dunker , Norwegian lawyer and author
- 1811 : Giulia Grisi , Italian opera singer
- 1812 : Gawriil Konstantinowitsch Aiwasowski , Russian orientalist
- 1812 : Theodor Bergk , German classical philologist
- 1813 : Richard Wagner , German composer, writer, theater director, conductor and festival founder
- 1819 : Richard Lee Turberville Beale , American politician, lawyer, and Confederate Brigadier General
- 1821 : Christian Friele , Norwegian editor
- 1827 : Charles David Anderson , American plantation owner, businessman, lawyer, and general
- 1828 : Albrecht von Graefe , royal Prussian secret medical advisor, founder of ophthalmology in Germany
- 1828 : Angelo Di Pietro , Italian clergyman, cardinal to the Curia
- 1832 : George Washington Anderson , American politician
- 1844 : Mary Cassatt , American painter
- 1848 : Hermann Schubert , German mathematician
- 1848 : Fritz von Uhde , German painter
- 1849 : Louis Perrier , Swiss politician
- 1851 : Anton Cyril Stojan , Austro-Czech politician and Archbishop of Olomouc
- 1852 : Moritz von Auffenberg , Austro-Hungarian Army and Minister of War
- 1852 : Niwa Jun'ichirō , Japanese translator and writer
- 1852 : Émile Sauret , French violin virtuoso and composer
- 1854 : Paul Fromhold-Treu , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1859 : Arthur Conan Doyle , British doctor and writer
- 1864 : Willy Stöwer , German marine painter
- 1864 : Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis , Dutch ethnologist
- 1865 : Enric Morera , Spanish composer
- 1867 : Edward Hodges Baily , English sculptor
- 1869 : Otto Gussmann , German painter, professor of ornamentation and architecture-related painting and designer
- 1870 : Adolf Zauner , Austrian Romance studies and linguist
- 1874 : Anton Kippenberg , German publisher
- 1879 : Symon Petlyura , Ukrainian politician
- 1881 : Hermann Levy , German economist
- 1884 : August Asmuth , German politician, MdR
- 1885 : Julio Fonseca , Costa Rican composer
- 1885 : Hans Lukaschek , German lawyer and minister of expellees
- 1885 : Giacomo Matteotti , Italian politician
- 1885 : Naka Kansuke , Japanese writer
- 1887 : Arthur Cravan , British poet, artist and amateur boxer
- 1887 : Wilhelm Kaisen , German politician, Member of the State Parliament, Senator and Mayor of Bremen
- 1887 : James Francis Thorpe , American pentathlon and decathlete
- 1891 : Johannes R. Becher , German writer and politician, Minister, President of the Kulturbund der DDR
- 1891 : Lucien Cailliet , American composer and clarinetist
- 1892 : Hans Gollnick , German general
- 1892 : Ralph Peer , American country singer
- 1892 : Alfonsina Storni , Argentine poet
- 1894 : Friedrich Pollock , German sociologist and economist, co-founder of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main
- 1895 : Friedrich Ablass , German politician and resistance fighter against National Socialism
- 1895 : Agop Dilâçar , Turkish professor and Turkologist
- 1896 : Emerich Ambros , Hungarian-German anti-fascist
- 1897 : Robert Neumann , Austro-British writer
- 1898 : Lucy Doraine , Hungarian silent film star
- 1900 : Juan Arvizu , Mexican singer
20th century
- 1901 : Maurice J. Tobin , American politician, Secretary of Labor, Governor of Massachusetts
- 1905 : Bodo von Borries , German co-inventor of the electron microscope
- 1907 : Hergé , Belgian comic book author and illustrator ( Tintin )
- 1907 : Laurence Olivier , British director, theater and film actor
- 1908 : Gustav Jaenecke , German ice hockey and tennis player
- 1908 : Lionel Audet , Canadian auxiliary bishop
- 1908 : Erika Eisenblätter-Laskowski , German painter
- 1908 : Victor Reinshagen , Swiss conductor and composer
- 1909 : Heinrich Austermann , German politician
- 1909 : Rudolf Bergander , German painter
