May 24th
The May 24 is the 144th day of the Gregorian calendar (145th in leap years ), thus remain 221 days by year end.
Historic anniversaries April · May · June |
Politics and world events
- 1013 : Boleslaw of Poland makes in Merseburg Henry II. The fealty and below the to church to determine coronation East Frankish-German king as swordtail ahead. Duke Oldřich of Bohemia is enfeoffed with the Duchy of Bohemia by Heinrich II . Envoys from the Liutizen also appeared .
- 1192 : The Babenberg Duke Leopold V of Austria and his son Friedrich receive after the death of the last Traungauer Ottokar IV. From Emperor Heinrich VI. the Duchy of Styria as a further fiefdom on the basis of the Georgenberger Handfeste .
- 1370 : The Peace of Stralsund between the Cologne Confederation and King Waldemar IV of Denmark , negotiated by the Danish Drost Henning Podebusk and the Hanse Mayors Jakob Pleskow and Bertram Wulflam, ends the Second Waldemar War and marks the climax of the Hanseatic League's power in the Baltic region.
- 1380 : The county of Berg receives the ducal dignity of King Wenzel under Count Wilhelm II and is thus admitted to the imperial prince status.
- 1487 : In Dublin, during the Wars of the Roses, the impostor Lambert Simnel is called the English King Edward VI. crowned. The London regent Henry VII , meanwhile, holds the real Edward von Warwick from the York house prisoner in the Tower . The attempt to oust Henry VII from power fails shortly afterwards in the Battle of Stoke with the defeat for the Yorkists.
- 1565 : The Ottomans under Lala Kara Mustafa Pascha and Piyale Pascha begin the bombardment of Fort St. Elmo during the siege of Malta , which will last until June 23.
- 1571 : Crimean Tatars under Devlet Giray reach Moscow in the Russian-Crimean Tatar War , plunder and set the suburbs on fire. The city burns down almost completely by May 26th. It was not until the Battle of Molodi more than a year later that the Russians under Ivan the Terrible were able to defeat the Tatars.
- 1572 : Francis Drake embarks on his second great pirate voyage to the Caribbean. This time he has two ships at his disposal, the Swan with 25 tons and the Pasco with 70 tons. There are a total of 73 people on board both ships, including two of his brothers, John and Joseph.
- 1667 : French troops under the command of Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne cross the border with the Spanish Netherlands and begin Louis XIV's war of devolution against Spain , the first of the so-called wars of reunion .
- 1798 : The Irish rebellion of the Society of United Irishmen under Theobald Wolfe Tone against British rule begins with the attempt to get Dublin under their control during the night .
- 1822 : In the battle of the Pichincha on the South American volcano Pichincha, the Spanish troops suffer a defeat against the so-called patriots under Antonio José de Sucre . Ecuador becomes independent and joins Greater Colombia .
- 1856 : In the so-called Pottawatomie massacre, John Brown and eight men attacked five advocates of slavery and literally slaughtered them as revenge for five abolitionists who had been murdered shortly before in Kansas .
- 1865 : Jefferson Davis , former president of the Confederate States of America is, after the defeat of the Confederate States Army in the American Civil War accused and his subsequent arrest for treason.
- 1866 : In the Triple Alliance War , Paraguay's troops suffer a heavy defeat in the battle of Tuyutí when they attempt to attack the main camp of the opposing allies .
- 1869 : Prince Heinrich XIV donates the Princely Reussian Cross of Honor , the Order of Merit of the Principality of Reuss Younger Line . The medal in three classes is awarded to both residents and foreigners for particularly loyal services and in recognition of outstanding achievements.
- 1915 : The Kingdom of Italy begins fighting in the First World War with an attack on the Austrian border fortifications from Forte Monte Verena .
- 1918 : With several skirmishes between Armenian and Turkish forces begins in World War I at Sardarapat the Battle of Sardarapat between the Armenian National Council and the Ottoman Empire .
- 1921 : Separate general elections for the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Parliament of Southern Ireland consolidate the division between Northern and Southern Ireland .
- 1941 : As part of the Rhine exercise company , a naval battle breaks out on the Denmark Strait between the HMS Hood and the HMS Prince of Wales on the British side and the Bismarck and the Prinz Eugen on the German side. The Hood is sunk within a few minutes and the Prince of Wales is badly damaged. As a result, Great Britain offered almost the entire Home Fleet to sink the Bismarck , which was also damaged .
- 1943 : Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz had the submarine war in the North Atlantic temporarily canceled due to the high losses he suffered.
- 1949 : In West Germany , after the proclamation the day before, the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany is valid for the western zone known as the Trizone , but not in the then Protectorate Saarland .
- 1950 : The King of Transjordan , Abdallah ibn Husain I , proclaims the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan . At the same time, he added the controversial West Bank to him.
- 1981 : The Ecuadorian President Jaime Roldós had a fatal accident in a plane crash under unexplained circumstances.
- 1982 : The liberation of Khorramshahr by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards turns out to be a turning point in the First Gulf War . The city has been under Iraqi violence since the Battle of Khorramshahr in late September 1980.
