October 2nd
The October 2 is the 275th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 276th in leap years ), thus remain 90 days to the year.
Historic anniversaries September · October · November |
Politics and world events
- 939 : The two rebellious dukes Eberhard von Franken and Giselbert von Lothringen are killed in a skirmish with followers of King Otto I near Andernach .
- 1187 : Saladin conquers Jerusalem , ending 88 years of Christian rule over the city. This event subsequently leads to the Third Crusade .
- 1535 : Jacques Cartier reaches the Iroquois village of Hochelaga .
- 1601 : Around 3,400 Spanish soldiers land at Kinsale in support of the Irish rebels . However, they are immediately surrounded by English troops. The siege of Kinsale , which was decisive for the Nine Years War , begins.
- 1649 : As part of their forcible retaking of Ireland , English troops begin the siege of Wexford .
- 1679 : Under the Nijmegen Peace Treaty , Sweden and the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands end their state of war.
- 1792 : During the French Revolution, the Jacobins form the security committee to maintain internal security.
- 1794 : In the Battle of Aldenhoven in the First Coalition War, the French under Jean-Baptiste Jourdan and Jean Baptiste Bernadotte defeat an Austrian army.
- 1814 : At the beginning of their Reconquista Chiles , the Spanish royalists defeat the Chilean independence fighters encircled the day before at Rancagua in the Battle of Rancagua . The generals of the liberation fighters, Bernardo O'Higgins and José Miguel Carrera , managed to escape to Argentina.
- 1835 : The Texan War of Independence begins with the Battle of Gonzales .
- 1845 : In the Hamerton Treaty between Great Britain and Oman , Sultan Said ibn Sultan undertakes to end the slave trade , in return the full sovereignty of his country and the claims to ownership of the East African coast are recognized.
- 1889 : The United States holds the first Pan American conference to secure its influence in Latin America .
- 1904 : During the Herero uprising , the German general Lothar von Trotha issued his notorious appeal to the Herero people .
- 1906 : The as the first modern battleship force HMS Dreadnought is for the Royal Navy laid the keel.
- 1911 : In Prussian schools the lesson is shortened to 45 minutes.
- 1922 : After the fascist “ March on Bozen ”, the last German mayor of the city , Julius Perathoner , is forced to resign.
- 1924 : The League of Nations in Geneva unanimously passes a protocol outlawing war of aggression .
- 1939 : At a Pan-American conference, 21 North, Central and South American delegates determine the neutral status of their countries and decide to create a safety belt around the continent. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who advocates loosening the neutrality of the USA, also declares the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic from the North Sea to the Spanish border to be a war zone and thus a restricted zone for shipping.
- 1940 : The German occupation authorities in Warsaw assigns the relocation of all living in Warsaw about 400,000 Jews in the ghetto of the city of.
- 1944 : The Warsaw Uprising ends with the surrender of the Polish Home Army and the almost complete destruction of the city by the Germans.
- 1944 : At the German Western Front begins in World War II , the Battle of Aachen . Six weeks later, the city is the first major German city to be captured by the Allies.
- 1948 : The USSR begins building nuclear weapons in Siberia .
- 1949 : The Socialist Reich Party ( SRP ) is founded as a split from the National Socialist wing of the DKP-DRP around Otto Ernst Remer and the ethnic writer Fritz Dorls .
- 1952 : The German Bundestag decides against the introduction of the death penalty .
- 1954 : At the London Foreign Ministers' Conference , the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany and admission to NATO is decided.
- 1958 : Guinea gains independence from France through a referendum . Sékou Touré becomes the first president .
- 1968 : Hundreds of protesting students are shot dead by the Mexican military in the Tlatelolco massacre .
- 1977 : The Contact Blocking Act , which puts the contact blockage for imprisoned RAF members practiced since the beginning of the Schleyer abduction on a secure legal basis, comes into force in the " German Autumn ". On the same day, Volker Speitel, wanted by an arrest warrant, was caught.
- 1984 : Elisabeth Kopp is the first woman to be elected to the Swiss Federal Council.
- 1987 : Schleswig-Holstein's Prime Minister Uwe Barschel resigns in connection with the Barschel affair ; Henning Schwarz takes over the official business.
