Lee Jong-wook

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Korean spelling
Hangeul 이종욱
Hanja 李鍾郁
I Jong-uk
I Chonguk
Lee Jong-wook, 2004

Lee Jong-wook (born April 12, 1945 in Seoul , † May 22, 2006 in Geneva ) was Director General of the World Health Organization . He was elected to succeed Gro Harlem Brundtland on May 21, 2003 for a five-year term.

Lee was a doctor of medicine and a master's in public health. Since 1983 he has worked for WHO in various functions at national and regional level. In 1994 he moved to the headquarters in Geneva, where he was one of the leading medical professionals in the fight against tuberculosis and vaccination against communicable diseases until his election .

He died on May 22, 2006 after an emergency operation of a brain haemorrhage that he had suffered two days earlier. Anders Nordström was his successor .

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