Panis letter

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As Panisbriefe ( Latin Litterae panis , Vitalltium , Alimoniae , from lat. Panis , bread ') is called bread or supply letters of German emperors since the 13th century for needy people, "without distinction of class, race or religion" were issued. They obliged the owner of a spiritual benefice , for example a spiritual foundation, or a monastery , to provide for the owner of the letter, the so-called “Panisten” or “Breadling”, temporarily or for life. For Prussia , this facility was abolished by Frederick the Great .

See also


  • Hans Jörg Hirschmann: From the imperial right of the Panis letters . Diss. University of Marburg, 1973.
  • Günther Dickel : The imperial right of reservation of panic letters on lay lords. An investigation into the constitutional history of the Old Empire and the history of ecclesiastical law according to Vienna files . Scientia-Verlag, Aalen 1985, ISBN 3-511-02845-0 .