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15th century |
16th century
| 17th century
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1470s |
1480s |
1490s |
| 1510s
| 1520s
| 1530s
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1503 |
1504 |
1505 |
1506 |
| 1508
| 1509
| 1510
| 1511
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1507 | |
Martin Luther is ordained a priest in Erfurt. | Cesare Borgia , role model for Macchiavelli's Il Principe , dies. |
The name America appears for the first time on Martin Waldseemüller's map of the world .
1507 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 955/956 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1499/1500 |
Aztec calendar | 1. Rabbit Ce Tochtli (until the end of January / beginning of February: 13th house - Matlactli omey Calli ) |
Buddhist calendar | 2050/51 (southern Buddhism); 2049/50 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 70th (71st) cycle
Year of the Fire Rabbit 丁卯 ( at the beginning of the year Fire Tiger 丙寅) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 869/870 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 3840/41 (2-3 October) |
Iranian calendar | 885/886 |
Islamic calendar | 912/913 (turn of the year 12/13 May) |
Jewish calendar | 5267/68 (September 6-7) |
Coptic calendar | 1223/24 |
Malayalam calendar | 682/683 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1817/18 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1818/19 (turn of the year October) |
Spanish era | 1545 |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1563/64 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Portuguese India
A Portuguese fleet under Tristão da Cunha and Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the Persian Gulf located at the entrance, strategically important base Hormuz , the cities of Muscat and Sohar , as well as the islands of Socotra by the Arabs and start there with the construction of a fort to secure the sea route to Portuguese India .
The Count of Lerín rises against Jean d'Albret , King of Navarre , and his wife Catherine . The exiled Cesare Borgia , brother-in-law of d'Albret, is sent to put down the uprising. During the siege of Viana on March 12th, he was killed in an ambush near Mendavia, which he was said to have recognized but ignored. The uprising, an aftermath of the Navarre Civil War , continued for the next few years and led to a decisive weakening of Navarre and, as a result, to the loss of its independence.
With the help of Piedmontese and French troops, Lucien of Monaco succeeds on March 19 in a great battle in the Republic of Genoa , which has been besieging the rule for 100 days , in which the fortress and a large part of the port are destroyed.
In the same year, the French King Louis XII. Acquire Monaco and capture Lucien. His brother Augustin , Bishop of Grasse, takes over the administration of the rule. He brings in experts to assess the value of Monaco. This results in a value of 166,000 ducats, which Ludwig cannot afford. Augustin does not agree to the exchange of Monaco for other fiefs.
Holy Roman Empire
- Jobst II. Becomes Count of Hoya after the death of his father Jobst I on January 6th . His mother, Ermengard zur Lippe, as well as the counts of Spiegelberg and the noble lords of Diepholz take over the guardianship of the underage count.

- Margaret of Austria is by her father Maximilian I on March 18 to the Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands appointed. She also becomes the guardian and tutor of her nephew Karl and her nieces Eleanor of Castile , Isabella and Maria . The policy of the only daughter of Mary of Burgundy is aimed at the recovery of the duchies of Burgundy and Geldern . In this, she is mainly supported by her advisor Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara .
- April 30th to July 26th : The Reichstag meets in Constance .
- August 8 : Before his departure from Constance, Maximilian I appoints the Saxon Elector Frederick the Wise as Imperial Vicar ( vicarius imperii ) or Imperial General Governor ( Imperique locumtenens generalis ). On this occasion, this is the first time that the Locumtenenstaler is struck.
- August 15 : Magnus I becomes Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg after the death of his father Johann IV .
- Hans Pfeil publishes the Constitutio Criminalis Bambergensis ( Bamberg Embarrassing Neck Court Order ), which was created by Johann Freiherr zu Schwarzenberg on behalf of his Bishop Georg III. Schenk von Limpurg drafted the neck court order for Bamberg . In addition to substantive criminal law, it also regulates procedural law , whereby the embarrassing questioning to obtain confessions is constitutively included. It is shaped by the ideas of Italian law schools ( Roman law ) and is the basis for the later Constitutio Criminalis Carolina of Emperor Charles V of 1532 .
- An attempt by the sons of Giovanni II Bentivoglio to regain possession of Bologna, which had been conquered by Pope Julius II the previous year , fails.