- 1990 : From Uganda from the start of Tutsi founded -Flüchtlingen Rwandan Patriotic Front with an invasion in Rwanda to that of Hutus to overthrow led government.
- 1992 : Hundreds of Georgian civilians are killed after the capture of Gagras by Abkhaz rioters .
- 1992 : 111 inmates are shot dead in a prisoner revolt in the overcrowded Carandiru prison in São Paulo , Brazil .
- 1997 : The Amsterdam Treaty , which establishes the creation of an “ area of freedom, security and justice ” as an objective of the European Union, is signed.
- 1891 : In the Swiss Baden is general partnership Brown, Boveri & Cie. founded specializing in electrical engineering .
- 1930 : Henry Ford lays the foundation stone for a Ford car factory in Cologne .
- 1983 : In Bangladesh , the economist Muhammad Yunus founds the Grameen Bank , which grants microcredit to poor people .
- 1996 : With the deletion of AEG Aktiengesellschaft from the commercial register of Frankfurt am Main, 113 years of company history come to an end, during which the company was temporarily one of the largest electrical companies in the world.
- 2000 : The merger of Pro Sieben Media AG (ProSieben, Kabel 1 and N24) and Sat.1 SatelliteFernsehen creates ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG , the largest German television company.
- 2001 : Due to an acute liquidity crisis, the Swiss airline Swissair ceases its flight operations.
- 2008 : After two weeks of negotiations, the US House of Representatives approves the US $ 700 billion rescue package for the financial system with 263 to 171 votes. The banks operating in the USA are to be used to buy bad loans in order to ensure that banks lend each other again and that the financial crisis from 2007 is defused.
- 2015 : Foundation of Alphabet Inc. , US holding company
science and technology
- 1608 : In the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands , the glasses maker Hans Lipperhey presents the Zeeland Council with the first telescope .
- 1836 : The HMS Beagle under the command of Robert FitzRoy with Charles Darwin on board docks again in England after her expedition to South America. Darwin's work will be based on lessons learned from this trip.
- 1941 : With the Me 163 A-V4 KE + SW , Heini Dittmar became the first person to exceed the 1000 km / h mark in an airplane on a test flight in 1941.
- 1955 : ENIAC , which was one of the first computers , is switched off. It was one of the last computers to operate with the decimal system .
- 1984 : The three Soviet cosmonauts Leonid Denissowitsch Kisim , Wladimir Alexejewitsch Solowjow and Oleg Jurjewitsch Atkow return to earth. As part of the Salyut 7 EO-3 mission , they spent 237 days on board the Salyut 7 space station in space, surpassing previous long-term stays.
- 1991 : Franz Viehböck starts to the Russian space station Mir together with the two cosmonauts Alexander Alexandrowitsch Wolkow and Toktar Aubakirow . This makes him the first Austrian in space.
- 1876 : The first Moltke monument , the first major work by the sculptor Ludwig Brunow, is unveiled in Parchim .
- 1886 : At the Hamburg Carl Schultze Theater finds premiere of the operetta Lorraine by Rudolf Dellinger instead.
- 1897 : The world premiere of the opera Porin ( Demeter ) by Vatroslav Lisinski takes place in Zagreb .
- 1915 : The world premiere of Leo Falls' operetta The Artificial Man takes place in Berlin .
- 1924 : In the USA, the radio cookery program Good Food goes on air with Betty Crocker as the figurehead.
- 1925 : 19-year-old Josephine Baker makes her debut with La Revue Négre at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in front of a Parisian audience.
- 1930 : In Berlin, the collections are opened in Alfred Messel's monumental three-wing building of the second Pergamon Museum on Museum Island .
- 1948 : The Hessischer Rundfunk is founded.
- 1950 : The comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz appears for the first time in seven US newspapers.
- 1957 : In theaters Britain's war movie is The Bridge on the River Kwai ( The Bridge on the River Kwai on), whose film music in the wake of the March from the River Kwai and whistled Colonel Bogey March for earwig is.
- 1959 : The first episode of the television series Twilight Zone is broadcast in the USA .