- 1983 : Fred Sinowatz ( SPÖ ) becomes the new Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria on April 24th after Bruno Kreisky's resignation due to the lost National Council election . The federal government Sinowatz serve until June 16, 1986th
- 1991 : The Eritrean People's Liberation Front takes the regional capital Asmara without resistance from the Ethiopian army , which represents a decisive step towards Eritrea 's independence .
- 1992 : Following the intervention of King Bhumibol Adulyadej as a result of the bloody suppression of demonstrations critical of the government on May 17-20 ( Black May ), the Thai Prime Minister General Suchinda Kraprayoon resigns . His deputy, Meechai Ruchuphan , will be his interim successor .
- 1992 : Thomas Klestil of the ÖVP is elected as the successor of Kurt Waldheim as Austrian Federal President in the second ballot against the candidate of the SPÖ, Rudolf Streicher .
- 1993 : After a referendum in April, Eritrea declares its independence from Ethiopia . Isayas Afewerki from the Eritrean People's Liberation Front becomes the first president of the new state.
- 2000 : With the withdrawal of the Israeli soldiers, the occupation of southern Lebanon ends, with the exception of the disputed area of the Shebaa farms .
- 2002 : Russian President Vladimir Putin and the President of the United States , George W. Bush , sign the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty ( SORT ) in Moscow .
- 2005 : The former federal chairman Oskar Lafontaine declares his resignation from the SPD and declares himself ready to support the electoral alternative work and social justice (WASG), which shortly thereafter enters into an electoral alliance with the PDS .
- 1810 : In Sweden the construction of the Göta Canal begins , which through Götaland enables a cross connection between the Kattegat on the west coast and the Baltic Sea on the east coast.
- 1889 : The German Reichstag passes the law on old-age and disability insurance , the basis for today's statutory pension insurance . Chancellor Otto von Bismarck thus trying to alleviate resulting from industrialization Not in the labor force, but at the same time as part of his and carrot-stick policy of the Social Democrats to withdraw the base in the working class.
- 1903 : The German Motorcyclists Association ( DMV ), the forerunner of the General German Automobile Club ( ADAC ), is founded in the Hotel Silber in Stuttgart .
- 1906 : The Swiss hotelier César Ritz opens another hotel of his name after the Parisian Hôtel Ritz in London , which is a novelty with its own bathroom in each suite. The service standards and the luxurious furnishings of the house set nationwide standards.
- 1937 : At the opening of the Paris World Exhibition, the French President Albert Lebrun inaugurates the Palais de Tokyo , which now houses a center for contemporary art .
- 1938 : More than three years after the filing on May 13, 1935 will receive the American Carl C. Magee the Patent No. 2,118,318 for. Parking meter .
- 1958 : The American news agency United Press International ( UPI ) emerges from the merger of United Press (UP) and International News Service (INS) .
- 1960 : Vienna's mayor Franz Jonas lays the foundation stone for the Flötzersteig waste incineration plant , the first of its kind in Austria .
- 2003 : The Mystery Park by Erich von Daniken is in Interlaken on the grounds of a former military airfield opened. He is dedicated to the "presentation of inexplicable and yet real tangible world riddles".
science and technology
- 1681 : The Canal du Midi , built according to plans by the engineer Pierre-Paul Riquet , is ceremoniously opened in the south of France. It connects Toulouse with the Mediterranean . On the largest construction site in Europe in the 17th century, only minor expansion work is then carried out.
- 1811 : Heinrich Cotta opens his private forestry school in Tharandt , which is elevated to a state forest academy in 1816 and becomes world-renowned. With him, the botanist Johann Adam Reum came to Tharandt, who immediately started creating what is now the world's oldest forest botanical garden .
- 1830 : On the first section of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Ellicott's Mill, scheduled operations commence after almost two years of construction.
- 1844 : Samuel FB Morse sends the first telegram in Morse code from Washington, DC, to Baltimore. The content of the message reads: What hath God wrought? ( What did God do? ).
- 1868 : The first German North Pole Expedition sets sail with the cargo ship Greenland in Bergen, Norway .
- 1876 : The British corvette HMS Challenger , which set sail for the Challenger expedition under Captain George Nares on December 21, 1872 , returns to Portsmouth after her circumnavigation of the world . The expedition, led by Charles Wyville Thomson and his assistant John Murray, provides a wealth of scientific material on the ocean floor and establishes modern oceanography .
- 1883 : The New York and Brooklyn Bridge opens after 14 years of construction. It spans the East River and connects the New York districts of Manhattan and Brooklyn . On the first day, 1,800 vehicles and 150,300 people crossed the new bridge, the first of them being Emily Warren Roebling , wife of Washington Augustus Roebling , who continued to build the bridge after her husband fell ill.
- 1930 : 19 days after taking off from Croydon , Amy Johnson lands in Darwin , becoming the first woman to complete a solo flight from England to Australia.
- 1962 : NASA launches the Mercury Atlas 7 mission as part of the Mercury program . Scott Carpenter , who is on board , will become the second American in orbit.