Eastern Europe
- March to August: Another Russo-Lithuanian war begins. When the Crimean Tatars advance into Moscow territory in accordance with their alliance commitments in the summer , they are beaten on August 9 on the Oka and forced to retreat.
- Pope Julius II presents the Scottish King James IV with a sword, which today is part of the Scottish Crown Treasure as an imperial sword .
Central Asia

- The Uzbeks under Khan Mohammed Scheibani conquer Herat .
- December 23rd : In a council resolution of the city of Nordhausen am Harz on a spirits tax , Nordhausen spirits are first mentioned in a document.
- after August 8th: In the empire, the Locumtenenstaler is minted as a vicariate coin for the Saxon Elector Friedrich the Wise.
- The chamber target replaces the common penny introduced in 1495 as a tax in the Holy Roman Empire because it could not be enforced.
- Lorenz Schöffer founds the Ingobräu brewery in Ingolstadt .
science and technology
The German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller creates a world map with the help of his partner Matthias Ringmann . Together with a terrestrial globe and an inscription, it is to be seen as a three-part project, to which Waldseemüller gives the Latin name Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque lustrationes ( The complete cosmography according to the tradition of Ptolemy and Amerigo Vespucci and according to other illustrations ). At Ringmann's suggestion, the two scholars name the newly discovered countries in the west after the first name of Amerigo Vespucci, which is the first time that America appears on a map for the continent.
The annals of Tacitus are rediscovered in Corvey Monastery . It contains, among other things, sections on the Varus Battle and the Cheruscan Arminius .
After more than six years of travel through Asia occurs Ludovico de Varthema on December 6 aboard a Portuguese ship from Cannanore in Portuguese India from his home to Europe, which it around the Cape of Good Hope leads.
Culture | |
Aztec calendar
In the Aztec Empire , the last new fire ceremony under the zodiac sign of the fire drill takes place at the end of January / beginning of February under the rule of Moctezuma II . This celebrates the change in the 52-year cycles of the Aztec calendar .
Literature and fine arts
Raffael paints the altar painting Entombment of Christ in oil on wood . Together with other works by Raphael, the picture forms the central part of an altar in the church of San Francesco al Prato in Perugia.
Petermann Etterlin , son of the Lucerne town clerk, publishes a printed Swiss chronicle . This is later criticized for its "French-friendly attitude".
- Heinrich Isaac composes the motet Virgo prudentissima , which will presumably be premiered during the Reichstag in Constance.
- January 26th : Gottschalk von Ahlefeldt is elected Bishop of Schleswig . He is the last Catholic bishop in this office.
- Martin Luther receive on February 27 in the convent of the Augustinian Hermits in Erfurt , in which he in 1505 occurred against the wishes of his father, his ordination as deacon and already on July 4 his ordination .
- Johann III. succeeds Ruprecht von Pfalz-Simmern , who died on April 19th, as Prince-Bishop of Regensburg .
- After the death of Joachim von Bredow on May 22nd, Hieronymus Schulz becomes Bishop of Brandenburg .
- Raffaele Riario becomes Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, he is succeeded by the previous Archbishop of Reims Guillaume Briçonnet as Cardinal Bishop of Albano, who - both offices were then linked - also becomes Archbishop of Narbonne.
- The Otmar Bible is printed.
- 1506 /1507: The English sweat breaks out a second time.
