Johannes Overath

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Johannes Overath (born April 15, 1913 in Sieglar ; † May 24, 2002 in Cologne ) was a German Catholic theologian and priest .

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Johannes Overath graduated from the Siegburg State High School in 1932 and then studied philosophy, theology and musicology at the Universities of Bonn and Tübingen . He was ordained a priest on March 3, 1938. Before the Second World War he was working on a theological dissertation , the manuscript of which, however, was destroyed in a bomb attack on Cologne. In 1948 Overath was appointed to the chair for homiletics and church music at the seminary in Bensberg and Cologne. In the 1950s he was commissioned by Archbishop Joseph Frings to rebuild the Cologne seminary . In 1952, he was with a work on Kaspar Ulenberg at Karl Gustav Fellerer at the University of Cologne doctorate .

Grave in the Melaten cemetery

In 1954, Johannes Overath was elected General Praeses at the general assembly of the General Cecilia Association for Germany . After leaving this office, he became honorary general president of the ACV in 1964. In 1960 Johannes Overath was papal house prelate and council theologian in the commission for liturgy of the Second Vatican Council . He was involved in the copyright reform, particularly in the churches in Germany. 1981 Pope named him John Paul II. The Apostolic prothonotary .

In 1977 he founded the “Institute for Hymnological and Ethnic Music Studies Cologne” and in 1980 founded the yearbook Musices Aptatio with the subtitle Contributions on the spiritual and artistic foundations of European musical culture . He was one of the authors of the magazine Theologisches .

Johannes Overath died on 24 May 2002 and was on 5 June 2002 after one of Scheffczyk celebrated Requiem at the Cologne Melaten Cemetery buried (hall 31).

The Potsdam "Johannes Overath Institute" became an affiliate of the University of Potsdam in 2006 .


  • Dome of Honor at Cologne Cathedral (1980–2002)
  • Honorary General President of the General Cecilia Association for Germany (1964)
  • Honorary President of the Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae (CIMS) in Rome
  • Honorary member of the Pontifical Theological Academy Rome (Pontificia Accademia Teologica Romana)
  • Large Merit (1986)


  • Cantata domino. Folk mass. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1957.
  • Investigations into the melodies of the song psalter by Kaspar Ulenberg (Cologne 1582). Dissertation. University of Cologne 1960. Volk, Cologne 1960 ( contributions to Rhenish music history. Issue 33).
  • with Joseph Solzbacher: Liedpsalter. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1962.
  • (Ed.): Musicae sacrae ministerium. Festival ceremony for Karl Gustav Fellerer . Cologne 1962.
  • (Ed.): Symposium Musico-Ethnologicum. Bonnae 1980. Institute for Hymnological and Ethnic Music Studies Cologne and Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae Rome, 1980
  • with Adelheid Geck (ed.): Te decet hymnus. Ceremony for Max Baumann on reaching the age of 75. Academy, Sankt Augustin 1992, ISBN 978-3-88345-373-6 .


  • Johannes Overath. In: The Cardinal Protectors, General Presidents and Presidents of the General Cecilia Association for Germany. Regensburg, September 2013, p. 37 ( online at, accessed on May 17, 2015.)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rüdiger Schumacher: Laudation - Prof. Dr. Johannes Overath and Brazil
  2. a b Media information from the University of Potsdam , No. 210/06, November 28, 2006
  3. ↑ List of authors on
  4. ^ Tenth Affiliate Institute for the University , Potsdamer Latest News , December 8, 2006
  5. Leo Scheffczyk : Experience of theology in time on