German legal dictionary

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The German Legal Dictionary (DRW) is an online reference work for historical German legal language. The large dictionary deals in alphabetical order with the legally significant vocabulary of German (and other West Germanic languages) from late antiquity to the 19th century. Currently around 100,000 articles from the letter ranges from A (like Aachenfahrt ) to S (like poke word ) have been completed. The fourteenth volume is in preparation.

In addition to the German dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and the Swiss Idioticon , the DRW is the most comprehensive representation of German word history.

The printed version of the German Legal Dictionary (DRW): We are now working on the fourteenth volume. Around 100,000 word articles in 20,000 printed columns have been published.

Objective and structure

As a dictionary in the narrower sense, the DRW explains the meanings of the words it deals with, but in some cases goes beyond mere explanations of words by, where necessary, going into (e.g. legal) contexts with brief explanations and trying to map a possible change in word meaning. The alphabetically arranged word articles contain lemma and explanations of meaning as representative as possible, which should reflect both the temporal and geographical distribution of the respective word. Since not only legal terms, but also everyday language words are included in the dictionary as soon as they have a special meaning in a legal context, the DRW is an important tool for all historically working disciplines that use text sources from the German or West Germanic language area work. Not least in its generally and freely accessible online version, the dictionary is therefore also used far beyond German borders.

The task of the DRW is the history of earlier German legal vocabulary as well as the legally relevant meanings of general vocabulary from the beginning of written tradition in the 5th century to 1815 semasiologically display. The oldest records currently recorded in the DRW date from before 384 AD and 479 AD. The DRW thus covers a period of around 1400 years - far more than most other dictionaries. The DRW is an aid for understanding written sources that use this vocabulary , but in this function it goes far beyond that of a dictionary for one of the many technical or professional languages, because its source base is not limited to German legal texts, but Due to the close interweaving of general and legal language , every type of text is examined for legally relevant word material. The legal language in the sense in which it applies in the DRW is that which can be used to refer to legally relevant institutions and facts.

The term “German” in the title includes Old Saxon , Old English , Old Frisian , Middle Dutch and Middle Low German . In the interest of legibility of the articles, translations were added to the Old English and Old Frisian texts.

Languages ​​or language levels considered in the DRW Approximate occupancy period
Vernacular words in early Latin texts 450-800
Old English 600-1100
Old High German 600-1050
Longobard 650-1000
Old Dutch 700-1200
Old Saxon 800-1200
Old Frisian 800-1500
Middle Dutch 1200-1600
Middle Low German 1200-1650
Early New High German 1350-1650
New High German from 1650 (- 1815/35 in the DRW)


A so-called voucher slip from the early days of the German legal dictionary: Here a reference to the word “Morgengabe” was noted. Around 2.5 million such receipts are the basis for creating the dictionary. Today an electronic database is added.

Following a suggestion by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz from 1700, the DRW was brought into being in 1896/97 as a research project of the Prussian Academy . The founding commission included important personalities of the time: the legal historians Karl von Amira , Heinrich Brunner , Ferdinand Frensdorff , Otto von Gierke and Richard Schröder, as well as the historian Ernst Dümmler and the language historian Karl Weinhold . The Heidelberg legal scholar Richard Schröder took over the organizational management; In 1917 he was followed by the legal historian Eberhard Freiherr von Künßberg . The dictionary company was based in Heidelberg from the start .

  • Project founded in 1897
  • Start of publication 1912 (source booklet)
  • First dictionary delivery 1914
  • Conceptual reform 1970.

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences has been responsible for the German legal dictionary since 1959 . Since 1980 the legal dictionary has been funded by the academy program.

With the free internet presentation of the printed volumes and other materials including digitized sources since 1999, the DRW is considered to be a pioneer in the use of new media in the field of historical dictionaries. From 1989 onwards there was electronic text typesetting, from 1990 onwards electronic document capture and manuscript creation, from 1993 onwards it was switched to a lexicographic database. Today, DRW-Online has numerous additional research options and links. In addition, short references (so-called word assignments) are shown in DRW-Online for words that are indeed recorded in the DRW archive but have not received a word article (e.g. because of a late first assignment) with an initial assignment up to and including 1835.

