Nils-Eric Fougstedt

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Nils-Eric Fougstedt.

Nils-Eric Fougstedt (born May 24, 1910 in Raisio near Turku , † April 12, 1961 in Helsinki ) was a Finnish conductor and composer .

Fougstedt studied at the later Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, in Salzburg , with Max Trapp in Berlin , in Italy , France and the USA . From 1932 he taught at the Sibelius Academy. Since 1938 he was also the conductor of the Finnish radio and has appeared as a guest conductor in many European countries.

He composed two symphonies , a cello and a piano concerto , a passacaglia , an orchestral suite, variations on a Finnish soldier's song , works for string orchestra, chamber music , cantatas , choirs and songs .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ilkka Oramo:  Fougstedt, Nils-Eric. In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, personal section, volume 6 (Eames - Franco). Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 2001, ISBN 3-7618-1116-0  ( online edition , subscription required for full access)
  2. List of works on Music Finland