Wolfgang Bächler

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Wolfgang Bächler (pseudonym: Wolfgang Born ; born March 22, 1925 in Augsburg ; † May 24, 2007 in Munich ) was a German poet and prose writer .


Wolfgang Bächler was the son of a district court president. He attended elementary school in Bamberg and high school in Munich and Memmingen. In 1943 he passed his Abitur, then he was drafted into the labor service and later drafted as a soldier in the Wehrmacht . In 1944 he suffered a serious wound in the French Alps. He was taken prisoner of war , from which he was freed. After hospital stays in southern Germany, he was again a prisoner of war, from which he fled.

“The young Germans my age had learned to shoot better than to read and write… I should learn to shoot too. But my hand trembled when I had to shoot. I didn't hit the target ... I didn't hit people ... I always missed. I could only have shot myself. "

From 1945 to 1948, Bächler studied German, Romance studies, art history and theater studies at the University of Munich . In 1947 he was the youngest member of the first meeting of Group 47 . In the following years he was mainly active as a journalist. In 1956 he married the French woman Danielle Ogier, with whom he lived from 1956 to 1966, initially in Paris and later in Alsace. In 1967 he returned to Munich, where he worked as a journalist again. In addition, he occasionally appeared in small film roles with directors such as Volker Schlöndorff and Werner Herzog , including in the tin drum . He played the role of David Briel in The Sudden Wealth of the Poor People of Kombach .

In the 1950s, Bächler was an author highly valued by colleagues such as Gottfried Benn and Karl Krolow ; his poetry and short prose have been compared in their treatment of existential themes with the works of Wolfgang Borchert . A pronounced depressive illness led to long creative breaks in Bächler's life, but was also the inspiration for his “dream protocols”. Bächler usually wrote the protocols down while he was half asleep in the morning. He had been therapeutically advised to put down in writing what urged him out of the subconscious at night and thus objectify it.

Wolfgang Bächler was a member of the PEN Center of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Association of German Writers . He died on May 24, 2007 in Munich.

“I am a socialist without a party membership, a German without Germany, a poet without a large audience ... in short, an unusable, unsound, untidy person who cannot keep appointments or take exams and who makes editors, publishers and women desperate because of his lack of punctuality. "

His estate is kept in the Munich Monacensia .


Works (selection)


  • 1947: The earth is still shaking
  • 1950: The cistern
  • 1950: The nocturnal guest
  • 1955: light change
  • 1962: doorbell
  • 1963: Doors made of smoke
  • 1972: Dream Protocols
  • 1975: On the train
  • 1976: break out. Poems from twenty years
  • 1979: City occupation
  • 1982: night life
  • 1985: In the intermediate realm
  • 1988: I followed your trail of light
  • 1988: Asleep
  • 1990: One who went out to be beheaded
  • 2000: Where the wave script ends
  • 2012: Ed .: Katja Bächler and Jürgen Hosemann : Gesammelte Gedichte . S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 978-3-10-003509-7 .


  • Rudi Spring : So Close in the Distance (op. 52; 1984–91). Song cycle for soprano (or mezzo-soprano), flute, viola and violoncello. Premiere November 13, 1992 Augsburg

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://culturmag.de/litmag/wolfgang-bachler-ist-tot/
  2. ^ From the half-sleep The poet Wolfgang Bächler died
  3. http://culturmag.de/litmag/wolfgang-bachler-ist-tot/