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Calendar overview 1702
1702 | |
The battle of friedlingen in the War of Spanish Succession is a draw. |
After the death of her brother-in-law William of Orange, Anne becomes the last Queen of England from the House of Stuart . |
In the naval battle of Vigo , an Anglo-Dutch fleet defeats Spanish-French ships. | |
1702 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1150/51 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1694/95 (turn of the year 10/11 September) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1107/08 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2245/46 (southern Buddhism); 2244/45 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 73rd (74th) cycle
Year of the water horse壬午 ( at the beginning of the year metal snake 辛巳) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1064/65 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4035/36 (October 2-3) |
Iranian calendar | 1080/81 |
Islamic calendar | 1113/14 (turn of the year 27/28 May) |
Jewish calendar | 5462/63 (22/23 September) |
Coptic calendar | 1418/19 (September 10-11) |
Malayalam calendar | 877/878 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2012/13 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2013/14 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1758/59 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Great Northern War
- March 23rd : King Charles XII. of Sweden leaves the winter quarters in Lithuania and invades Poland with the aim of occupying Warsaw . The Kurzeme farmer's daughter Catherine , wife of a Swedish dragoon falls over Prince Menshikov in Russian captivity and is mistress of Tsar Peter the Great .
- May 14 : Warsaw surrenders to the Swedes without a fight. A large contribution is made before Charles XII. continues his march to Krakow .
- July 12 : Swedish Navy units defeat a Russian fleet in the first naval battle of the Great Northern War in Lake Peipus .
- July 19 : In the Battle of Klissow , the outnumbered Swedes win under King Charles XII. against the Saxon-Polish army under Augustus the Strong . 2,000 Saxons are killed or injured, and more than 1,000 are captured by Sweden. 900 soldiers are killed or injured on the Swedish side. The Swedes captured the entire Saxon artillery and the entire entourage with August's field treasury with 150,000 Reichstalers and his silver dishes.
- July 19 : The Russians win decisive victories against the Swedes in Livonia, numbering around 6,000 men, in the battles at Hummelshof (or Hummelsdorf), near Dorpat and Marienburg in Livonia, in which, according to Swedish information, 840 dead and 1,000 prisoners in the battle itself and another 1000 Swedes are to be complained about during the subsequent persecution.
- July 31 : Due to August II's quick retreat via Sandomierz to Thorn, Charles XII. Occupy Krakow three weeks after the Battle of Klissow. After this defeat, the King of Poland and Elector of Saxony August II again offered the Swedes peace negotiations.
- August: Arvid Axel Mardefelt takes over the management of the Swedish army operations in western Poland.

Assault of the Russian troops on Nöteburg, painting by Alexander von Kotzebue , 1846
- 7 October to 22 October : In the Great Northern War , the Russian army takes the island fortress of Nöteborg , located on the outflow of the Neva from Lake Ladoga . The Swedish crew lying in there surrendered after a two-week siege with constant fire and no hope of relief .
- End of autumn: Charles XII. moves his troops to the winter quarters at Sandomierz and Kasimierz near Krakow.
- August II holds another Polish Reichstag in Thorn , at which 100,000 men were promised to him. In order to raise the money for this, August II traveled to Dresden in December .
England, Scotland and Ireland
- March 19 : After the death of Wilhelm III. Anne becomes the last Queen of England , Scotland and Ireland from the House of Stuart . Her childhood friend Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough , becomes the most important lady-in-waiting and exerts significant influence on the queen, who is already physically severely damaged by gout and numerous pregnancies. Her husband, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough , becomes Commander-in-Chief of the English Army. On his recommendation Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin , is appointed Lord High Treasurer .
War of the Spanish Succession
- February 1 : The coup d' état intended by Prince Eugene of Savoy in the War of the Spanish Succession by Cremona against the French-held city ends after initial successes with the withdrawal of his imperial troops.
- April 18 : The siege of Kaiserswerth , which Archbishop and Elector Joseph Clemens of Bavaria left to the French allies at the time of the War of the Spanish Succession , begins as part of an imperial execution against Kurköln .
- May 4th : England declares war on France . On May 8th the follow Netherlands , on May 15 , the Holy Roman Empire and on May 16 the Kingdom of Portugal .
