Gaspard Abeille

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Gaspard Abeille

Gaspard Abeille (* 1648 in Riez , Provence , † May 22, 1718 in Paris ) was a French clergyman, writer and playwright.


He came to Paris early from his Provencal homeland. There he entered the service of Marshal François-Henri de Montmorency-Luxembourg as secretary . After his death he temporarily switched to the service of General Louis II. Joseph de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme . He was then General Secretary of the Province of Normandy and finally received from the King the Notre-Dame de la Mercy priory in Clermont-Ferrand. 1704 was appointed to the armchair 19 (armchair 19) of the Académie Française . He had some of his plays published under the name of the actor Jean François Juvénon de La Tuillerie (1650–1688) in order to avoid criticism of the incompatibility of his clerical status with his writing.


  • Argélie, reine de Thessalie ( Thargelia of Miletus ), tragedy in 5 acts and verses, Paris, Théâtre de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne , November 1673
  • Coriolan , Tragedy in 5 Acts and Verses, Paris, Théâtre de l'Hôtel Guénégaud , January 24, 1676
  • Lyncée ( Lynkeus ), Tragedy in 5 Acts and Verses, Paris, Théâtre de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne, February 25, 1678
  • Soliman , Tragedy in 5 Acts and Verses, Paris, Théâtre de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne, October 11, 1680
  • Crispin bel esprit , tragedy in five acts and verse, Paris, Théâtre de l'Hôtel Guénégaud, July 11, 1681
  • Hercule , Tragedy in 5 Acts and Verses, Paris, Théâtre de l'Hôtel Guénégaud, 7 November 1681

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