Horst Winterstein

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Horst Winterstein (right) with Franz-Josef Sehr on August 2, 1986 at the Limburg-Weilburg District Fire Brigade Day

Horst Winterstein (born October 5, 1934 in Novi-Sivac , Yugoslavia , † July 24, 2006 ) was a German lawyer and politician ( SPD ).

Life and work

Horst Winterstein is the son of SPD politician Ladislaus Winterstein and brother of SPD politician Norbert Winterstein . Horst Winterstein spent his childhood in Yugoslavia, but the family had to leave the country after the Second World War . After high school he took a study of the legal and political sciences in Frankfurt am Main on which he finished with the first legal state examination. He then worked for the financial administration of the State of Hesse until 1966 and was also admitted to the bar.

Political party

Winterstein joined the SPD in 1951 and was later deputy chairman of the SPD district of Hessen-Süd and a member of the party's state executive committee . In the SPD exclusion proceedings against Diether Dehm after his exposure as an unofficial employee of the GDR State Security in May 1996, he took over the function of his internal party legal advisor. Winterstein claimed that the SED state research association had received "several hundred thousand D-Marks" from Deutsche Bank in order to expose the "banking opponent Dieter Dehm" as an IM informant. Klaus Schroeder called this representation in the FAZ a "fairy tale".


Winterstein was a city councilor in Hattersheim am Main from 1960 to 1978 and became a member of the local council in 1968. He was a member of the Hessian state parliament from June 8, 1976 (as the successor to the resigned MP Heiner Dudene ) to April 5, 1991 in its 8th to 13th legislative period , was deputy chairman there from 1978 to 1980 and from March 26, 1980 to on June 26, 1984 chairman of the SPD parliamentary group . He ran unsuccessfully in the constituency Main-Taunus II ; he always succeeded in entering the state parliament via the state list of the SPD.

Public offices

On July 4, 1984, Winterstein was appointed as Hessian Minister of the Interior in the Hessian state government led by Prime Minister Holger Börner . During his tenure, he was seen as a supporter of the red-green coalition and as a link between the Hessian Minister for Environment and Energy Joschka Fischer and the Prime Minister. After the break of the coalition in February 1987 and the defeat of the SPD in the state elections on April 5, 1987, Winterstein left the government on April 24, 1987 and was replaced as Minister of the Interior by CDU politician Gottfried Milde .

See also: Cabinet Börner III

Other functions

From 1998 to 2004 Winterstein was chairman of the supervisory board of the Hessian DJH state association.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ladislaus Winterstein. Hessian biography (as of November 2, 2019). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS). Hessian State Office for Historical Cultural Studies (HLGL), accessed on December 17, 2019 .
  2. Winterstein, Horst. Hessian biography. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  3. Horst Winterstein In: Jochen Zimmer (Ed.): The Gauck Reading Book. An authority apart from the constitution? Eichborn-Verlag, 1999.
  4. ^ A b Klaus Schroeder: Project group moral disposal. In: FAZ.net . Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, July 16, 1999, accessed on April 19, 2020 .