- June 13th : English, Dutch and Prussian troops besiege the French-occupied city of Liège .
- June 15 : The siege of Kaiserswerth ends with the complete destruction and handover of the city and fortress to the Allies. After the victory of the Allied troops, the elector of Cologne had to flee to France after further defeats. The city of Kaiserswerth is handed over to Johann Wilhelm , the Elector of the Palatinate .
- August 15th : The battle of Luzzara between imperial troops under Eugene of Savoy and a Franco-Spanish army under Louis II Joseph de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme and King Philip V of Spain ends without a clear victory.
- September 10th : The Bavarian Elector Maximilian II. Emanuel opens the “ Bavarian-German war ” against the Reich with an attack on the imperial city of Ulm . Shortly after the attack on Ulm, Memmingen and Dillingen also fell into the hands of the Bavarian elector. Afterwards he turned to Tyrol according to his plans for conquest , where he failed because of the notorious national defense. Max Emanuel then threatened other cities and territories in the Swabian and Franconian regions, including Neuburg an der Donau and Augsburg , and finally even Regensburg .
- October 14 : The battle of Friedlingen between imperial troops under Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden-Baden and France under Claude-Louis-Hector de Villars ends in a draw, but the Imperial Army is able to prevent the unification of Bavarian and French troops. On October 15, the French conquer Friedlingen Castle .

The battle in the bay of Vigo, Ludolf Bakhuizen
- October 23 : In the naval battle of Vigo , an Anglo-Dutch fleet defeats Spanish-French ships in the port of the War of the Spanish Succession , which shield treasure galleons from Cuba . The attackers sink all enemy ships and capture silver from the galleons that has not yet been discharged .
Holy Roman Empire
- February 18 : Duke Anton Ulrich , who is in opposition to the emperor because of the award of the electoral dignity to the younger line of the House of Braunschweig, is relieved of his co-regency in Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel by an imperial mandate .
- March 20 : Hanoverian and Cellian troops march into the Wolfenbüttel region, disarm the troops and cut off the cities of Braunschweig and Wolfenbüttel from any connection with the surrounding area. Anton Ulrich fled to Gotha, and his brother Rudolf August had to conclude a settlement on April 19 in Braunschweig, in which he made a binding commitment not to oppose the Hanoverian primacy and to get his brother to recognize this agreement.
- March 25th : Prussia takes control of the County of Lingen , the southern part of today's Emsland district .
- October 5 : After lengthy deliberations in the Regensburg Reichstag and obtaining a legal opinion, the Reich officially declares war on France.
- July 24th : Because of his cruel treatment of the Huguenots , the Catholic mission inspector François Langlade and his police force are slain by camisards . This marked the beginning of a bloody uprising in the Cevennes that lasted for years . The farmer's son Jean Cavalier returns from Geneva and quickly takes over the leadership of the rebels.
- The Queen Anne's War begins in North America , the second of the so-called French and Indian Wars .
- Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville , governor of the French colony of Louisiana , founded the city of Mobile in what is now Alabama with his brother Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville .
- December 14 : In revenge for the death of their prince Asano, 47 ronin break into the house of the Japanese shogunate official Kira Yoshihisa in Edo and kill him and his male followers.
- March 11 : The first daily newspaper in the UK , The Daily Courant , appears.
- Saxon mint history : The Leipzig mint in the Electorate of Saxony ends the minting of the “ Red Sigh ”. Grand Chancellor Wolf Dietrich von Beichlingen was blamed for the issue of the inferior six-pfennig piece in the subsequent financial crisis . Instead, the Beichling Ordenstaler , a bank teller , was minted, but the minting was discontinued that same year.
- In Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel will air pumps Taler coined.
science and technology
- May 5th : Gottfried and Maria Margaretha Kirch discover the globular cluster, later called Messier 5 , in the constellation Snake .
- The travel diary Oku no Hosomichi by the Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō is printed for the first time in Kyoto. The author describes a 156 day journey from Edo to its northern hinterland. The diary as a whole follows the literary form of renga .
Music and theater
- 25 June : The world premiere of the opera L'Offendere per amore overo la Telesilla by Johann Joseph Fux with the libretto by Donato Cupeda takes place at the Hoftheater in Vienna.
