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Aigestos ( Greek  Αἴγεστος ) is a person in classical Greco-Roman mythology . He is the son of Trojan parents who fled to Sicily. Aigestus returned to Troy and fought with Elymos in the Trojan War . After returning to Sicily, he founded the city of Segesta there .

According to Servius, however, he is a son of the Sicilian river god Krimisos and a Trojan nymph named Egesta or Segesta.

Virgil tells how Aigestus, who is called Acestes here, welcomes Aeneas on his flight from Troy and helps him bury his father Anchises . In the funeral games that followed, he was the archery winner.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dionysios of Halicarnassus Antiquitates Romanae 1.52
  2. Maurus Servius Honoratius In Vergili Carmina Commentariorum 1,550
  3. Virgil Aeneid I, 550; V, 36.61.73