Sources and material base

  • Approx. 8,500 source sigla; A sigle can stand for an individual legal source (such as the Sachsenspiegel or the Klagspiegel ) or for a collection of sources (such as the Monumenta Germaniae Historica ) or even entire series of journals (e.g. the Savigny magazine or Signa Iuris ).
  • Note archive with approx. 2.5 million documents; created in the beginning of the project.
  • In addition, an electronic text archive with several million words.

Publication status

Sources booklet: Start of publication 1912

  • Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . References , 1912, OCLC 831869791 , pp. 1-89 .
  • Richard Schröder († 1917), Eberhard von Künßberg: German legal dictionary . Ed .: Prussian Academy of Sciences. Source Supplement 1, 1930, OCLC 830848690 , p. 90-111 .
  • German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (Ed.): German legal dictionary . Source Supplement 2, 1953, OCLC 830848709 , p. 112-126 .
  • German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . Source Supplement 3, 1970, OCLC 830848730 , p. 127-174 .
  • Sylvia Mosler: German legal dictionary . Ed .: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. Sources supplement 4, 1992, ISBN 3-7400-0821-0 , p. 175-244 .

Dictionary deliveries: Start of publication 1914 (dictionary of the older German legal language)

  • Volume 1: Eberhard von Künßberg, Richard Schröder († 1917) : Aachen trip to Bergkasten . In: Prussian Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 1 , 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0971-3 (first edition: 1932, start of publication: 1914 - unchanged reprint).
  • Volume 2: Eberhard von Künßberg: Bergkaue to discharge . In: Prussian Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 2 , 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0972-1 (first edition: 1935, start of publication: 1932 - unchanged reprint).
  • Volume 3: Eberhard von Künßberg: excuse me until escorts . In: Prussian Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 3 , 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0974-8 (first edition: 1938, start of publication: 1935 - unaltered reprint).
  • Volume 4: Eberhard von Künßberg († 1941) , Alfred Loch († 1949) , Hans Blesken, Otto Gönnenwein a . a .: accompanying up to the swearing of hands . In: German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (Ed.): German legal dictionary . tape 4 , 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0975-6 (first edition: 1951, start of publication: 1939 - unchanged reprint).
  • Volume 5: Otto Gönnenwein, Wilhelm Weizsäcker , with the participation of Hans Blesken: Hands-on to hoofed wheat . In: German Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Prussian Academy of Sciences [Berlin], Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 5 , 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0976-4 (first edition: 1960, start of publication: 1952 - unchanged reprint).
  • Volume 6: Hans Blesken, Otto Gönnenwein († 1961) , Siegfried Reicke († 1972) , Wilhelm Weizsäcker († 1961) : Hufenwirt to Kanzelzehnt . In: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 6 , 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0977-2 (first edition: 1972, start of publication: 1961, reprint unchanged).
  • Volume 7: Günther Dickel , Heino Speer, with the assistance of Renate Ahlheim, Richard Schröder, Christina Kimmel, Hans Blesken: Law firm to coronation . In: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 7 , 1983, ISBN 3-7400-0978-0 (publication date: 1974).
  • Volume 8: Günther Dickel († 1985) , Heino Speer a. a .: act of coronation to meal companion . In: German legal dictionary . tape 8 , 1991, ISBN 3-7400-0979-9 (first published in 1984).
  • Volume 9: Heino Speer, with the collaboration of Almuth Bedenbender, Christina Kimmel u. a .: meal to Notrust . In: German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 9 , 1996, ISBN 3-7400-0980-2 (first published in 1992).
  • Volume 10: Heino Speer, with the collaboration of Almuth Bedenbender u. a .: Emergency to Ræswa . In: German legal dictionary . tape 10 . Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-7400-0981-0 .
  • Volume 11: Heino Speer, with the collaboration of Almuth Bedenbender u. a .: Advice to sentences . In: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Deutsches Rechtsworterbuch (dictionary of the older German legal language) . tape 11 , 2007, ISBN 978-3-7400-1244-1 .
  • Volume 12: Andreas Deutsch, with the assistance of Almuth Bedenbender u. a .: Sau to Swedish . In: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 12 , 2013, ISBN 978-3-7400-1269-4 .
  • Volume 13: Andreas Deutsch, with the collaboration of Almuth Bedenbender u. a .: sulfur to Stegrecht . In: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 13 , 2018, ISBN 978-3-476-04784-7 .
  • Expected completion in 2036 with 16 volumes.