- October 19 : On the occasion of the birthday of King Frederick IV. Has Denmark opera victory of fertile Pomona of Reinhard Keizer on the libretto by Christian Heinrich Postel its world premiere at the Theater am Gänsemarkt in Hamburg.
- November 15 : The world premiere of the opera La Clemenza d'Augusto by Johann Joseph Fux with the libretto by Pietro Antonio Bernardoni takes place at the Court Theater in Vienna.
- The previous coadjutor of the Diocese of Vienna, Franz Anton von Harrach , is appointed Prince-Bishop of Vienna as the successor to Ernst von Trautson , who died on January 7th . He received the episcopal ordination by Johann Philipp von Lamberg , Prince-Bishop of the Diocese of Passau .
- The cathedral in Mongiuffi Melia is being rebuilt.
- The Straubing Franciscan Monastery is founded.
- 15 / May 16 : A major fire ravaged the Swedish city of Uppsala . The fire devastated almost the whole city. The cathedral , the castle and most of the university buildings with the exception of the Gustavianum are damaged. Not only is the material damage enormous, cultural values are also being destroyed by flames. It takes decades for the city to recover from the disaster.
First half of the year
- January 6th : Johann Adam von Ickstatt , Director of the University of Ingolstadt († 1776 )
- January 6 : José de Nebra , Spanish composer († 1768 )
- January 12 : Jacques-André-Joseph Camelot Aved , French portrait painter, art collector and art dealer († 1766 )
- January 12 : Józef Andrzej Załuski , Polish nobleman, Catholic bishop, author, politician and book collector († 1774 )
- January 14 : Nakamikado , 114th Emperor of Japan († 1737 )
- January 24th : Friederike Henriette von Anhalt-Bernburg , Princess of Anhalt-Köthen († 1723 )
- January 25th : Franz Anton Engl Graf von Wagrain , Bishop of the Csanáder Diocese († 1777 )
- February 3 : Michael Adelbulner , German mathematician, physicist and astronomer († 1779 )
- February 3 : Giovanni Battista Vaccarini , Sicilian architect († 1768 )
- February 12 : Johann Joseph Resler , Austrian sculptor († 1772 )
- February 17th : Hermann Werner von der Asseburg , Minister and politician of the Electorate of Cologne († 1779 )
- March 2 : Henriette Marie von Brandenburg-Schwedt , Duchess of Württemberg († 1782 )
- March 5 : Johann Friedrich Gühling , German Protestant theologian († 1772 )
- March 27 : Johann Ernst Eberlin , German composer and organist († 1762 )
- April 6 : Philipp Becker , German legal scholar († 1747 )
- April 16 : Juan de Balmaceda , Spanish lawyer, colonial administrator and governor of Chile († 1778 )
- April 17 : Mihály Ambrosovszky , Hungarian church historian († 1792 )
- April 28 : Karl Maximilian von Dietrichstein , Austrian prince and politician († 1784 )
- May 2 : Friedrich Christoph Oetinger , German theologian, leading Pietist († 1782 )
- May 17 : Johann Anton Aigner , Austrian prince-bishop ecclesiastical councilor and pastor († 1775 )
- May 17 : Heinrich Schlumpf , Swiss Mayor and Envoy to the Diet († 1783 )
- May 24 : Joseph Friedrich Ernst , Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen († 1769 )
- May 29 : Michael Karl von Althann , Count of Goldburg and Murstetten, Archbishop of Bari and Bishop of Waitzen († 1756 )
- June 2 : Peter Gerwin von Franken-Siersdorf , Vicar General in Cologne († 1763 )
- June 2 : Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea , Spanish statesman and reformer († 1781 )
- June 7 : Ludwig Georg Simpert , Margrave of Baden-Baden († 1761 )
- June 19 : Friedrich August Rutowski , Electoral Saxon Field Marshal († 1764 )
Second half of the year
- July 7th : Maximilian Hellmann , Austrian cymbalist, timpanist and composer († 1763 )
- July 16 : Johann Schneider , German composer, organist and violinist († 1788 )
- July 18 : Maria Clementina Sobieska , Polish princess, titular queen of Great Britain, Ireland and France († 1735 )
