Andrew Butler

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Andrew Butler

Andrew Pickens Butler (born November 18, 1796 in Edgefield , Edgefield County , South Carolina , † May 25, 1857 ibid) was an American politician . Between 1846 and 1857 he represented the state of South Carolina in the US Senate .


Andrew Butler was the son of William Butler (1759-1821), who had represented the state of South Carolina in the US House of Representatives between 1801 and 1813 . His brother William (1790-1850) also sat in Congress and another brother Pierce (1798-1846) was Governor of South Carolina from 1836 to 1838 . In addition, his nephew Matthew Butler (1836-1909) was also a US Senator from 1877 to 1895.

Andrew Butler attended Doctor Waddell's Academy in Willington, South Carolina. In 1817 he graduated from South Carolina College , now the University of South Carolina . After studying law and being admitted to the bar in 1818, he began to work in his new profession in various cities in South Carolina. He also started a political career. He became a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives . However, the dates of when he was a member of the parliament are not known. Between 1824 and 1833 he was a member of the State Senate . In the 1820s he joined the movement around the future President Andrew Jackson and became a member of the Democratic Party founded by him in 1828 . In 1824 Butler was on the governor's staff. After briefly serving as a judge in 1833, he was a judge at the State Court of Common Pleas from 1835 to 1846 .

After the resignation of US Senator George McDuffie , Andrew Butler was elected as his successor to the US Senate, where he took up his new mandate on December 4, 1846. After two re-elections, he was able to hold this office until his death on May 25, 1857. From 1847 he headed the legal committee. Butler, he was a supporter of slavery and otherwise represented the positions of the southern states before the American Civil War . This also included his advocacy for the rights of the individual states vis-à-vis the federal government. He co-drafted the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 with Stephen A. Douglas .

According to him, Butler County named in Kansas.

Web links

Commons : Andrew Butler  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files