- 1912 : Herbert Charles Brown , British chemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1914 : Sun Ra , American jazz musician
- 1914 : Vance Packard , American publicist
- 1915 : Raymond Leblanc , Belgian publisher and film producer
- 1916 : Gordon Binkerd , American composer and music teacher
- 1916 : Arno Peters , German historian, geographer and economist
- 1919 : Paul Vanden Boeynants , Belgian Prime Minister
- 1920 : Thomas Gold , Austrian-American astrophysicist
- 1923 : Eduard Abramjan , Armenian pianist and music teacher
- 1924 : Charles Aznavour , French author, actor, composer and performer of chansons
- 1924 : Claude Ballif , French composer
- 1925 : Jean Tinguely , Swiss painter and sculptor
- 1926 : Egon Boldt , German trade unionist and politician
- 1926 : Hans-Joachim Wiemken , German helmsman in rowing
- 1927 : Ernst-Otto Czempiel , German political scientist
- 1927 : Richard Hundhammer , Bavarian politician
- 1927 : Hubert Luthe , German Roman Catholic Bishop of the Essen diocese
- 1927 : Peter Matthiessen , American author, environmentalist and conservationist
- 1927 : George A. Olah , Hungarian-American chemist
- 1927 : Otto Tellmann , Romanian handball player and coach
- 1928 : René Andrianne , Belgian Romance studies and literary scholar
- 1928 : André Wicky , Swiss automobile racing driver and racing team owner
- 1929 : Sergio Mantovani , Italian racing car driver
- 1930 : Joachim Auth , German physicist
- 1930 : Thomas Braut , German actor
- 1930 : Marisol Escobar , American sculptor and painter
- 1930 : Harvey Milk , American politician and civil rights activist
- 1933 : Don Estelle , English actor and singer
- 1934 : Kristlieb Adloff , German theologian
- 1934 : Don Cupitt , English philosopher of religion and scholar of Christian theology
- 1934 : Merry Anders , American actress
- 1935 : Armando Almánzar Rodríguez , Dominican writer and film critic
- 1936 : Eckard Wimmer , virologist and biochemist
- 1938 : Richard Benjamin , American actor
- 1938 : Alain Gagnon , Canadian composer and music teacher
- 1938 : Susan Strasberg , American actress
- 1939 : Bob Dyer , American singer-songwriter, author and filmmaker
- 1939 : Árni Egilsson , Icelandic bass player and composer
- 1939 : Ian Underwood , American musician
- 1940 : Michael Sarrazin , Canadian actor
- 1940 : Klaus Schlappner , German soccer player and coach
- 1940 : Mick Tingelhoff , American football player
- 1941 : Donald Akenson , American historian and writer
- 1941 : Martha Langbein , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1941 : Herbert Matis , Austrian historian and economist
- 1942 : Sergio Anaya , Mexican soccer player
- 1942 : Peter Bongartz , German actor
- 1942 : Guy Bovet , Swiss organist
- 1942 : Theodore Kaczynski , American letter bomb bomber ("Unabomber")
- 1943 : Otto Armin , Canadian violinist and music teacher
- 1943 : Kurt Bendlin , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1943 : Gesine Schwan , German political scientist
- 1943 : Betty Williams , Irish politician, Nobel Prize winner
- 1945 : Piero Ferrari , Italian entrepreneur and industrialist
- 1946 : George Best , Northern Irish football player
- 1949 : Gila Altmann , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary
- 1950 : Michio Ashikaga , Japanese soccer player
- 1950 : Bernie Taupin , British songwriter
- 1951 : Wolf-Dieter Poschmann , German athlete and moderator
- 1952 : Bernhard Brinkmann , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1952 : Peter Jaskola , Polish Catholic priest and professor of theology
- 1953 : Cha Bum-kun , South Korean soccer player
- 1953 : Doris Barnett , German lawyer and politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1954 : Mathias Einert , German voice actor, actor and athlete