- July 31 : Jean-Denis Attiret , French Jesuit missionary and painter († 1768 )
- August 7th : Ehrenreich Gerhard Coldewey , German scholar, lawyer and East Frisian expert († 1773 )
- August 7 : Muhammad Shah , Indian Grand Mughal († 1748 )
- August 8 : Joseph Ignaz Schilling , German painter († 1773 )
- August 10 : Stepan Fjodorowitsch Apraxin , Russian field marshal († 1758 )
- August 15 : Francesco Zuccarelli , Italian painter († 1788 )
- August 27 : Johann August von Berger , German lawyer († 1770 )
- September 14 : Johann Caspar Heimburg , German legal scholar († 1773 )
- October 5 : Joseph Friedrich von Sachsen-Hildburghausen , Saxon Prince Regent and Field Marshal General († 1787 )
- October 6 : Philipp Ernst Lüders , German Protestant provost, agricultural reformer, educator and agricultural economist († 1786 )
- October 9 : Wilhelm von Fermor , Russian general from an originally Scottish-Baltic family († 1771 )
- October 21 : Friedrich Benedict Carpzov II , German lawyer and legal scholar († 1744 )
- October 25 : Christoph II. Von Dohna-Schlodien , Prussian general († 1762 )
- November 5 : Pietro Longhi , Venetian painter († 1785 )
- November 5 : Martin Speer , Regensburg painter († 1765 )
- December 1 : Moritz Adolf Karl of Saxony-Zeitz-Neustadt , Bishop of Königgrätz and Bishop of Leitmeritz, Canon in Cologne, Duke of Saxony-Zeitz -Pegau-Neustadt († 1759 )
- December 2 : Samuel Engel , Swiss librarian, geographer, politician, philanthropist and economist († 1784 )
- December 17th : Philipp von Imhoff , lieutenant general in Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttelsch († 1768 )
- December 22 : Jean-Étienne Liotard , Geneva pastel and enamel painter († 1789 )
- December 26 : Christoph Friedrich von Rentzell , Prussian lieutenant general († 1778 )
- December 29 : Friedrich von Ahlefeldt , Danish officer and landlord († 1773 )
- December 31 : Charles François II. De Montmorency-Luxembourg , Marshal of France († 1764 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Francisco António de Almeida , Portuguese composer († 1755 )
- Annibale Antonini , Neapolitan Romance philologist, translator, grammarian and lexicographer († 1755 )
- Didier-François d'Arclais de Montamy , French civil servant, naturalist and encyclopedist († 1765 )
- Thomas Arthur de Lally-Tollendal , French general († 1766 )
- Francisco de Melo e Castro , Portuguese colonial administrator, governor of Mazagan and governor of Mozambique († between 1765 and 1777)
- Perkeo , court dwarf of Elector Charles III. Philip of the Palatinate and Guardian of the Great Barrel in Heidelberg Castle († 1735 )
- Wassili Wassiljewitsch Prontschishschew , Russian explorer and polar explorer († 1736 )
- Alexandre Roussel , French Huguenot preacher and evangelical martyr († 1728 )
- Jean-Baptiste-François-Joseph de Sade , French diplomat, officer, libertine, man of letters and nobleman († 1767 )
- Yoshimasu Tōdō , Japanese medic, surgeon and obstetrician († 1773 )
Born around 1702
- Lorenz Pasch the Elder , Swedish painter († 1766 )
First half of the year
- January 7th : Ernst von Trautson , Prince-Bishop of Vienna (* 1633 )
- January 9 : Abraham van den Kerckhoven , Belgian organist and composer (* around 1618 )
- February 4 : Georg Michael Heber , German legal scholar (* 1652 )
- February 5 : Johann Gotthard Böckel , German legal scholar (* 1645 )
- February 9 : Johann Baptist Fischer , sculptor from Graz (* 1626 )
- February 27 : Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede , Ottoman scholar, Sufi poet, historian and author
- March 1 : Anna Katharina von Offen , lady-in-waiting and chief chamberlain of the Electress of Hanover (* 1624 )
- March 6 : Giovanni Pietro Tencalla , Italian-Swiss architect (* 1629 )
- March 7th : Maria Franziska von Fürstenberg-Heiligenberg , Märkgräfin von Bade (* 1633 )
- before March 8: Jan de Baen , Dutch painter (* 1633 )