  • Almuth Bedenbender: The German legal dictionary on the net . In: Andrea Abel / Lothar Lemnitzer (eds.): Networking strategies, access structures and automatically determined information in Internet dictionaries. Mannheim 2014, pp. 22–28.
  • Andreas Deutsch: Oudfriese terms in het German legal dictionary . The sea valley benadering van het woordenboek van historical Duitse juridische termen. In: Trefwoord - tijdschrift voor lexicografie 2019.
  • Andreas Deutsch: On the symbiosis between "note box" and "database" when creating articles in the German legal dictionary. In: Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann, Peter O. Müller (Hrsg.): Historical lexicography between tradition and innovation. Berlin / Boston 2016, pp. 271–286.
  • Andreas Deutsch: On a vocabulary search. The German legal dictionary in a digital world. In: Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History. Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 24 (2016), pp. 358–360.
  • Andreas Deutsch: When the mouse wants to know what patron means. Legal history in the German legal dictionary and its communication to non-academic target groups. In: Volker Harm / Holger Runow / Leevke Schiwek (eds.): Language history of German. Positioning in research, studies, teaching. Stuttgart 2016, pp. 103–115.
  • Andreas Deutsch: From the idea of ​​a dictionary to the older legal language - and the birth of a major project in 1897: to the conception of the German legal dictionary and its forerunners as reference works relating to the past. In: Michael Prinz, Hans-Joachim Solms (Ed.): Vnuornemliche alde vocabulen - good, useful words. To the beginnings of historical lexicography. = Journal for German Philology, special issue for volume 132, 2014, pp. 269–298.
  • Andreas Deutsch: Why the Lachmayer is not in the German legal dictionary. To the possibilities of name research and word family research via DRW-Online. In: Erich Schweighofer, Meinrad Handstanger, Harald Hoffmann u. a. (Ed.): Signs and magic of the law. Festschrift for Friedrich Lachmayer. Bern 2014, pp. 1015-1026.
  • Andreas Deutsch: The “Dictionary of Historical German Legal Terms” and its European concept. In: Charlotte Brewer (Ed.): The Fifth International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL5). Oxford University Research Archive (ORA), Oxford 2011.
  • Andreas Deutsch: Of "a thousand miracles" and a "huge treasure trove of notes". From the history of the German legal dictionary . In the S. (Ed.): The German legal dictionary - perspectives. Heidelberg 2010, pp. 21–45.
  • Andreas Deutsch: The German legal dictionary - a language dictionary on legal and cultural history. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverband 57/4 (2010): Historische Lexikographie des Deutschen. Ed. By Holger Runow, pp. 419-431.
  • Günther Dickel, Heino Speer: German legal dictionary: conception and lexicographical practice for eight decades (1897–1977). In: Helmut Henne (Ed.): Practice of Lexicography. Reports from the workshop (=  German linguistic series. Volume 22). Niemeyer, Tübingen 1979, ISBN 3-484-10358-2 , pp. 20-37.
  • Christina Kimmel: eyes, mouth, nose and ears in the right. Selected examples from the corpus of the German legal dictionary. In: Research on legal archeology and legal folklore. Volume 17, 1997, ZDB -ID 800035-9 , pp. 101-114
  • Ulrich Kronauer: The German legal dictionary - a little-known tool of 18th-century research. In: The Eighteenth Century. Communications from the German Society for Research in the Eighteenth Century. Volume 14, Issue 2, 1990, ISSN  0722-740X , pp. 281-283.
  • Ulrich Kronauer: Feelings in Legal Life. From the workshop of the German legal dictionary. In: Mercury . No. 597 = Volume 52, Issue 12, 1998, pp. 1181-1186.
