Heinrich Austermann

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Heinrich Austermann (born May 22, 1909 in Papenburg ; †  August 20, 1984 in Münster , Westphalia ) was a German politician ( CDU ) and chief city ​​director of Münster for 21 years .


Austermann completed his school education in 1928 with the Abitur and studied in the following years at the universities of Innsbruck , Munich and Münster . In 1929 he became a member of the K.St.V. Markomannia in the Cartel Association of Catholic German Student Associations (KV) , of which he was Philistine senior from 1962 to 1976. After completing his studies, Austermann began his political career in 1935 as an assessor in the Münster city administration. At the same time he was appointed managing director of Flughafen Münster GmbH.

According to the Münster historian Christian Steinhagen, Austermann was responsible in 1938 as a young lawyer in the legal office of the city of Münster for the property confiscation and operational management in the sense of the "Aryanization" of Jewish property.

After the end of the Second World War , the City Council of Münster elected him to the City Council on February 5, 1948. Austermann's tasks included in particular the economic development of the city. From October 22, 1951 Austermann held the office of city ​​treasurer . Just one year later, on October 27, 1952, the city council was elected senior city director. With a unanimous result, Austermann succeeded Karl Zuhorn , who held this office from 1946 to 1952.

During his 21-year service as City Director, Austermann played a key role in planning the reconstruction of the city. In doing so, he campaigned for the preservation and reconstruction of large parts of the historical buildings. He also promoted the development of new districts. The third significant achievement included the expansion of the city of Münster through the incorporation of rural suburbs as part of the municipal reform of January 1, 1975, in the preparations of which Austermann was involved. Austermann held the office until his retirement on October 31, 1973. Three days earlier, on October 28, 1973, as part of his departure due to his services to the city of Münster, the city of Münster was granted honorary citizenship.

In addition to his role as City Director, Austermann was also a long-time member of the Presidium of the German Association of Cities and Chairman of the Legal and Administrative Committee. He was also chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia City Council and a member of the Federal Labor Office .

Austermann died on August 20, 1984 at the age of 75 in Münster. His grave is in the Lauheide forest cemetery .

In 1989 the city of Münster named a street in Münster's north-west after Austermann.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Westfälische Nachrichten : Tours into the Nazi era: New city guide about “Münster in the Third Reich” published , Münster, Münster, Martin Kalitschke, April 27, 2013
    Westfälische Nachrichten : New book about “Münster in the Third Reich Reich “: Tours into the Nazi era , Münster, Martin Kalitschke, April 28, 2013
  2. a b c d Ultimo: Time travel: Eastern Front on the Canal - Research without end: The historian Christian Steinhagen knows everything about "The Brown Minster" , Carsten Krystofiak, No. 11/13, May 13, 2013 - May 26, 2013, p 8f.
  3. Announcement of awards of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Federal Gazette . Vol. 25, No. 43, March 9, 1973.