Giovanni Pietro Albuzio

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Giovanni Pietro Albuzio (* 1507 ; † February 14, 1583 in Pavia ) was an Italian doctor and university professor .


Giovanni Pietro Albuzio was the son of his father of the same name, Giovanni Pietro Albuzio, doctor and writer and his wife Giulia, née. Daveria.

As a theologian and philosopher , he taught rhetoric and later logic at the University of Pavia from 1532 ; Appointments to the University of Bologna and the University of Pisa followed , but he turned them down.

Because of his medical knowledge, he was often called to the bedside of princes, prelates and nobles. While the plague raged in Milan in 1577 , he was responsible for health in the Porta Vercellina district.

Due to his membership in the Collegio dei Fisci Nobili and the Accademia degli Affidati, he was also consulted by other scholars, including the humanist Gerolamo Cardano .

Giovanni Pietro Albuzio was married to Lucia Lampugnani from Milan.


He was a member of the Collegio dei Fisici Nobili and the Accademia degli Affidati of Pavia.

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His death prevented the publication of his two works Lectionum lib. II and Consiliorum medicinalium lib. I .

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