Norbert Winterstein

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Norbert Winterstein (born December 12, 1931 in Alt-Sivac , Vojvodina , Kingdom of Yugoslavia ) is a former Hessian politician ( SPD ), Lord Mayor of Rüsselsheim and member of the Hessian state parliament . He is married to the former Vice President of the Hessian State Parliament, Veronika Winterstein .

education and profession

After graduating from high school in Darmstadt in 1962, Norbert Winterstein studied law at the University of Frankfurt . After graduation he worked as a civil servant in the Hessian civil service.


Norbert Winterstein is a member of the SPD. Since 1960 he was a member of the district assembly of the Main-Taunus-Kreis and led the SPD parliamentary group there from 1964 to 1981. Member of the regional planning association Untermain, surrounding area Frankfurt (parliamentary group chairman).

Since January 15, 1965 Winterstein was mayor of Hattersheim . On October 29, 1981, he was elected Lord Mayor of Rüsselsheim . After the introduction of direct elections for mayors in Hesse, he had to face the elector for the first time in 1993 after two electoral terms. The fact that he lost the runoff election against Otti Geschka (CDU) on July 18, 1993 , and thus for the first time the Union in the SPD stronghold of Rüsselsheim provided the mayor of the SPD, caused a sensation throughout the country.

From December 1, 1966 to November 30, 1970, Winterstein was a member of the Hessian state parliament.

In 1969 he was a member of the 5th Federal Assembly in Berlin .

Other offices

  • 1994 to 1996 in the EU administration in Mostar ( Bosnia-Herzegovina ), Head of City Administration
  • 1997 to 2001 representative of the Hessian state government for reconstruction projects and the voluntary repatriation of refugees from ex-Yugoslavia
  • September 2003 to January 2004 Chairman of the Commission for reforming the City of Mostar established by the High Representative Paddy Ashdown
  • 2004 Head of the General Service Integration Team for an new City Administration establisced by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar and the High Representative
  • In 2006 Norbert Winterstein was the special envoy for the southern Bosnian city of Mostar on behalf of the international administrator in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Christian Schwarz-Schilling



  • Jochen Lengemann : The Hessen Parliament 1946–1986 . Biographical handbook of the advisory state committee, the state assembly advising the constitution and the Hessian state parliament (1st – 11th electoral period). Ed .: President of the Hessian State Parliament. Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1986, ISBN 3-458-14330-0 ( [PDF; 12.4 MB ]).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of awards of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Federal Gazette . Vol. 31, No. 5, January 9, 1979.