- 1671 : Molière's comedy Les Fourberies de Scapin ( Scapin's Pranks ) premieres at the Palais Royal in Paris . The piece is partly based on Phormio by the Latin comedy poet Terenz and also draws numerous suggestions from the Italian Commedia dell'arte .
- 1791 : The Sing-Akademie zu Berlin is officially founded, the world's first mixed choir community. Director Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch , court harpsichordist of Frederick the Great, began to keep a rehearsal diary for the first time on this day. The choir has at this time 28 members.
- In 1851 the Slav apostles and patrons of Europe Cyril and Method were honored for the first time in a ceremony at the Bulgarian school Cyril and Method in Plovdiv in the then Ottoman Empire during the Bulgarian Enlightenment .
- 1899 : The fairy tale opera Cendrillon by Jules Massenet with the libretto by Henri Cain based on the fairy tale Cendrillon ou la Petite Pantoufle de verre ( Cinderella or the little glass shoe ) by Charles Perrault has its world premiere at the Opéra-Comique in Paris with great success . It will be played on three continents over the next ten years.
- 1918 : Bluebeard's Castle , Béla Bartók's only opera, premiered at the Royal Opera House in Budapest. Béla Balázs' libretto is based on the fairy tale Bluebeard .
- 1933 : The first performance of the musical comedy Beauberdes Fräulein by Ralph Benatzky takes place at the Deutsches Volkstheater in Vienna. The model for this is the French Schwank La petite Chocolatière by Paul Gavaults.
- 1956 : The first edition of the Eurovision Song Contest takes place in Lugano under the title Gran Premio Eurovisione della Canzone Europea . The vote is secret, only the winning song Refrain by Swiss Lys Assia is announced.
- 1970 : The opera Hus med dubbel ingång ( The house with the two entrances ) by Hilding Rosenberg has its world premiere at the Royal Opera in Stockholm.
- 1976 : At a wine tasting organized by the wine critic Steven Spurrier , Californian wines surprisingly prevail over French red and white wines . The verdict of the “ Paris Wine Jury ” caused an international sensation.
- 2009 : Michael Haneke's feature film The White Ribbon - A German Children's Story wins the Palme d'Or at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival .
- 1725 : In London, the thief and blackmailer Jonathan Wild , who had led a double life for a long time, is executed on the gallows at Tyburn .
- 1930 : The Düsseldorf police are able to arrest the serial killer Peter Kürten, later known as the "Vampire of Düsseldorf", and thus clear up a series of murders of a sexual nature in their area that lasted for months.
- 1993 : The Mexican Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo is murdered in a shooting at Guadalajara Airport , presumably on behalf of drug traffickers . Another six people die with him. The Archbishop of Guadalajara had spoken out against organized crime in his region on several occasions .
- 2019 : A law comes into force in Japan that officially recognizes the Ainu as indigenous people of Japan and guarantees them state funding.
- 1086 : The abbot of Montecassino, Dauferius, is elected Pope against his will . He decides on the name Viktor III. Just four days later, he had to face antipope Clement III. and his followers flee Rome.
- 1141 : The one-day council of Sens begins with an evening mass in the cathedral of Sens . At this meeting of church representatives, Bernhard von Clairvaux accuses Petrus Abelardus of heresy .
- 1689 : The English Parliament passes the Act of Tolerance . In it, non-conformists are granted restricted freedom of religion .
- 1738 : The Englishman John Wesley experiences a conversion experience during a reading of Luther's introduction to the Epistle to the Romans of the Apostle Paul . As a result, he became a revival preacher and founded the Methodist movement with his brother Charles and George Whitefield .
- 1953 : Pope Pius XII. In the encyclical Doctor mellifluus pays tribute to the church doctor Bernhard von Clairvaux on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of his death.
- 1964 : Shortly before the end of the game in the national stadium in Lima, the referee refuses to recognize a goal by the Peruvian football team in the Olympic qualifying match against Argentina, causing tumults. When the police fired tear gas at the football fans, thousands of spectators flee, but the exits are still closed. In the mass panic that followed , 328 people died and around 500 were injured.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .
