Literature year 1507

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Overview of the literary years
Further events

Literature year 1507
Detail of the map on which the name “America” appears for the first time Martin Waldseemüller uses the name America for the first time on his world map . Cover of the Etterlin Chronicle Petermann Etterlin publishes a Swiss chronicle .



Title page of the Bambergensis

Hans Pfeil publishes the Constitutio Criminalis Bambergensis ( Bamberg Embarrassing Neck Court Order ), which was created by Johann Freiherr zu Schwarzenberg on behalf of his Bishop Georg III. Schenk von Limpurg drafted the neck court order for Bamberg . In addition to substantive criminal law, it also regulates procedural law , whereby the embarrassing questioning to obtain confessions is constitutively included. It is shaped by the ideas of Italian law schools ( Roman law ) and is the basis for the later Constitutio Criminalis Carolina of Emperor Charles V of 1532.

Historical works

Petermann Etterlin , son of the Lucerne town clerk, publishes a printed Swiss chronicle . This is later criticized for its "French-friendly attitude".

Fracanzano da Montalboddo publishes the anthology Paesi novamente retrovati in Vicenza , the first comprehensive, printed collection of early modern discovery reports. Among other things, the work Libretto de tutta la navigatione de Re de Spagna de le Isole et terreni novamente trovati by Petrus Martyr von Anghiera from 1504 has been incorporated into the collection.

The annals of Tacitus are rediscovered in Corvey Monastery . It contains, among other things, sections on the Varus Battle and the Cheruscan Arminius .


The German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller creates a world map with the help of his partner Matthias Ringmann . She's with a terrestrial globe and an inscription ( Cosmographiae Introductio ) to consider as a three-part project, the Waldseemuller the Latin name Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei parks Traditions et Americi Vespucii aliorumque loss rationes ( full cosmography according to the tradition of Ptolemy and after Amerigo Vespucci and by other figures ) gives. At Ringmann's suggestion, the two scholars name the newly discovered countries in the west after the first name of Amerigo Vespucci, which is the first time that America appears on a map for the continent.




See also

Portal: Literature  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of literature

Web links

Commons : Books 1507  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files