Date of birth saved
- January 1 : Anna of Brandenburg , Brandenburg princess and Duchess of Mecklenburg († 1567 )
- January 14 : Catherine of Castile , Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Spain and Queen of Portugal († 1578 )
- January 25 : Johannes Oporinus , Swiss humanist, printer, publisher, secretary and teacher († 1568 )
- January 28 : Ferrante I Gonzaga , third son of Marquis Gianfrancesco II Gonzaga, Viceroy of Sicily and Count of Guastalla († 1557 )
- March 7th : Magdalene of Saxony , Princess of Saxony and Elector Princess of Brandenburg († 1534 )
- March 29 : Heinrich II. , Duke of Münsterberg, Oels and Bernstadt and Count von Glatz († 1548 )
- June 19 : Annibale Caro , Italian poet († 1566 )
- June 25 : Maria Jakobäa von Baden , Duchess of Bavaria († 1580 )
- August 11 : Jerónimo Nadal , Spanish Jesuit († 1580 )
- August 15th : George III. , Prince of Anhalt-Plötzkau as well as priest and driving force of the Reformation († 1553 )
- September 16 : Jiajing , Emperor of China († 1567 )
- October 1 : Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola , Italian architect († 1573 )
- October 26 : Alvise Mocenigo , Doge of Venice († 1577 )
- October 29 Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba , Spanish general and statesman († 1582 )
- November 11 : Petrus Medmann , German theologian and diplomat of the Reformation period († 1584 )
- December 13 : Christoph von Carlowitz , Saxon diplomat († 1578 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Giovanni Pietro Albuzio , Italian physician and university professor († 1583 )
- Altan Khan , Mongolian prince († 1582 )
- Johanna von Hanau-Lichtenberg , Countess von Eberstein († 1572 )
- Manase Dōsan , Japanese doctor († 1594 )
- Francisco de Aguirre de Meneses , Spanish conquistador († 1581 )
- Mikyö Dorje , 8th Karmapa of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism (d. 1554 )
- Jacopo Strada , Italian scholar, painter, architect, goldsmith, numismatist, writer and art collector († 1588 )
- Inés de Suárez , Spanish nobleman and conquistadora, mistress Pedro de Valdivias († 1580 )
- Thomas Young , Archbishop of York († 1568 )
- Jacob von Zitzewitz , Pomeranian statesman († 1572 )
Born around 1507
- 1501 or 1507: Anne Boleyn , second wife of the English King Henry VIII († 1536 )
- Johann V von Isenburg , Archbishop and Elector of Trier († 1556 )
- Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli , Florentine sculptor and architect († 1563 )
First half of the year
- January 6th : Jobst I. , Count of Hoya (* around 1460 )
- January 7th : Cosimo Rosselli , Florentine painter (* 1439 )
- before January 30th: Erhart Küng , foreman at Bern Minster (* around 1420 )
- February 11 : Johann von Glogau , Polish philosopher and mathematician (* around 1445 )
- February 23 : Gentile Bellini , Venetian painter (* around 1429 )
- March 12 : Cesare Borgia , Italian Renaissance ruler (* 1475 )
- March 16 : Balthasar , Duke of Mecklenburg (* 1451 )
- April 2 : Franz von Paola , founder of the Italian order and saint (* 1416 )
- April 14th : Endres Tucher , builder of the city of Nuremberg (* 1423 )
- April 19 : Ruprecht von Pfalz-Simmern , Bishop of Regensburg (* 1461)
- April 25 : Elisabeth von Brandenburg , Countess von Henneberg (* 1474 )
- April: Nicolaes Craen , Franco-Flemish composer and singer
- May 14 : Hernando de Talavera , Spanish bishop and politician (* 1428 )
- May 15 : Alonso Ortiz , Spanish humanist and theologian (* 1445 )
- before June 17: Valentin Ostertag , German lawyer (* around 1450 )
Second half of the year
- July 8 : Anna Notaras , Byzantine nobleman, member of the Greek community in exile in Venice and patroness (* before 1453)
- July 29th : Martin Behaim , German cloth merchant and cosmographer (* 1459 )
- August 15 : Johann IV. , Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg (* 1439 )
- August 23 : Jean Molinet , Franco-Flemish poet, composer and chronicler (* 1435 )
- August 24th : Cecily of York , English princess (* 1469 )
- shortly after August 31: Ulrich Zell , Cologne printer
- September 1st : Girolamo Basso della Rovere , Bishop of Sabina (* 1434 )
- September 11th : Galeotto Franciotti della Rovere , Bishop of Lucca and Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Benevento (* 1471 )
- October 16 : Johann von Riedheim , Prince Abbot of Kempten
- December 15 : Aleidis Raiscop , German Benedictine and writer (* 1449 )
- December 24th : Georg Emmerich , merchant and mayor of Görlitz (* 1422)
Exact date of death unknown
- William Beaumont, 2nd Viscount Beaumont , English nobleman (* 1438 )
- Giovanni Matteo Contarini , Venetian cartographer
- Hans Jakob von Ettlingen , Hessian court architect (* around 1440 )
- Rueland Frueauf the Elder , Salzburg painter (* around 1445 )
- Hans Leu the Elder , Zurich painter (* around 1460 )
- Leonhard Merz , Swiss Mayor (* before 1450)
Died around 1507
- Richard Davy , English organist, choir director and composer (* around 1465 )