Karl-Heinz Koch

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Karl-Heinz Koch

Karl-Heinz Koch (born October 14, 1924 in Kassel ; † May 24, 2007 in Eschborn ) was a German lawyer , notary , politician ( CDU ) and Hessian Minister of Justice.


Koch attended high school and then did military service. After the end of the war he began studying law at the University of Frankfurt , which he completed in 1953 with the second state examination in law.

From 1953 Koch worked as an assistant solicitor in Frankfurt and was established in 1956 as a lawyer admitted. He also founded his own law firm in Frankfurt, which he moved to Eschborn in 1965 . In the meantime he was admitted as a notary and took on further colleagues in the law firm . Karl-Heinz Koch was married; his only son Roland Koch , who previously worked for the firm as a lawyer, was Prime Minister of the State of Hesse from 1999 to 2010 .

At the age of 17, Hitler Youth member Karl-Heinz Koch was accepted into the NSDAP on September 1, 1942 ( NSDAP membership number 9,183,961), but held no offices or mandates there. After the Second World War , Koch was a member of the CDU for over 50 years, was involved in a large number of party offices and was deputy state chairman of his party in Hesse.

From 1968 to 1993 he worked in local politics in Eschborn. From 1977 to 1993 he was chairman of the city ​​council . From 1968 to 1997 he was elected to the district council of the Main-Taunus-Kreis , where he was chairman from 1993 to 1997.

From December 1970 to 1987 he was a directly elected constituency member of the Main-Taunus I constituency of the Hessian state parliament (see list of members of the Hessian state parliament (7th electoral period) ). From November 5, 1974 he was deputy parliamentary group leader of the CDU.

On April 24, 1987, he was appointed Minister of State for Justice in the state government led by Prime Minister Walter Wallmann . After Gottfried Milde's resignation on November 6, 1990, Koch also took over the provisional management of the Ministry of the Interior, which he held until November 20, 1990. After the CDU's defeat in the 1991 state elections , he left the state government on April 5, 1991. In 1979 and 1984 he was a member of the Federal Assembly .

Karl-Heinz Koch was awarded the Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1978 and the Great Cross of Merit on September 4, 1989. He was also a holder of the Hessian Order of Merit . The Main-Taunus-Kreis awarded him its plaque of honor. Since 1994 he has been head of the city council of honor and since 1999 honorary citizen of the city of Eschborn.

Koch was a member of a number of supervisory boards :


During his studies, Koch took legal action against the " Hörergeld " (lecture fees ) levied at universities , which the students paid directly to the professors. In doing so, he relied on Article 59 of the Hessian constitution , according to which teaching in schools and universities should be free of charge. In 1947 he was initially defeated before the administrative court . Two years later, however, the Hessian State Court followed his argument and declared the fees to be unlawful. All payments made after December 1946 had to be refunded. This issue was taken up in the discussion about tuition fees in Hesse from 2006 onwards .


  • Albrecht Kirschner: Final report of the working group on the preliminary study “Nazi past of former Hessian state parliament members” of the commission of the Hessian state parliament for the research project “Political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse” . Ed .: Hessischer Landtag . Wiesbaden 2013, p. 24, 45–46, 50, 60 ( Download [PDF; 479 kB ]).
  • Hans-Peter Klausch : Brown Legacy. Nazi past Hessian state parliament member 1st – 11th Electoral term (1946–1987) . The Left Group in the Hessian State Parliament, Wiesbaden 2011 ( Download [PDF; 4.2 MB ]).
  • Jochen Lengemann : The Hessen Parliament 1946–1986 . Biographical handbook of the advisory state committee, the state assembly advising the constitution and the Hessian state parliament (1st – 11th electoral period). Ed .: President of the Hessian State Parliament. Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1986, ISBN 3-458-14330-0 , p. 303 ( hessen.de [PDF; 12.4 MB ]).
  • Jochen Lengemann: MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 220.
  • FAZ (ed.): Well-known father of a well-known son . May 2, 2007 ( HTML [accessed October 3, 2012]).

Web links

Commons : Karl-Heinz Koch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Peter Klausch : Brown legacy. Nazi past Hessian state parliament member 1st – 11th Electoral term (1946–1987) . The Left Group in the Hessian State Parliament, Wiesbaden 2011 ( Download [PDF; 4.2 MB ]).
  2. Announcement of awards of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Federal Gazette . Vol. 30, No. 194, October 13, 1978.
  3. Archived copy ( memento of the original from October 1, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.hr-online.de
  4. http://www.hochschulverband.de/newsletter/newsletter-6-2006.html