Before the 18th century
- 15 BC BC : Germanicus , Roman general
- 1494 : Jacopo Pontormo , Italian mannerist painter
- 1544 : William Gilbert , English physician and naturalist
- 1592 : Pieter Snayers , Flemish painter
- 1639 : Olof Bromelius , Swedish botanist and doctor
- 1639 : Friedrich von Dönhoff , lieutenant general in Brandenburg-Prussia
- 1648 : Albrecht , Duke of Saxe-Coburg
- 1677 : Christian Ludwig von Brandenburg-Schwedt , administrator of Halberstadt
- 1679 : Adam Friedrich Pezoldt , German chemist and physician
- 1686 : Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit , German physicist
- 1687 : Johann Gottfried Borlach , Electoral Saxon Bergrat
- 1693 : Georg Raphael Donner , Austrian sculptor
18th century
- 1702 : Joseph Friedrich Ernst , Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
- 1711 : Peter Karl Christoph von Keith , personal page of Crown Prince Friedrich
- 1716 : Johann Matthias von Bernuth , German civil servant
- 1721 : Ferdinand Sterzinger Austrian Catholic theologian and canon lawyer
- 1723 : Peter Ascanius , Norwegian zoologist and mineralogist
- 1723 : Antonio Caballero y Góngora , Spanish priest, colonial administrator, Archbishop of Bogotá and Viceroy of New Granada
- 1728 : Jean-Baptiste Pillement , French painter and graphic artist
- 1734 : Conrad Nahmmacher , German Protestant theologian and educator
- 1740 : Edmund Angerer , Austrian Benedictine priest and church musician
- 1743 : Jean Paul Marat , Swiss-French doctor and journalist during the French Revolution ( Ami du Peuple )
- 1751 : Charles Emanuel IV , King of Sardinia-Piedmont
- 1754 : Giacomo Conti , Italian violinist and composer
- 1759 : Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach , German composer
- 1763 : Robert Adair , English diplomat
- 1763 : Pierre-Gaspard Chaumette , French revolutionary
- 1767 : Ferdinand Fränzl , German violinist, composer and music director
- 1767 : Joseph Ignaz Schnabel , German composer and cathedral music director in Breslau
- 1770 : Luise Friederike von Prussia , Prussian princess
- 1781 : Louis François Dauprat , French horn player, composer and professor of horn
- 1781 : Christian Wilhelm August Königsdörffer , German civil servant
- 1796 : Jakob Friedrich Kammerer , inventor in the field of matches
- 1797 : Richard van Rees , Dutch mathematician and physicist
19th century
- 1803 : Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte , Italian ornithologist, zoologist and politician
- 1804 : Joseph Anton Dollmayr , German professor
- 1810 : Abraham Geiger , Frankfurt member of the Jewish reform movement
- 1816 : Emanuel Leutze , American-German painter
- 1819 : Victoria , Queen of Britain
- 1820 : Carl Ferdinand Appun , German naturalist and traveler
- 1821 : Juan Bautista Topete , Spanish admiral and politician
- 1823 : Johann Kravogl , South Tyrolean mechanic and gunsmith, inventor of the electric motor
- 1824 : August Sohlman , Swedish publicist
- 1832 : Fulvio Fulgonio , Italian writer and librettist
- 1838 : Sigismund von Zedlitz and Neukirch , German hunting cynologist and hunting writer ( Hegewald )
- 1855 : Florence Dixie , British traveler and writer
- 1860 : Walter Kern , German architect and government master builder
- 1860 : Karl Moltrecht , German-Baltic provost and Protestant martyr
- 1863 : George Gray Barnard , American sculptor
- 1869 : Ivan Aguéli , Swedish painter and author
- 1870 : Alice Seeley Harris , British missionary and photographer
- 1870 : Ynes Mexia , Mexican-American botanist and explorer
- 1870 : Jan Christiaan Smuts , South African Boer general and politician
- 1872 : Joseph Ferdinand of Austria-Tuscany , balloonist, colonel general, pretender to the throne of Tuscany
- 1873 : Margarete Michaelson , German writer
- 1876 : Maurilio Fossati , Italian religious, Archbishop of Turin and Cardinal
- 1878 : José Dolores Alfonseca , Dominican politician
- 1879 : Otto Reche , German anthropologist
- 1881 : August Konermann , German Roman Catholic pastor and publicist
- 1882 : Heinz Hanus , Austrian director
- 1882 : James Oppenheim , American poet, author, and editor
- 1885 : Adam Abt , German classical philologist
- 1886 : Hans Adam , Bavarian officer
- 1886 : Paul Paray , French conductor and composer
- 1886 : Gustav H. Wolff , German sculptor
- 1887 : Hermann Aellen , Swiss writer and journalist
- 1888 : Melecio Arranz , Filipino politician
- 1894 : Hu Xiansu , Chinese botanist
- 1895 : Marcel Janco , Romanian-Jewish painter and graphic artist
- 1898 : José Maria Ferreira de Castro , Portuguese writer and journalist
- 1899 : Heinrich Fassbender , German politician
- 1899 : Henri Michaux , French-speaking poet and painter
- 1899 : Suzanne Lenglen , French tennis player
- 1900 : Eduardo De Filippo , Italian stage actor and writer
20th century
- 1901 : Arvid Harnack , German lawyer, economist and resistance fighter
- 1902 : Susano Polanco , Dominican tenor
- 1903 : Hans Joachim Fuchs , German entrepreneur
- 1904 : Sefton Delmer , British journalist
- 1905 : Mikhail Alexandrowitsch Scholokhov , Russian-Soviet writer, Nobel Prize winner