- 1965 : The episode of The Avengers (German title Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone ) is broadcast on British television with Town of no return , in which Diana Rigg as "Emma Peel", the partner of the secret agent "John Steed" ( Patrick Macnee ) occurs.
- 1976 : The world premiere of Helmut Eder's opera Der Aufstand takes place in Linz .
- 1995 : The 3sat magazine Kulturzeit is broadcast for the first time.
- 1999 : The premiere of the musical Mozart! Takes place in the Theater an der Wien in Vienna . by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay , with Uwe Kröger , Yngve Gasoy Romdal and Eva Maria Marold in the leading roles. Directed by Harry Kupfer .
- 1989 : The Austrian Udo Proksch , who was urgently wanted on suspicion of murder and suspected insurance fraud, was recognized and arrested upon arrival at Vienna- Schwechat Airport, despite his changed appearance due to a facial operation. He is considered to be the mastermind in the Lucona case .
- 2006 : Charles Carl Roberts invades an Amish school in Nickel Mines , Pennsylvania . He shoots ten schoolgirls in the head and then kills himself. Five of the schoolgirls die in this murder .
- 2012 : The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe ruled on Internet television in a landmark ruling that Internet-enabled computers are also subject to broadcasting license fees.
- 1928 : The priest Josemaría Escrivá founds the conservative organization Praelatura Sanctae Crucis et Opus Dei , or Opus Dei for short, within the Roman Catholic Church in Madrid .
- 2005 : The 11th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops of the Catholic Church in Rome opens.
- 1746 : When the French warships Duc d'Orléans , Phénix and Lys sink in a hurricane near Madras ( India ), about 1,200 crew members die.
- 1942 : When the flak cruiser Curacoa sank off the north coast of Ireland after a collision with the passenger ship RMS Queen Mary , which was a troop carrier , 331 men of the cruiser's 430-strong crew were killed.
- 1990 : During the emergency landing of a hijacked Boeing 737 in Baiyun , People's Republic of China, a fight breaks out between the pilot and the hijacker. The machine goes out of control and rams two more planes. 132 people die.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
- 1960 : In São Paulo , the opening game is played in the newly built Morumbi Stadium .
- 1966 : The Spanish football club Atlético Madrid opens its stadium on the Manzanares River , which is later renamed the Estadio Vicente Calderón .
- 1980 : At Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Larry Holmes defends his world heavyweight title against Muhammad Ali with a victory by technical knockout in round 11.
- 1988 : In Seoul , the Summer Olympics end with fireworks . Outstanding athletes in these games are swimmers Kristin Otto with six and Matt Biondi with five gold medals .
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .
Before the 18th century
- 971 : Mahmud of Ghazni , Ghanzavid ruler
- 1327 : Baldus de Ubaldis , Italian jurist
- 1452 : Richard III. , King of England
- 1470 : Elisabeth , Princess of Aragon and Castile and Queen of Portugal
- 1519 : Rudolf Gwalther , Zurich Reformed theologian and reformer
- 1538 : Charles Borromeo , Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal, important representative of the Counter Reformation
- 1547 : Philipp Ludwig , Count Palatine and Duke of Palatinate-Neuburg
- 1550 : Rodolfo Acquaviva , Italian Jesuit and missionary
- 1582 : August , Count Palatine and Duke of Sulzbach
- 1591 : Margarita Gonzaga , Duchess of Lorraine
- 1616 : Andreas Gryphius , German poet
- 1629 : François de Créquy , Marquis de Marines, Marshal of France
- 1666 : Marie Anne de Bourbon , illegitimate daughter of Louis XIV, Princess of Conti
- 1667 : Louis de Bourbon , Count of Vermandois, illegitimate son of Louis XIV.
