Erhart Küng

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The cathedral portal
Inscription do it

Erhart Küng , also Erhard Küng (* around 1420 in Stadtlohn , Westphalia ; † before January 30, 1507 ) was a German stonemason and master craftsman at the Bern Minster . He is considered to be the most important artist in Bern before Niklaus Manuel .

After an apprenticeship as a stonemason and years of traveling , he settled in Bern around 1455, was a member of the Grand Council there around 1460 , was appointed municipal works foreman in 1479 and in 1483 as minster works for life.

Küng was significantly involved in the expansion of the Münster platform . With assistants, he created the group of sculptures of the Last Judgment between 1460 and 1481/83 on the central west portal of the minster. Other works are a Man of Sorrows from the Thorberg Charterhouse , which is now kept in the Historical Museum in Bern , wooden altars in the Cathedral of Sion and the parish church of Ernen, and some pieces from the Bern sculpture find .

The well-known inscription machs na on the parapet in front of the second easternmost buttress on the northern flank of the minster probably comes from Küng .


Web links

Commons : Erhart Küng  - Collection of images, videos and audio files