Georg Aemilius

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Epitaphia honestissimae atque optime fominae Annae coniugis, 1535

Georg Aemilius , actually Georg Oemler , other name variations "Aemylius" and "Emilius" (born June 25, 1517 in Mansfeld ; † May 22, 1569 in Stolberg (Harz) ) was a German theologian of the 16th century, botanist , educator and reformer .


Georg was born in Mansfeld as the son of the miner Nicolaus Oemler (Öhmler the Elder) and his wife Anna Reinicke, the daughter of the mountain bailiff Peter Reinicke . His father was a friend of Martin Luther's parents and, in addition to Georg, had his son Nicolaus Öhmler the Elder. J. After attending a Latin school, which Georg presumably attended in Stolberg, he enrolled at the University of Wittenberg in the winter semester of 1532 in order to devote himself to studying theology.

In Wittenberg he made friends with Valerius Cordus, who was also studying there . This stimulated Aemilius to occupy himself with botany and had him edit his writings. At the suggestion of Philipp Melanchthon, he Latinized his family name Oemler to Aemilius and began to write Latin poems.

In 1537 he acquired the academic degree of a Magister Artium and took over the management of a private school in Wittenberg. In 1540 he was appointed rector of the Latin school in Siegen , which he headed until 1553, with a letter of recommendation from Martin Luther, who described him as "a particularly fine fellow, also quiet and decent" . Here he translated the French epigrams of Gilles Corrozet on Holbein's Dance of Death (1547) and, for the purposes of his school, the Sunday Gospels (1549) and epistles (1551) into Latin hexameters , praising Johannes Spangenberg as a teacher of verse art.

Even when he in 1553 as superintendent of the counts of Stolberg after Stolberg is called, he continues to work primarily on the development of the school system. After earning his doctorate in theology in Wittenberg on May 8, 1554, he wrote a short, popular overview of the catechism (1557) and a “Several beautiful prophecies or prophecies of Christ's old testament of his future and his new kingdom and the same Wolthaten der Jugend for the best in German rhyme ”in German verse (1560). Despite his peacefulness, he later had arguments as court preacher through Sixtus Amandus , who attacked Aemilius' point of view.

Aemilius was active in botany by looking for plants and caring for rare plants, some of which he glorified in poems. Conrad Gessner and Johann Bauhin often quote him in their works.

The photographer Hermann Dieter Oemler (1939–2011) is one of his descendants .


  • Biblicae historiae Latinis epigrammatibus iilustratae . Frankfurt / Main 1539.
  • Imaginum in Apocalypsi Johannis descriptio, elegiaco carmine condita . Frankfurt / Main 1540.
  • Imagines mortis, his accesserunt epigrammata . (1545, 1547, 1555, 1567, 1572).
  • Evangelia, quae consueto more dominicis et aliis festis diebus in ecclesia leguntur, heroico carmine reddita . Cologne (1549, 1554, 1560).
  • Epistolae, quae dominicis atque festis diebus in ecclesia proponi solent, heroico carmine redditae . Basel 1551.
  • Postilla, Evangelia et Epistolae per quaestiones explicata . 1560.
  • Quite a few beautiful prophecies or prophecies of the old testament of Christ his future and birth also his new kingdom and the same wolthat of the youth for the best in German rhymes by Georg. Emilium D. vnd Pfarher zu Stolbergk vnd zum Newen jar in print. Anno MDLX. Eisleben 1560 (near Vrnanum Gaubisch).
  • Poemata sacra in Jesaiae cap. LIII de passione, morte et resurrectione Christi . Basel 1550.
  • Apocalypsis Johannis, Apocalypsis Johannis Explicatio Apocalypsis Iohannis Perspicua & breuis Tradita et Recognita a Doctore Davide Chytraeo Treatise: Elegiaco Carmine Condita A Georgio Aemilio . Wittenberg 1575 (with Johann Crato).


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