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11th century |
12th century
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1100s |
1110s |
1120s |
| 1140s
| 1150s
| 1160s
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1132 |
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
| 1137
| 1138
| 1139
| 1140
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Calendar overview 1136
1136 | |
Bernhard von Clairvaux founds the first Cistercian monastery on the right bank of the Rhine , which later became Eberbach monastery . | |
1136 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 584/585 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1128/29 |
Buddhist calendar | 1679/80 (southern Buddhism); 1678/79 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 63rd (64th) cycle
Year of the fire dragon丙辰 ( at the beginning of the year wood bunny 乙卯) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 498/499 (turn of the year April) |
Iranian calendar | 514/515 (around March 21) |
Islamic calendar | 530/531 (September 28/29) |
Jewish calendar | 4896/97 (August 28-29) |
Coptic calendar | 852/853 |
Malayalam calendar | 311/312 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1446/47 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1447/48 (turn of the year October) |
Spanish era | 1174 |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1192/93 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
British Islands
- English Civil War from 1135 to 1154
- The Welsh uprising after the death of King Henry I of England begins.
- December 14 : Sigurd Slembe kills Harald Gille in bed with his lover and has himself proclaimed King of Norway . But Harald's sons Sigurd Munn and Inge Krogrygg , both still small children, are proclaimed kings. A period of civil wars begins, in which the former King Magnus IV , who was deposed by Harald, intervenes.
Holy Roman Empire
- November 6th : The sale of fiefs is carried out by Emperor Lothar III. forbidden.
First documentary mentions
- The first documented mention of Asuel , Bonfol , Bourrignon , Buix , Burghaslach , Charmoille , Coeuve , Cornol , Dalkingen , Fregiécourt , Grand Fontaine , Montsevelier , Porrentruy , Tribuswinkel , Vendlincourt , Wagshurst , Westhausen and Zunsweier
- The castle Liechtenstein on Kalenderberg is first mentioned.
science and technology
- around 1136: The Welsh clergyman Geoffrey of Monmouth writes the Historia Regum Britanniae , a 12-book pseudo-historical work on early English history in Latin .
Religion and culture
- July 7th : Pope Innocent II signs the bull Ex commisso nobis in Pisa , in which he regulates diocesan affairs on Polish territory. With the mention of almost 400 Polish names and places, this bull from Gniezno is the oldest evidence of the Polish language and writing.
- Bernhard von Clairvaux had the foundation stones laid for the first Cistercian monastery on the right bank of the Rhine , from which Eberbach Monastery later emerged.
- Foundation of the Benedictine monastery in Chemnitz
Date of birth saved
- June 29 : Petronella , last Queen of Aragón from the House of Jiménez († 1173 )
- July 22 : William FitzEmpress , brother of Henry II of England († 1164 )
- August 1st : Humbert III. , Count of Savoy († 1188 or 1189 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Amalrich I , King of Jerusalem († 1174 )
- Isabel de Warenne, Countess of Surrey , English nobleman († 1203 )
Born around 1136
- Fariduddin Attar , Islamic mystic († 1220/21)
Date of death secured
- April 15 : Richard FitzGilbert de Clare , English nobleman (* 1094 )
- May 24th : Hugo von Payns , Lord of Montigny-Lagesse, driving force behind the founding of the Templar Order and its first Grand Master (* around 1070 )
- November 15 : Leopold III. , Margrave of the Bavarian Marcha orientalis (Ostarrîchi), saint of the Catholic Church (* 1073 )
- November 21 : William of Corbeil , Archbishop of Canterbury (* around 1070 )
- December 14th : Harald Gille , King of Norway (* 1103 )
- December 22nd : Jutta von Sponheim , Magistra of the nunnery of the Disibodenberg monastery (* around 1092 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd , Princess of the Welsh Principality of Deheubarth
- Conrad II. , Count of Luxembourg (* 1106 )
- Nikephoros Bryennios , Byzantine military, politician and historian (* around 1081)
Web links
Commons : 1136 - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files