- 1907 : Georg von Kaufmann , German cross-country skier and mountaineer
- 1907 : Alejandro Tobar , Colombian composer and violinist
- 1908 : Emil Friedman , Czech music teacher, violinist and conductor
- 1909 : Demetrio Aguilera Malta , Ecuadorian writer, painter and diplomat
- 1909 : Louis Fürnberg , German-speaking writer, poet and composer
- 1910 : Nils-Eric Fougstedt , Finnish composer and conductor
- 1910 : Marģeris Zariņš , Latvian composer and writer
- 1911 : Heinz Cramer , German staff officer and modern pentathlon
- 1911 : Lotte Rausch , German actress
- 1911 : Ne Win , Burmese politician
- 1912 : Alfred Andriola , American comic artist
- 1912 : Joseph Anthony , American actor, director, and dancer
- 1913 : Roland Kohlsaat , German comic artist and author
- 1913 : Willi Daume , German sports functionary, NOK President and Vice President of the IOC
- 1914 : Herbert L. Anderson , American nuclear physicist
- 1914 : Wend von Kalnein , German art historian and writer
- 1914 : George Tabori , British playwright, director, screenwriter and actor of Hungarian origin
- 1914 : Lilli Palmer , German actress
- 1917 : Ross Thatcher , Canadian politician
- 1918 : Katharina Szelinski-Singer , German sculptor
- 1919 : Gottfried Leonhardt , German graphic artist and illustrator
- 1920 : John Bertram Adams , British physicist
- 1920 : Friedrich Karl Klausing , German resistance fighter of July 20, 1944
- 1922 : Annemarie Bostroem , German poet
- 1923 : Knut Ahnlund , Swedish literary historian and author
- 1923 : Ivano Blason , Italian football player
- 1925 : Carlo Annovazzi , Italian football player
- 1927 : Claude Abbes , French football player
- 1928 : Adrian Frutiger , Swiss typographer
- 1928 : Hans Glöckel , German school pedagogue and university professor
- 1928 : William Trevor , Irish writer
- 1929 : Helmut Fath , German motorcycle racing driver and designer
- 1930 : Gladys Afamado , Uruguayan artist and writer
- 1930 : Hans-Martin Linde , German musician
- 1931 : Michael Lonsdale , French actor
- 1932 : Arnold Wesker , British writer
- 1934 : Edward Robert Adams , former South African bishop of Oudtshoorn
- 1934 : Nils Diederich , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1936 : Werner von Moltke , German athlete
- 1937 : Charly Antolini , Swiss jazz drummer
- 1937 : Maryvonne Dupureur , French athlete
- 1937 : Bernhard Hänsel , German archaeologist
- 1937 : Archie Shepp , American musician
- 1938 : Tommy Chong , Canadian actor and musician
- 1938 : Prince Buster , Jamaican musician and songwriter
- 1939 : Helga Piur , German actress
- 1940 : Joseph Brodsky , Russian-American poet, Nobel Prize winner
- 1941 : Bob Dylan , American folk and rock musician, Nobel Prize winner
- 1942 : Hannu Mikkola , Finnish rally driver
- 1943 : Héctor Rubén Aguer , Argentine Archbishop
- 1943 : Svend Auken , Danish politician
- 1943 : Gerd Gies , German politician
- 1943 : Klaus Stoll , German double bass player and university professor
- 1944 : Patti LaBelle , American singer
- 1945 : Bärbel Bohley , German painter and civil rights activist
- 1945 : Driss Jettou , Moroccan politician, Prime Minister
- 1945 : Priscilla Presley , American actress, wife of Elvis Presley
- 1946 : Dieter Durst , German cyclist and pacemaker
- 1946 : Heinz Gerhäuser , German electrical engineer and inventor of the MP3 format
- 1946 : Thomas Nordahl , Swedish football player and coach
- 1946 : Irena Szewińska , Polish athlete, Olympic champion
- 1947 : Sybil Danning , Austrian actress
- 1947 : Martin Winterkorn , German manager, CEO of Volkswagen AG
- 1948 : Lorna Crozier , Canadian writer, poet and university teacher
- 1949 : Jim Broadbent , British actor
- 1950 : Traute Hoess , German actress
- 1951 : Kent-Erik Andersson , Swedish ice hockey player
- 1952 : Ranieri Randaccio , Italian racing car driver
- 1953 : Allan Gordon Bell , Canadian composer
- 1953 : Alfred Molina , British actor
- 1954 : Robert Beaser , American composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1954 : Rainald Goetz , German writer
- 1955 : Rosanne Cash , American country singer
- 1955 : Matthias Kleiner , German scientist, DFG President
- 1956 : Sean Kelly , Irish cyclist
- 1957 : Angelika Beer , German politician
- 1957 : Walter Moers , German comic artist ( Little Asshole )
- 1958 : Andreas Schlueter , German writer
- 1958 : Rodney Sharman , Canadian composer, flautist and music teacher
- 1959 : Eren Keskin , Turkish lawyer and human rights activist
- 1959 : Franz Rieger , German politician
- 1960 : Guy Fletcher , English musician
- 1960 : Kristin Scott Thomas , British actress
- 1961 : Elke Diepenbeck , German singer, composer and actress
- 1961 : Friedrich Küppersbusch , German journalist and television producer
- 1961 : Alain Lemieux , Canadian ice hockey player and coach
- 1961 : Jarmo Savolainen , Finnish jazz pianist and composer
- 1961 : Gunther Tietz , German writer. Poet and Editor
- 1961 : Till Velten , German artist
- 1962 : Massimo Mauro , Italian football player and politician