- 1955 : Jerry Dammers , British keyboardist
- 1956 : Dennie Christian , German pop singer and presenter
- 1956 : Al Corley , American actor, songwriter, and singer
- 1957 : Hege Schøyen , Norwegian actress and singer
- 1959 : Linda Emond , American actress
- 1959 : Morrissey , British singer ( The Smiths )
- 1960 : Hideaki Anno , Japanese film director
- 1960 : Michael Haase , German mathematician and astrophysicist
- 1961 : Edgar Mann , German composer and pianist
- 1962 : Karl Edelmann , German musician and composer
- 1962 : Darcy Lima , Brazilian chess player and official, editor and teacher
- 1962 : Rainer Wöss , Austrian actor
- 1962 : Melf Grantz , German politician, Lord Mayor
- 1963 : Harald Güller , German politician, MdL
- 1964 : Gregor Hoop , Liechtenstein ski racer
- 1966 : Johnny Gill , American R&B singer
- 1966 : Sergio Lafuente , Uruguayan weightlifter and rally driver
- 1966 : Thomas Zereske , German canoeist
- 1968 : Igor Anatolyevich Ledjachow , Russian football player and coach
- 1969 : Cathy McMorris Rodgers , US politician, member of the House of Representatives
- 1969 : Jörg Roßkopf , German table tennis player
- 1970 : Naomi Campbell , British top model
- 1971 : Lars Koslowski , German tennis player
- 1972 : Andrus Aug , Estonian racing cyclist
- 1972 : Morten Bjerre , Danish handball player
- 1972 : Aurelijus Gutauskas , Lithuanian criminal lawyer and judge
- 1973 : Emilio Alzamora , Spanish motorcycle racer
- 1973 : Fritz Fenne , German actor and radio play speaker
- 1973 : Nikolaj Lie Kaas , Danish actor
- 1973 : Danny Tiatto , Australian soccer player
- 1973 : Witold Wawrzyczek , Polish football player
- 1974 : Christine Prayon , German actress and cabaret artist
- 1974 : Stefan Strauch , German handball player
- 1976 : Fernando Andina , Spanish actor
- 1977 : Marc Bürkle , German handball player
- 1977 : Víctor Hugo Lorenzón , Argentine football player
- 1978 : Katie Price , British model, singer and entrepreneur
- 1979 : Andreas Buder , Austrian ski racer
- 1979 : Maggie Q , American actress and model
- 1979 : Marco Siffredi , French extreme snowboarder
- 1980 : Róbert Gunnarsson , Icelandic handball player
- 1981 : Daniel Bryan , American wrestler
- 1981 : Eric Butorac , American tennis player
- 1981 : Lisa Gnadl , German politician
- 1981 : Jürgen Melzer , Austrian tennis player
- 1982 : Atika Bouagaa , German volleyball player
- 1982 : Kim Mu-yeol , South Korean actor
- 1982 : Zajko Zeba , Bosnian football player
- 1983 : Lina Ben Mhenni , Tunisian lecturer in linguistics and blogger
- 1983 : John Hopkins , American motorcycle racer
- 1983 : Natasha Kai , American soccer player
- 1984 : Alex Atapuma , Colombian racing cyclist
- 1984 : Karoline Herfurth , German actress
- 1985 : Gloria Asumnu , Nigerian athlete
- 1985 : Tranquillo Barnetta , Swiss football player
- 1986 : Thanduyise Khuboni , South African soccer player
- 1987 : Mikhail Aljoschin , Russian racing driver
- 1987 : Hugo Lemos Arthuso , Brazilian badminton player
- 1987 : Novak Đoković , Serbian tennis player
- 1987 : Linda Hesse , German singer
- 1987 : Rômulo , Brazilian soccer player
- 1987 : Zita Szucsánszki , Hungarian handball player
- 1987 : Arturo Vidal , Chilean football player
- 1988 : Chase Budinger , American basketball player
- 1989 : Verena Schweers , German soccer player
- 1990 : Danick Snelder , Dutch handball player
- 1990 : Malcolm Lee , American basketball player
- 1991 : Kentin Mahé , French handball player
- 1991 : Odise Roshi , Albanian football player
- 1991 : Jared Cunningham , American basketball player
- 1992 : Kevin Köppe , German actor
- 1994 : Joseph Attamah , Ghanaian soccer player
- 1995 : Daria Streng , German soccer player
- 1995 : Vedran Kjosevski , Bosnian football player