  • Ulrich Kronauer: Pictures of the "Gypsy" in legal sources and their representation in the German legal dictionary . In: Anita Awosusi (Ed.): Keyword: Gypsies. On the stigmatization of Sinti and Roma in lexicons and encyclopedias (=  series of publications by the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma. Volume 8). Verlag Das Wunderhorn, Heidelberg 1998, ISBN 3-88423-141-3 , pp. 97-118.
  • Ulrich Kronauer, Jörn Garber (Ed.): Law and Language in the German Enlightenment (= Hallesche Contributions to the European Enlightenment. Volume 14). Niemeyer, Tübingen 2000, ISBN 3-484-81014-9 .
  • Adolf Laufs: The German legal dictionary. In: Akademie-Journal. Volume 2, 1993, ISSN  0942-4776 , pp. 7-11.
  • Ingrid Lemberg: The excerpt from historical dictionaries using the example of the Early New High German dictionary and the German legal dictionary. In: Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Ed.): Dictionaries in Discussion II. Lectures from the Heidelberg Lexicographical Colloquium (=  Lexicographica. Series maior. Volume 70). Niemeyer, Tübingen 1996, ISBN 3-484-30970-9 , pp. 83-102.
  • Ingrid Lemberg: Origin of the German legal dictionary. In: Lexicographica. International Yearbook of Lexicography. Volume 12, 1996, ISSN  0175-6206 , pp. 105-124.
  • Ingrid Lemberg: Forms of hypertextualization in the German legal dictionary. In: Language and Data Processing. International Journal for Language Data Processing. Volume 22, Issue 1, 1998, ISSN  0343-5202 , pp. 44-54.
  • Ingrid Lemberg: Lexicographical explanations in the German legal dictionary: Gestaltungsmuster in a dictionary of the older German legal language. In: Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Ed.): Dictionaries in Discussion III. Lectures from the Heidelberg Lexicographical Colloquium (=  Lexicographica. Series maior. Volume 84). Niemeyer, Tübingen 1998, ISBN 3-484-30984-9 , pp. 135-154.
  • Ingrid Lemberg: Lexicography and cultural history: 1400 years of legal culture as reflected in the German legal dictionary. In: Heidrun Kämper / Ludwig M. Eichinger (Ed.): Language - Cognition - Culture. Language between mental structure and cultural imprint. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2008 (Yearbook of the Institute for the German Language 2007), pp. 151–173.
  • Ingrid Lemberg, Sybille Petzold, Heino Speer: The way of the German legal dictionary into the Internet. In: Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Ed.): Dictionaries in Discussion III. Lectures from the Heidelberg Lexicographical Colloquium (=  Lexicographica. Series maior. Volume 84). Niemeyer, Tübingen 1998, ISBN 3-484-30984-9 , pp. 262-284.
  • Ingrid Lemberg, Heino Speer: Report on the German legal dictionary. In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History . German Department. Volume 114, 1997, pp. 679-697.
  • Eva-Maria Lill: EDP ​​- the end of all confusion? The use of electronic data processing in the German legal dictionary. In: Rudolf Grosse (Ed.): Capturing and describing meanings in historical and dialectological dictionaries. Contributions to a conference of German-language dictionaries, projects at academies and universities from March 7th to 9th, 1996 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (=  treatises of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig. Philological-historical class. Volume 75 , Booklet 1). Hirzel, Stuttgart a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-7776-0830-0 , pp. 237-248.
  • Ulrike Rühl: The glossary of the city law of Cleve. In: Bernhard Diestelkamp , Klaus Flink (Ed.): The Oberhof Kleve and his lay judges. Investigations on the Klever city law (=  Klever archive. Volume 15). Stadtarchiv Kleve, Kleve 1994, ISBN 3-922412-14-9 , pp. 263-313.
  • Heino Speer: The German legal dictionary: Historical lexicography of a technical language . In: Lexicographica. International Yearbook of Lexicography. Volume 5, 1989, pp. 85-128 (PDF file; 336 kB).