- 1962 : Charles Rettinghaus , German actor and speaker
- 1963 : Ivan Capelli , Italian racing car driver
- 1964 : Maxi Biewer , German actress and presenter
- 1965 : Jens Becker , German musician
- 1965 : Pascal Fuhlbrügge , German musician
- 1966 : Éric Cantona , French football player and current actor
- 1967 : Dana Ashbrook , American actor
- 1967 : Andrei Fridrichowitsch Borodin , Russian banker
- 1967 : Julia Bremermann , German actress
- 1968 : Karsten Blumenthal , German television presenter
- 1969 : Karin Bachmann , Swiss writer
- 1969 : Paolo Coloni , Italian racing driver and motorsport manager
- 1969 : Garett Maggart , American actor
- 1970 : Caroline Ebner , German actress and voice actress
- 1973 : Bartolo Colón , Dominican baseball player
- 1973 : Jelena Viktorovna Tregubova , Russian journalist
- 1973 : Ruslana Lyschytschko , Ukrainian singer
- 1973 : Jill Johnson , Swedish singer
- 1974 : Dan Houser , English computer game producer
- 1975 : Markus Baumeister , German-Swiss actor
- 1975 : Milena Drei 30 , German actress
- 1975 : David Krummenacker , American athlete
- 1977 : Sasa Russadze , Georgian filmmaker
- 1978 : Brian Ching , American football player
- 1978 : Rose , French singer
- 1978 : Nicola Ventola , Italian soccer player
- 1979 : Dalibor Doder , Swedish handball player
- 1979 : Tracy McGrady , American basketball player
- 1979 : Manuel Cortez , German-Portuguese actor, photographer, stylist and video director
- 1981 : Thomas Vulivuli , Fijian soccer player
- 1982 : Issah Ahmed , Ghanaian soccer player
- 1982 : Lusapho April , South African marathon runner
- 1982 : DaMarcus Beasley , American football player
- 1982 : Roberto Colautti , Israeli soccer player
- 1982 : Kim Frank , German singer and actor
- 1982 : Xavier Gil , Andorran football player
- 1982 : Alexander Koll , Austrian ski racer
- 1983 : Bastien Brière , French medic and racing car driver
- 1983 : Custódio , Portuguese football player
- 1984 : Tom Aggar , British rower
- 1984 : Lucien Aubey , Congolese-French soccer player
- 1984 : Vid Kavtičnik , Slovenian handball player
- 1984 : Bastian Bielendorfer , German comedian and author
- 1985 : Cemre Atmaca , Turkish football player
- 1985 : Björgvin Páll Gústavsson , Icelandic handball player
- 1985 : Angie Geschke , German handball player
- 1986 : Rakel Dögg Bragadóttir , Icelandic handball player and trainer
- 1986 : Jenny Karolius , German handball player
- 1987 : Fabio Fognini , Italian tennis player
- 1987 : Déborah François , Belgian actress
- 1988 : Artyom Alexejewitsch Anissimow , Russian ice hockey player
- 1988 : Tony Gallopin , French cyclist
- 1990 : Christina Petersen , German actress
- 1990 : Andreas Wolf , German handball player
- 1992 : Pelle Jensen , German football player
- 1992 : Richard Sundberg , Finnish handball player
- 1994 : Zaid Ashkanani , Kuwaiti racing car driver
- 1994 : Cayden Boyd , American actor
- 1994 : Rodrigo de Paul , Argentine soccer player
- 1994 : Nico Marquardt , German politician, management consultant and supervisory board
- 1994 : Marc Koch , German athlete
- 1994 : Luis Zwick , German soccer player
- 1994 : Anisa Rola , Slovenian soccer player
- 1994 : Milda Valčiukaitė , Lithuanian rower
- 1995 : Dario Del Fabro , Italian football player
Before the 17th century
- 189 : Eleutherus , Bishop of Rome
- 1111 : Nicholas III. Grammatikos , Patriarch of Constantinople
- 1136 : Hugo von Payns , French founder of the Knights Templar
- 1153 : David I , King of Scotland
- 1201 : Theobald III. , Count of Champagne
- 1212 : Dagmar of Bohemia , Queen of Denmark
- 1219 : Meingoth , abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Ebrach
- 1240 : Skule Bårdsson , Jarl of Norway and the last rival king
- 1273 : Rudolf of Valpelline , Bishop of Sion
- 1289 : Friedrich V , Count of Zollern
- 1377 : Algirdas , Grand Duke of Lithuania
- 1396 : Matteo da Campione , Italian Gothic sculptor
- 1413 : Hermann II of Hesse, co-regent and later Landgrave of Hesse
- 1425 : Murdoch Stewart, 2nd Duke of Albany , Scottish nobleman
- 1465 : Jacob Kennedy , Scottish Bishop, Bishop of Dunkeld and St Andrews
- 1472 : Charles de Valois, duc de Berry , French nobleman
- 1474 : Adolf X. , Count of Holstein-Pinneberg
- 1497 : Benedetto da Maiano , Italian sculptor and builder
- 1511 : Francesco Alidosi , cardinal
- 1514 : Wolfgang of Bavaria , Bavarian nobleman
- 1537 : Sophie von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach , Duchess of Liegnitz
- 1542 : Caspar Güttel , Lutheran theologian and reformer
- 1543 : Nicolaus Copernicus , astronomer
- 1560 : Hans Jakob von Wattenwyl , Schultheiss von Bern
- 1567 : Svante Stensson Sture , Swedish statesman
- 1579 : Paul Crell , German Lutheran theologian
- 1579 : Christoph Tode , Mayor of Lübeck
- 1592 : Nikolaus Selnecker , German Protestant theologian, reformer, hymn poet and composer
17th and 18th centuries
- 1610 : Joachim a Burck , German composer
- 1612 : Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury , English statesman and minister under Elizabeth I and James I.
