Chamber target

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The Chamber Target , also Reich Chamber Target or Chamber Court Target ( Target : outdated plural here originally for target in the sense of the date on which taxes were to be paid, then derived from the tax / tax itself), was the only permanent imperial tax in the Holy Roman Empire . It was raised by the imperial estates as a registration fee and served to maintain the imperial chamber court (collecta ad sustentationem judicii cameralis destinata).


The Kammerzieler as a means of funding for the Reich Chamber Court goes back to the Reich decision of 1548. However, as early as 1507, the Kammerzieler replaced the common pfennig, which was suspended in 1505, as a tax because it could not be collected. The Reichspfennigmeister was responsible for calculating and taking the target . The confiscation was carried out by the responsible imperial districts in the Legstädten Augsburg , Frankfurt am Main , Leipzig , Nuremberg and Regensburg .

"Goals" (payment dates)

The payment dates changed at first. Annual contributions were originally planned; Then it was determined for the first time in the Worms Reich Decree of 1521 (§ 7 and § 12) that half of the contributions were due and payable at the end of the Frankfurt Autumn Fair and the other half at the Frankfurt Fasting Fair. These dates gradually established themselves. When after the Thirty Years War the maintenance of the Court of Appeal was to be put in order, the first target was set for September 8, 1654 (Feast of the Birth of Mary = end of the Frankfurt Autumn Fair) and the next on March 25, 1655 (Feast of the Annunciation = End of the Frankfurt fasting fair). These two dates remained until the end of the Old Kingdom in 1806.


  • Konrad Fuchs, Heribert Raab: Dictionary of German history. dtv, Munich 1992, p. 398.
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Henning: Chamber target. In: HRG . Volume 2, Berlin 1978, Sp. 590-592.
  • Georg Melchior von Ludolff: … Thorough instruction on the maintenance of the Kayserl. and Reichs Cammer Court,…. Frankfurt 1721.
  • Chamber goal. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 11 : K - (V). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1873, Sp. 132 ( ).
  • Chamber target . In: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 6 , issue 7 (edited by Hans Blesken, Siegfried Reicke ). Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1967, OCLC 833208342 , Sp. 1002-1003 ( ).

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