Wilhelm Dietrich Hermann Flebbe

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Wilhelm Dietrich Hermann Flebbe (born June 18, 1755 in Neuhaus ; † May 24, 1837 ) was a German civil servant.


Wilhelm Dietrich Hermann Flebbe's father and grandfather, on his mother's side, were already the top officials in his place of birth.

He entered the royal service as an official auditor on January 9, 1779 and was appointed supernumaren ( candidate for civil servants) in Harburg on May 8, 1782 , and was transferred to the Hitzacker office in the same month . On May 10, 1783 he was appointed advisor to the Chamber of Commerce in Hanover with the title of Chamber Expeditionary .

In 1785 he was appointed chamber secretary and in May 1796 he was appointed chamberlain or director of the main chamber treasury; later he was also entrusted with the newly established general treasury. He stayed in this position until 1817, when he was given the title of chief paymaster and the title of councilor . As a further task he was given the direction of the minting operation for the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg , excluding the Harz region.

In 1803 he had to flee to Schwerin with the coffers entrusted to him because of the French invasion and stayed there until 1805. Due to the brief reoccupation at the time , he returned to Hanover in 1805 and stayed at his post when the French ruled again. In the Westphalian government he was the general collector of the Aller department . After the reoccupation, he returned to his old position and in 1816 became a councilor .

In 1817 he ended his activities as head of the main chamber and general treasury. Until his death he was head of the entire domain accounting department, he was also a financial advisor at the royal cabinet ministry and was responsible for the accounts of the royal treasury .

In 1824 he was appointed Privy Councilor.

In 1783 Wilhelm Dietrich married Hermann Flebbe Katherina Sophie Hedwig (* unknown; † 1829), the daughter of the cathedral preacher Wolbrand Vogt from Bremen , the marriage remained childless.


Wilhelm Dietrich Hermann Flebbe and his wife were friends with Johann Christian Kestner , who was married to Charlotte Buff , "Werthers Lotte".



  • Wilhelm Dietrich Hermann Flebbe received the Knight's Cross of the Royal Guelph Order .
  • In 1829 he was appointed commander of the Royal Guelph Order.
  • In 1833, on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary of service at the Chamber of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Göttingen, he received an honorary doctorate.


Individual evidence

  1. Volker Giel, Norbert Oellers: JW Goethe: Letters June 20, 1788 - end of 1790 . Walter de Gruyter, 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-046591-4 ( google.de [accessed November 25, 2018]).