  • Heino Speer: The German Legal Dictionary: Presentation of the dictionary and lexicographical practice using the example of "Magdeburg". In: Ulrich Goebel, Oskar Reichmann (Hrsg.): Historical Lexicography of the German Language (=  Studies in German Language and Literature. SGLL. Volume 6 = Studies in Russian and German. Volume 3). Volume 2. Mellen, Lewiston NY, et al. a. 1991, ISBN 0-7734-9761-7 , pp. 675-711.
  • Heino Speer: DRW to FAUST. A dictionary between tradition and progress. In: Lexicographica. International Yearbook of Lexicography. Volume 10, 1994, pp. 171-213.
  • Heino Speer: A dictionary, electronic data processing and the consequences . In: Akademie-Journal. Volume 2, 1998, pp. 11-16.
  • Heino Speer: German legal dictionary. In: Concise dictionary on German legal history . HRG. Volume 1: Aachen - Spiritual Bank. 2nd, completely revised and enlarged edition. Schmidt, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-503-07912-4 , Sp. 1007-1011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See project homepage under “Previously published volumes” (accessed on March 23, 2020).
  2. Andreas Deutsch: Exciting chips. Examples of word meaning change from the workshop of the German legal dictionary. In: Luise Czajkowski, Sabrina Ulbrich-Bösch, Christina Waldvogel (Hrsg.): Sprachwandel im Deutschen. Berlin / Boston 2018, pp. 135–146.
  3. Annual report of the German legal dictionary. In: Yearbook of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences for 2018 , Heidelberg 2019, p. 227 ff.
  4. Andreas Deutsch: Oudfriese terms in het German legal dictionary. The sea valley benadering van het woordenboek van historical Duitse juridische termen. In: Trefwoord - tijdschrift voor lexicografie 2019, p. 4.
  5. ^ Ingrid Lemberg: Lexicography and cultural history: 1400 years of legal culture as reflected in the German legal dictionary. In: Heidrun Kämper, Ludwig M. Eichinger (Hrsg.): Language - Cognition - Culture. Language between mental structure and cultural imprint (=  yearbook of the Institute for German Language 2007 ) Berlin / New York 2008, p. 151 ff.
  6. See project homepage under “What is the DRW?” (Accessed on March 23, 2020).
  7. On the history of the project, for example: Ingrid Lemberg, Heino Speer: Report on the German legal dictionary. In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History . German Department. Volume 114, 1997, pp. 679-697; Andreas Deutsch: Of "a thousand miracles" and a "huge treasure trove of notes". From the history of the German legal dictionary. In the S. (Ed.): The German legal dictionary - perspectives. Heidelberg 2010, pp. 21-45; Andreas Deutsch: From the idea of ​​a dictionary to the older legal language - and the birth of a major project in 1897: to the conception of the German legal dictionary and its forerunners as reference works relating to the past. In: Michael Prinz, Hans-Joachim Solms (Ed.): Vnuornemliche alde vocabulen - good, useful words. To the beginnings of historical lexicography = magazine for German philology, special issue for volume 132, 2014, pp. 269–298.
  8. ^ Page at the Academy Union on the legal dictionary , accessed May 21, 2020
  9. for 1980 see Science Policy Statement of the Science Council on the Academies Program, 2018, table on page 87 , accessed May 21, 2020
  10. DRW online
  11. ^ About the functions of the online version: Almuth Bedenbender: The German legal dictionary on the net. In: Andrea Abel, Lothar Lemnitzer (Hrsg.): Networking strategies, access structures and automatically determined information in Internet dictionaries. Mannheim 2014, pp. 22–28.
  12. Andreas Deutsch: On the symbiosis between "Zettelkasten" and "Database" when creating articles in the German legal dictionary. In: Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann, Peter O. Müller (Hrsg.): Historical lexicography between tradition and innovation. Berlin / Boston 2016, pp. 271–286.