- March 8 : Giovanni Antonio Dario , Italian architect, stone cutter and stone mason in Austria (* 1630 )
- March 18 : Christine von Hessen-Eschwege , Duchess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern (* 1648 )
- March 19 : Wilhelm III. , King of England, Scotland and Ireland (* 1650 )
- March 31 : Filippo Giannetto , Sicilian painter (* 1640 )
- April 3 : Johann Franz Khuen von Belasi , Prince-Bishop of Brixen (* 1649 )
- April 6 : Benedict Annon , Italian stonemason and sculptor (* 1627 )
- April 23 : Margaret Fell , English Quaker (* 1614 )
- April 27th : Jean Bart , corsair from Dunkirk in the service of the French King Louis XIV (* 1650 )
- May 27 : Dominique Bouhours , French Jesuit priest, philologist, historian and author (* 1628 )
- May 27 : Hans Kogler , Upper Bavarian bricklayer and master builder (* 1642 )
- June 6 : Andreas Mylius , German legal scholar (* 1649 )
- June 13 : Isaak le Febvre , French lawyer and Huguenot (* around 1648 )
- June 16 : Hans Jacob Uhle , German sculptor (* 1653 )
Second half of the year
- July 6 : Nicolas Lebègue , French organist, harpsichordist and composer (* 1631 )
- July 12 : Bengt Oxenstierna , Swedish politician and diplomat (* 1623 )
- July 19 : Friedrich IV. , Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (* 1671 )
- July 24th : François Langlade , French Roman Catholic priest, archpriest in the Cevennes (* 1647 )
- August 3 : Antonio della Porta , Italian builder and architect (* around 1631 )
- August 13 : Jobst Edmund von Brabeck , Prince-Bishop of Hildesheim (* 1619 )
- August 19 : Anthony Gray, 11th Earl of Kent , English nobleman (* 1645 )
- August 23 : Nicolaus von Gersdorf , Saxon lawyer and diplomat (* 1629 )
- August 24th : Louis Thomas von Savoyen-Carignan , Count of Soissons, officer in the French and Austrian armies (* 1657 )
- August 25 : Friedrich Nitzsch , German mathematician and jurist (* 1641 )
- September 8th : Adolf Brüning , Lübeck councilor (* 1634 )
- September 17th : Olof Rudbeck the Elder , Swedish polyhistor (* 1630 )
- September 25 : Johann Matthäus Faber , German physician, personal physician to the dukes of Württemberg-Neuenstadt and city physician of Heilbronn (* 1626 )
- September : Amcazade Hüseyin Pascha , Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire (* 1644 )
- October 14 : Franz Anton , Count of Hohenzollern-Haigerloch (* 1657 )
- October 15 : José de Garro , Spanish officer, colonial administrator and governor in Tucumán, on the Río de la Plata and in Chile (* 1632 )
- October 15 : Sophia Henriette von Waldeck , Duchess of Saxony-Hildburghausen (* 1662 )
- October 17 : Walrad , Prince of Nassau-Usingen and Imperial General (* 1635 )
- October 20 : Jean Restout the Elder , French painter (* 1666 )
- October 22nd : Guy Aldonce de Durfort, duc de Lorges , Marshal of France (* 1630 )
- October 25 : Gerhard Schott , Hamburg lawyer and councilor, founder and director of the Opera at Gänsemarkt (* 1641 )
- before November 3rd: Christoph Zuccalli , Swiss architect and builder (* before 1650)
- November 3 : Christian Friedrich von Kahlbutz , Brandenburg nobleman (* 1651 )
- November 4th : John Benbow , English admiral (* 1653 )
- November 4 : Jacob Wächtler , German Lutheran theologian (* 1638 )
- December 16 : Henry Fitzjames , illegitimate son of James II of England (* 1673 )
- December 27 : Jacob Arlet , Bohemian Cistercian monk, painter and engraver (* 1661 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Bahadur Khan II , Emir of Shikarpur
- Jerzy Albrecht Denhoff , Bishop of Krakow (* 1640 )
- Johann Zacharias Kneller , German painter (* 1644 )
- Yeshe Dorje , 11th Karmapa of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism (* 1676 )
- Zeb un-nisa , daughter of the future Indian mogul Aurangzeb (* 1638 )
Web links
Commons : 1702 - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files