- 1999 : Camren Bicondova , American actress and dancer
Before the 15th century
- 192 : Dong Zhuo , Chinese politician
- 337 : Constantine I , Roman emperor
- 979 : Gaminolf , Bishop of Constance
- 1016 : Jovan Vladimir , Serbian prince of Duklja
- 1067 : Constantine X , Byzantine emperor
- 1068 : Go-Reizei , 70th Emperor of Japan
- 1115 : Leo Marsicanus , nobleman and cardinal
- 1124 : Wiprecht von Groitzsch , Count von Groitzsch, Margrave of Meissen and the Lausitz
- 1133 : Sæmundur fróði , Icelandic scholar
- 1183 : Berthold von Bussnang , Bishop of Constance
- 1222 : Hermann I , Abbot of St. Blasien
- 1231 : Ulschalk , Bishop of Gurk
- 1298 : Robert de Tibetot , Anglo-Norman nobleman
- 1310 : Humilitas von Vallombrosa , Italian nun and founder of the Vallombrosan Sisters
- 1355 : Humbert II , Dauphin von Viennois
- 1392 : Augustin , Bishop of Lavant
15th to 17th centuries
- 1409 : Blanca of England , Countess Palatinate of the Palatinate
- 1432 : Agnes of Nuremberg , abbess of the Hof monastery
- 1432 : Johann von Venningen , German imperial knight, court master at the Palatinate court in Heidelberg
- 1437 : Jean de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam , French nobleman, Marshal of France
- 1447 : Rita von Cascia , Italian nun, saint of the Catholic Church
- 1455 : Edmund Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset , English nobleman
- 1455 : Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland , English nobleman
- 1455 : Humphrey Stafford, Earl of Stafford , English nobleman
- 1462 : Johann II of Gorizia , German nobleman, Count of Gorizia
- 1466 : Stjepan Vukčić Kosača , Greater Vojwode of Bosnia
- 1507 : Joachim von Bredow , Bishop of Brandenburg
- 1538 : John Forest , English martyr
- 1540 : Francesco Guicciardini , Italian politician and historian ( History of Italy ), friend of Niccolò Machiavelli
- 1545 : Sher Shah Suri , Sultan of Delhi
- 1569 : Georg Aemilius , German theologian and botanist
- 1638 : Heinrich von dem Bergh , Margrave of Bergen op Zoom, Spanish general
- 1664 : Elisabeth Marie Charlotte von Pfalz-Simmern , Duchess of Brieg
- 1666 : Caspar Schott , scientist, pupil of the polymath Athanasius Kircher
- 1667 : Alexander VII , Pope
- 1667 : Melchior Schildt , German composer and organist
- 1669 : Johann Martin zu Stolberg , Count of Stolberg
- 1677 : Wilhelm , Margrave of Baden
- 1688 : Johann Andreas Quenstedt , German representative of Lutheran Orthodoxy
- 1692 : Hartwig von Stiten , Lübeck councilor
18th century
- 1718 : Gaspard Abeille , French clergyman, writer and playwright
- 1728 : Johann Friedrich Eosander von Göthe , German builder of the late Baroque
- 1733 : Jacques Bazin de Bezons, marquis de Bezons , Marshal of France and Governor of Cambrai, Councilor of State and Intendant of Languedoc
- 1735 : Johann Conrad Arnoldi , German pedagogue, logician, librarian and Lutheran theologian
- 1745 : François-Marie de Broglie , French general, Marshal of France
- 1746 : Franz Michael Hueber , Austrian painter
- 1748 : Asaf Jah I , Indian nobleman
- 1752 : Johann Alexander Thiele , Saxon painter and etcher
- 1759 : Georg Anton Heintz , Moravian sculptor
- 1760 : Israel ben Eliezer , known as the Baal Shem Tov , Polish rabbi, founder of Hasidism in Judaism
- 1767 : Johann Georg Ehbruster , Austrian master builder
- 1775 : Emanuel Philibert von Waldstein-Wartenberg , German nobleman
- 1782 : Daniel Triller , German medic and writer
- 1782 : Friederike Caroline Luise von Hessen-Darmstadt , daughter of Georg Wilhelm von Hessen-Darmstadt
- 1782 : Friedrich Gottlieb Zoller , German legal scholar
- 1792 : Johann Gottfried Sillig , German Protestant clergyman
- 1795 : Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg , German music theorist and critic
