Günther Dickel

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Günther Dickel (born February 5, 1927 in Braunfels / Lahn , † January 10, 1985 in Heidelberg ) was a German legal scholar , legal historian and canon lawyer . Among other things, he acted as professor of legal history and scientific director of the German Legal Dictionary Research Center at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences .

Live and act

The son of the princely Solms-Braunfels chamber director August Dickel fell ill with polio at the age of nine, the long-term consequences of which he suffered all his life. In 1946 he graduated from high school in Nordhausen and then studied law in Göttingen and Heidelberg . In 1952 the first state examination took place. Dickel also began his professional career in Heidelberg. From 1953 he worked here as an employee of the German legal dictionary (DRW). In 1960, Siegfried Reicke received his doctorate with a thesis on the history of the law faculty and in 1965 his habilitation with a constitutional document on the granting of lay lords. In addition, he worked as a contributor to the “ Palatinate Weistümer ”.

In 1969, Dickel accepted a call to Bielefeld University to work as a scientific advisor and professor of legal history, where he only stayed for a short time. In September 1971 he took over the scientific management of the German legal dictionary, in whose modernization and restructuring he played a key role. The DRW volumes VII and VIII were largely created under his responsibility.

In 1974 Dickel - coupled with his position as head of the legal dictionary - received a professorship for German legal history, German private law and canon law at the Heidelberg Faculty of Law.

Due to illness, Dickel had to ask for his retirement ten years later, and a few months later, on January 10, 1985, he died at the age of 57.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Heidelberg Faculty of Law - Stages and Changes in Its Development , Heidelberg 1961 (dissertation 1960).
  • The imperial right to reserve the panis letters on lay lord mortgages. An investigation into the constitutional history of the Old Empire and the history of ecclesiastical law according to Vienna files . Scientia-Verlag, Aalen 1985 (habilitation thesis).
  • (as arrangement) Palatinate Weistümer , arr. with the participation of Fritz Kiefer, deliveries 5 to 7, publications of the Palatinate Society for the Advancement of Science, 1968/1973.


  • Andreas Deutsch: Of "a thousand miracles" and a "huge treasure trove of notes" - From the history of the German legal dictionary . In: ders .: The German Legal Dictionary - Perspektiven , Heidelberg 2010, pp. 21–45, pp. 41 ff.
  • Gerhard Köbler : German legal historians , Gießen 2006, p. 42.
  • Klaus-Peter Schroeder : A university for lawyers and by lawyers. The Heidelberg Faculty of Law in the 19th and 20th centuries . Tübingen 2010, pp. 497-498.
  • Heino Speer: Günther Dickel in memoriam . In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History (German Department) 104 (1987), pp. 484–486.

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