- 1616 : Margaret Russell , English nobleman and alchemist
- 1618 : Johann Georg I , Prince of Anhalt-Dessau
- 1627 : Luis de Góngora , Spanish poet and playwright
- 1637 : Johann Füchting , Lübeck councilor and patron
- 1642 : Polyxena von Lobkowicz , Czech noblewoman
- 1644 : Alfonso III. d'Este , Duke of Modena and Reggio
- 1647 : Ferdinando Gorges , English colonist
- 1665 : María von Ágreda , Spanish visionary and abbess of the Franciscan convent in Agreda
- 1687 : Otto von Grote , German member of the "Fruit Bringing Society"
- 1694 : Anthony Cary, 5th Viscount Falkland , British politician
- 1696 : Albertine Agnes von Oranien-Nassau , Princess of Nassau-Diez
- 1697 : Johann Adolf I , Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels
- 1704 : Karl Dankwart , Swedish-German church painter
- 1725 : Jonathan Wild , British criminal
- 1742 : Pylyp Orlyk , leader of the Zaporozhian Cossacks
- 1747 : Ernst August Charbonnier , German horticultural artist, presumably of French descent
- 1763 : Friedrich Karl von Hardenberg , German diplomat and garden architect
- 1766 : Franz Andreas von Borcke , royal Prussian lieutenant general
- 1770 : Johann Eberhard Rau , Protestant theologian and university professor
- 1773 : Johann Zach , Bohemian composer and court conductor to the Elector of Mainz
- 1790 : François-Henri Clicquot , French organ builder
- 1800 : Johann Christian Kestner , German lawyer and archivist, husband of Charlotte Buff
19th century
- 1805 : Fedot Ivanovich Schubin , Russian sculptor
- 1810 : Christoph Gottlob Heinrich , German historian
- 1826 : Friedrich Ernst Fesca , German composer
- 1827 : Johann Josef Adrians , Lord Mayor of Freiburg
- 1831 : Benjamin Carr , English-American composer, organist, singer and music publisher
- 1837 : Wilhelm Dietrich Hermann Flebbe , German civil servant
- 1848 : Annette von Droste-Hülshoff , German writer
- 1851 : Christian Friedrich Tieck , German sculptor
- 1865 : Sophie Barat , founder of the Catholic women's order of the Sacré Cœur Sisters
- 1871 : Georges Darboy , Archbishop of Paris
- 1872 : Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld , German painter
- 1877 : Antonio Smith , Chilean landscape painter
- 1879 : William Lloyd Garrison , American writer
- 1883 : Gabriel Gustav Valentin , German doctor and physiologist
- 1884 : August Carl Lange , German architect
- 1886 : Franz Xaver Schönwerth , German folklorist
- 1886 : Georg Waitz , German legal historian
- 1896 : Edward Armitage , English history painter
- 1896 : Michael Birkeland , Norwegian historian, archivist and politician
20th century
- 1902 : Hubert Theophil Simar , Archbishop of Cologne
- 1903 : Marcel Renault , French automobile designer and racing driver
- 1905 : Erich Giersberg , German firefighter and inventor
- 1906 : Albert Grühn , German-Baltic theologian and Protestant martyr
- 1907 : Zacharie Astruc , French art critic, journalist, poet, composer, painter and sculptor
- 1909 : Georg von Neumayer , German geophysicist and polar researcher
- 1913 : Otto Dumke , German football player
- 1914 : William Lossow , German architect
- 1915 : John Condon , soldier listed as the youngest soldier of the Allied forces
- 1919 : Amado Nervo , Mexican writer, journalist and diplomat
- 1925 : Andreas Henze , German priest, high school professor and meteorologist
- 1925 : Fritz Herbert , member of the Reichstag for Pomerania, member of the consumer cooperative
- 1932 : Ewald Müller , German teacher, local poet and local researcher
- 1934 : Richard Buchmayer , German pianist and music historian
- 1940 : Achim Konstantin Rudolf Ferdinand von Arnim , German officer
- 1942 : Paul Arndt , German economist
- 1942 : Ludwig Ascher , German social hygienist
- 1944 : Alfred Montmarquette , Canadian folk composer and accordionist
- 1945 : Martin Onslow Forster , British chemist
- 1945 : Konstantin Gorbatov , Russian painter
- 1945 : Robert Ritter von Greim , German Field Marshal General
- 1947 : Heinrich Dubbel , German professor of mechanical engineering
- 1947 : Albert Guyot , French entrepreneur and racing car driver
- 1948 : Jacques Feyder , Franco-Belgian film director
- 1949 : Rosita Renard , Chilean pianist
