Filippo Giannetto

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Filippo Giannetto (also Giannetti), * 1640 in Savoca ( Province of Messina ); † March 31, 1702 in Naples was an Italian Baroque painter in Sicily and Naples.


He received his first artistic training in Messina in the workshop of the painter Jacopo Cara and then from the Flemish Abraham Casembroot (* 1594 in Bruges, died 1658 in Messina), who had settled as an artist in Messina. Giannetto married the portraitist Flavia Durand (1635–1715), the daughter of the painter Giovan Battista Durand, who moved from Burgundy around 1650 and who had been trained by Domenichino in Rome.

Around 1670 Filippo and Flavia Giannetto moved to Palermo, where both stayed for many years and developed a lively activity. At the invitation of Viceroy Francesco Benavides , the couple went to Naples. Giannetto became a friend and confidante of the viceroy, who commissioned numerous paintings from him. He was a skilled landscape painter, which earned him the nickname "Giordano de'paesisti" ( Giordano of Landscapes). Most of his work in Messina was lost during the severe earthquake of 1908 . One of his students in Naples was the nephew Filippo Tancredi .

After his death, Giannetto was buried in the Chiesa di Santa Maria la Nova in Naples. Flavia Durant returned to Messina, where she died in old age in 1715.

