José de Nebra

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José Melchor Baltasar Gaspar de Nebra Blasco (born January 6, 1702 in Calatayud , † July 11, 1768 in Madrid ) was a Spanish composer of the pre-classical period.


José de Nebra came from a family of musicians. He received his first lessons from his father José Antonio Nebra (1672–1748), organist and conductor at the Cathedral of Cuenca . The son José already worked as organist at the royal monastery of the Descalzas Reales in Madrid in 1719 and from 1722 at the latest as a chamber musician at the court of the Duke of Osuna. As Diego de Lanas ' successor , de Nebra was organist at the Capilla Real , the royal chapel, from 1724 . In addition to Filippo Falconi and Giacomo Facco , he also created music for an act of the opera " Amor aumenta el Valor ", performed in Lisbon in 1728 for the wedding of the heir to the throne Ferdinand . From 1751 he was vice conductor of the court orchestra in Madrid, from 1761 clavichord teacher of the Infante Don Gabriel . De Nebra also taught Antonio Soler and José Lidón .


After a fire in the Spanish royal palace in 1734 destroyed all of the music in the royal orchestra, the court conductor Francesco Corselli and de Nebra were commissioned to recompose the lost music for liturgical use. Reported as the work en Nebras 26 are measuring , 31 Psalms , 26 Responsorien , 20 Lamentationen , three Vespern and a Stabat mater . As is customary at the Spanish court, the masses are set for two-part choir and orchestra. His Requiem from 1758 for the death of Queen Maria Barbara de Bragança was considered monarchical funeral music there until the beginning of the 19th century. De Nebra also wrote about 50 works for the stage, including operas, serenades and zarzuelas . 14 Villancicos and twelve cantatas in Castilian have also survived, but only a few of his numerous works for organ and harpsichord.

Works (selection)

Church music

  • Miserere
  • Requiem for choir and orchestra, on the death of Maria Barbara de Braganza


  • Amor Aumenta el Valor , 1728 (only first act; see R. Kleinertz: " Basic features of Spanish music theater in the 18th century", pp. 10 and 306)
  • Venus y Adonis , 1729
  • Más gloria es triunfar de sí, Adriano in Syria , 1737
  • No todo indicio es verdad. Alexander in Asia , 1744
  • Antes que zelos y amor, la piedad llama al valor. Achilles in Troy 1747


  • Las proezas de Esplandián y el valor deshace encantos , 1729
  • Amor, ventura y valor logran el triunfo mayor , 1739
  • Viento es la dicha de amor , 1743
  • Donde hay violencia no hay culpa , 1744
  • Vendado amor es, no es ciego , 1744
  • Cautelas contra cautelas y el rapto de Ganimedes , 1745
  • La colonia de Diana , 1745
  • Para obsequio a la deydad, nunca es culto la crueldad. Iphigenia en Tracia , 1747

Discography (selection)

Recordings with the Spanish baroque orchestra " Al Ayre Español " under the direction of Eduardo López Banzo.

  • 2001 - Miserere , German Harmonia Mundi
  • 2006 - Arias de Zarzuelas , Harmonia Mundi
  • 2011 - Esta Dulzura Amable; Sacred Cantatas , Challenge Classics


  • In: Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea world of music - The composers - A lexicon in five volumes . Propylaen Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-549-07830-7 , pp. 152, volume 4 .

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