- 1949 : Philipp Zoch , German general
- 1950 : Archibald Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell , British Field Marshal
- 1951 : Judith Andrée-Hanslik , Austrian philologist
- 1954 : Edwin Rolfe , American poet
- 1956 : Wilhelm Naegel , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 1958 : Friedrich Franz zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst , German nobleman and husband of the spy Stephanie Richter
- 1959 : John Foster Dulles , US Secretary of State
- 1959 : Ville Kyrönen , Finnish long-distance and cross-country runner
- 1963 : Elmore James , American musician
- 1963 : Max Scheffenegger , Austrian politician
- 1966 : Emil Fahrenkamp , German architect and professor
- 1968 : Bernard Rogers , American composer
- 1969 : Hans Weber , German motorcycle racer
- 1974 : Duke Ellington , American jazz composer, pianist and bandleader
- 1978 : Barthélemy Adoukonou , Beninese theologian and Curia Bishop
- 1979 : Jan Arvan , American actor
- 1979 : Francisco Casabona , Brazilian composer
- 1979 : Marvin Duchow , Canadian composer, musicologist and educator
- 1981 : Charles-Émile Gadbois , Canadian clergyman, music publisher and composer
- 1984 : Pawoł Nedo , Sorbian educator and ethnologist, chairman of Domowina
- 1985 : Natalio Perinetti , Argentine soccer player
- 1986 : Robert Philipp Nöll von der Nahmer , German financial scientist and politician
- 1987 : Detlef Struve , German politician
- 1987 : Niklot Beste , Lutheran bishop in the GDR
- 1988 : Freddie Frith , British motorcycle racer
- 1989 : Hans Hansen Palmus , Low German local poet
- 1990 : Léo Rivest , Canadian actor
- 1990 : Dries van der Lof , Dutch racing car driver
- 1991 : Gene Clark , American country rock musician ( Byrds )
- 1992 : Hitoshi Ogawa , Japanese racing car driver
- 1993 : Hermann Vetters , Austrian archaeologist
- 1995 : Harold Wilson , British Prime Minister
- 1995 : Jürgen Horlemann , German politician and publisher
- 1996 : John Abbott , British actor
- 1997 : Edward Mulhare , Irish-American actor
- 1997 : Kim Tal-su , Japanese writer
- 1998 : Jacob Druckman , American composer and music teacher
21st century
- 2001 : Wolfgang Kimmig , German prehistorian
- 2002 : Johannes Overath , German Catholic theologian and priest
- 2003 : Edward Bogusławski , Polish composer and music teacher
- 2004 : Friedrich Wilhelm Christians , German banker
- 2004 : Henry Ries , American picture correspondent
- 2005 : Eddie Albert , American actor
- 2005 : Carl Amery , German writer
- 2006 : Kalcidon Agius , Maltese writer, playwright and politician
- 2006 : Henry Bumstead , American film architect
- 2007 : Wolfgang Bächler , German poet and prose writer
- 2007 : Karl-Heinz Koch , German lawyer and politician
- 2007 : Gert Schliephake , German zoologist
- 2008 : Robert Knox , British actor
- 2010 : Paul Gray , American rock musician ( Slipknot )
- 2010 : Anneliese Rothenberger , German opera singer
- 2012 : Ursula Arnold , German photographer
- 2013 : Michel Crozier , French sociologist
- 2013 : Gotthard Graubner , German painter
- 2014 : Nitya Pibulsonggram , Thai diplomat and politician
- 2014 : Michael Schmidt , German photographer
- 2015 : Pedro Roque Favier , Cuban wrestler
- 2015 : Tanith Lee , British writer
- 2016 : Neil Cunningham , New Zealand racing car driver
- 2016 : Burt Kwouk , British film actor
- 2017 : Denis Johnson , American writer
- 2017 : Fritz Lichtenhahn , Swiss actor
- 2017 : Sonny West , American rockabilly singer
- 2018 : John Bain , British computer game critic and commentator
- 2018 : Gudrun Burwitz , German National Socialist, daughter of Heinrich Himmler
- 2019 : Murray Gell-Mann , American physicist
- 2019 : Oleg Sergejewitsch Golovanow , Soviet rower and rowing coach
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- Nikolaus Selnecker , German pastor (Protestant)
- Queen Ester , Persian Jewess (Evangelical: LCMS )
- Nikolaus Kopernikus , Polish scientist (Protestant: ELCA )
- Leonhard Euler , Swiss scientist (Protestant: ELCA )
- Name days
- State holidays and memorial days
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : May 24th - Collection of images, videos and audio files