19th century
- 1819 : Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen , Dutch admiral
- 1833 : Joseph Vitus Burg , Bishop of Mainz
- 1834 : Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl , Austrian botanist
- 1856 : Augustin Thierry , French historian
- 1859 : Ferdinand II , King of Naples and the Two Sicilies
- 1864 : Lulu Countess Thürheim , Austrian painter and writer
- 1868 : Julius Plücker , German mathematician and physicist
- 1871 : Friedrich Halm , Austrian poet and playwright
- 1871 : Leopold IV , Duke of Anhalt-Dessau
- 1873 : Alessandro Manzoni , Italian writer
- 1875 : Nuno José Severo de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto , Portuguese politician
- 1880 : Joseph Aub , German reform rabbi
- 1880 : Heinrich von Gagern , liberal German politician in the age of the Vormärz and the March Revolution
- 1881 : Friedrich Wilhelm Kasiski , Prussian infantry major and cryptographer
- 1885 : Victor Hugo , French romantic writer
- 1891 : Ernst Hähnel , German sculptor and professor at the Dresden Art Academy
- 1895 : Isaac Peral , Spanish engineer and submarine pioneer
- 1898 : Edward Bellamy , American science fiction writer
20th century
- 1910 : Jules Renard , French writer
- 1913 : Karl von Arnim-Züsedom , German politician
- 1913 : Emil Pott , German animal breeding scientist
- 1914 : Carl Attenhofer , Swiss composer, conductor, singer, organist and university music director
- 1919 : Eugen Scheuermann , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1919 : Ernst Fromhold-Treu , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1919 : Eberhard Savary , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1919 : Theodor Taube , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1919 : Theodor Hoffmann , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1919 : August Eckhardt , German-Baltic clergyman and evangelical martyr
- 1919 : Hermann Bergengruen , German-Baltic theologian and Protestant martyr
- 1919 : Erhard Doebler , German-Baltic clergyman and educator, Protestant martyr
- 1919 : Marion von Klot , German-Baltic singer and evangelical martyr
- 1922 : Eduard Fiechtner , German local politician, mayor and honorary citizen of Untertürkheim
- 1932 : Isabella Augusta Gregory , Irish writer
- 1922 : Georg Christian von Lobkowitz , Czechoslovak nobleman and racing car driver
- 1930 : Jean Francis Auburtin , French painter
- 1930 : Rudolf Löw , Swiss musician and high school teacher
- 1933 : Ștefan Dimitrescu , Romanian painter
- 1933 : Emil Oberhoffer , American conductor, composer and music teacher
- 1938 : Jacob Wackernagel , Swiss classical philologist and Indo-Europeanist
- 1939 : Ernst Toller , German politician, revolutionary and writer
- 1945 : Friedrich Wilhelm Bogler , German painter
- 1946 : Karl Hermann Frank , German general and politician, war criminal
- 1949 : James V. Forrestal , American politician
- 1949 : Hans Pfitzner , German composer and conductor
- 1950 : Agnes von Zahn-Harnack , German writer and women's rights activist
- 1951 : Roland Jacobi , Hungarian table tennis player
- 1953 : Martha Arendsee , German politician and women's rights activist
- 1953 : Arthur Arzt , German politician
- 1953 : Bob Wilder , American racing car driver
- 1955 : Kuno-Hans von Both , German general
- 1956 : Walther Kossel , German physicist
- 1958 : Wilhelm Roelen , German mining expert and entrepreneur
- 1959 : Oktavia Aigner-Rollett , Austrian doctor
- 1959 : Carl Albert Loosli , Swiss writer and journalist
- 1960 : Franz Dornseiff , German classical philologist
- 1967 : Josip Plemelj , Yugoslav mathematician
- 1967 : Bertha Hintz , German painter
- 1967 : Langston Hughes , American poet and writer of the Harlem Renaissance
- 1970 : Goodwin Knight , American politician, Governor of California
- 1972 : Cecil Day-Lewis , British-Irish writer and poet
- 1972 : Fred Forbát , Hungarian-Swedish architect, urban planner and painter
- 1972 : Margaret Rutherford , British actress
- 1975 : George WF Hallgarten , American historian
- 1976 : Óscar Bonavena , Argentine heavyweight boxer
- 1976 : Imerio Testori , Italian motorcycle racer
- 1977 : Hampton Hawes , American jazz musician
- 1978 : Benedict Nicolson , British art historian and editor
- 1978 : Václav Dobiáš , Czech composer
- 1979 : Kurt Jooss , German dancer, choreographer and dance teacher
- 1980 : Elisabeth de Meuron , Swiss aristocrat
- 1981 : Emil van Tongel , Austrian politician
- 1983 : Marie Auguste von Anhalt , German nobleman
- 1983 : Albert Claude , Belgian physician, Nobel Prize winner
- 1983 : Erna Scheffler , German lawyer, judge at the Federal Constitutional Court
- 1984 : Erich Gutenberg , German business economist
- 1985 : Wolfgang Reitherman , German-American director
- 1988 : Chucho Martínez Gil , Mexican singer and composer
- 1988 : Heinrich Zillich , German writer and poet
- 1990 : Rocky Graziano , American boxer
- 1992 : Anthony Accardo , American mobster
- 1992 : Yanji I , Japanese writer
- 1992 : György Ránki , Hungarian composer
- 1997 : Alfred Day Hershey , American biologist
- 1998 : Carlfriedrich Claus , German graphic artist and poet
- 1998 : John Derek , American actor and director
- 1999 : Alfred Kubel , German politician, Prime Minister of Braunschweig and Lower Saxony, State Minister, MdL
- 2000 : Ernst Dieter Lueg , German journalist
21st century
- 2002 : Zvi Asaria , Yugoslav-Israeli rabbi and author
- 2003 : Packiam Arokiaswamy , Archbishop of India
- 2004 : Mikhail Jakowlewitsch Voronin , Russian gymnast
- 2004 : Richard Biggs , American television and stage actor
- 2004 : Wolfgang Richter , German composer
- 2005 : Ernst Jakob Henne , German motor sportsman
- 2005 : Howard Morris , American comedian
- 2005 : Thurl Ravenscroft , American bass singer, voice actor and actor
- 2006 : Thomas Burton Adams , American politician
- 2006 : Hamza El Din , Nubian oud and tar player
- 2006 : Lee Jong-wook , South Korean politician and Director General of the World Health Organization
- 2008 : Robert Lynn Asprin , American writer
- 2009 : Herbert Ballmann , German film producer and film director
- 2009 : Alexander Grill , Austrian actor
- 2010 : Martin Gardner , American science journalist and non-fiction author
- 2010 : Mustafa Abu l-Yazid , Egyptian terrorist
- 2011 : Joseph Brooks , American screenwriter, director, film producer and composer
- 2012 : Bolesław Sulik , Polish-British journalist, screenwriter and director
- 2013 : Henri Dutilleux , French composer
- 2013 : Andrea Gallo , Italian priest
- 2014 : Imre Gedővári , Hungarian fencer
- 2014 : Karl-Heinz Hollstein , German army officer
- 2014 : Dragoljub Velimirović , Yugoslav or Serbian chess player
- 2015 : Marques Haynes , American basketball player and official
- 2016 : Adolf Born , Czech caricaturist and graphic artist
- 2016 : Bata Živojinović , Yugoslav or Serbian actor
- 2017 : Nicky Hayden , American motorcycle racer
- 2017 : Julia Vielfalthner , German triathlete and long-distance runner
- 2018 : Alberto Dines , Brazilian journalist and author
- 2018 : Philip Roth , American writer
- 2019 : Ahmad Shah , Malaysian Sultan
- 2019 : Judith Kerr , British writer and illustrator
- 2020 : Mory Kanté , Guinean musician
- 2020 : Jerry Sloan , American basketball player and coach
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- Julia of Corsica , martyr (Catholic)
- Marion von Klot , Baltic martyr (Protestant)
- Name days
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : May 22nd - Collection of images, videos and audio files