- 1697 : Antoine Grimaldi , regent of Monaco
- 1700 : Erasmus Fröhlich , Austrian Jesuit, historian, librarian and numismatist
18th century
- 1704 : František Ignác Tůma , Bohemian composer
- 1708 : José de Mascarenhas da Silva e Lencastre , Duke of Aveiro
- 1718 : Louisa Catharina Harkort , German entrepreneur
- 1718 : Elizabeth Montagu , English salon lady, writer and patron, co-founder of the Blue Stocking Movement
- 1721 : Tia Weil , regional rabbi in Baden and rabbinical scholar
- 1722 : Philipp Friedrich von Rieger , major general in Württemberg
- 1727 : Ignaz Schiffermüller , Austrian zoologist
- 1749 : Auguste Dorothea von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , German abbess
- 1752 : Joseph Ritson , English antiquarian and legal scholar
- 1754 : Louis de Bonald , French statesman and philosopher
- 1755 : Hannah Adams , American writer
- 1756 : Józef Javurek , Bohemian pianist, conductor and composer
- 1763 : Thaddäus Müller , Swiss theologian
- 1768 : William Carr Beresford , British general and Portuguese marshal
- 1774 : Gustav Ludwig Ferdinand Raabe , Saxon general of the artillery
- 1781 : William Wyatt Bibb , American politician, governor of Alabama, senator, and MP for Georgia
- 1787 : Albrecht Besserer von Thalfingen , Bavarian general and minister of war
- 1792 : Pierre Martin Rémi Aucher-Éloy , French botanist and explorer
- 1800 : Wilhelm Heinrich Jobelmann , German citizen representative and city historian of Stade
- 1800 : Felix zu Schwarzenberg , Austrian politician
- 1800 : Nat Turner , American slave and revolutionary
19th century
- 1808 : Franz Limmer , Austrian composer
- 1813 : Johann Friedrich Palm , German classical philologist and lexicographer
- 1816 : Siegfried Saloman , Danish composer
- 1817 : Gunnar Wennerberg , Swedish poet, composer, civil servant and politician
- 1818 : Conrad Wilhelm Hase , German architect
- 1821 : Nino Bixio , Italian freedom fighter
- 1826 : Paul Emanuel Spieker , German architect
- 1827 : Julius Carl Friedrich Aßmann , German watchmaker
- 1832 : Edward Tylor , British anthropologist, is considered the founder of social anthropology
- 1834 : Jürgen Friedrich Ahrens , German teacher and local poet
- 1839 : Hans Thoma , German landscape and portrait painter, graphic artist
- 1845 : Gottfried Zumoffen , Swiss Jesuit and archaeologist
- 1847 : Paul von Hindenburg , German general, President of the Reich
- 1852 : William O'Brien , Irish journalist and politician
- 1852 : William Ramsay , British chemist, discoverer of noble gases, Nobel Prize winner
- 1860 : Hans Arnold , German sculptor
- 1861 : Friedrich Simon Archenhold , German astronomer
- 1862 : Karl Ebermaier , German governor of Cameroon
- 1864 : Lodewijk-Jozef Delebecque , Belgian bishop
- 1866 : Friedrich Grützmacher , German cellist
- 1867 : Karl Armbrust , German painter
- 1867 : Theodore F. Green , American politician, governor of Rhode Island, senator
- 1867 : Fritz Held , German entrepreneur and racing car driver
- 1869 : Mahatma Gandhi , Indian lawyer, publicist, moral teacher, ascetic and pacifist
- 1870 : Wilhelm Taurit , German-Baltic pastor and Protestant martyr
- 1871 : Cordell Hull , American lawyer and politician, Secretary of State, Nobel Prize winner
- 1878 : George Dorrington Cunningham , English organist and music teacher
- 1879 : Wilhelm Kosch , Austrian literary historian and lexicographer
- 1879 : Wallace Stevens , American lyric poet
- 1879 : Joseph Stoffels , German Catholic auxiliary bishop of Cologne
- 1882 : Martin Donisthorpe Armstrong , British writer, poet, editor and journalist
- 1883 : Lesley T. Ashburner , American hurdler
- 1883 : Bartholomäus Koßmann , German politician, MdL, MdR, resistance fighter against National Socialism
- 1886 : Leon Hirsch , German bookseller, printer, publisher, organizer and cabaret director
- 1887 : Yasuhiko Asaka , Japanese nobleman and general
- 1889 : Maximilian de Angelis , Austrian major general
- 1890 : Friedrich Griese , German writer
- 1890 : Groucho Marx , American comedian and actor ( Marx-Brothers )
- 1891 : Hubertus von Aulock , German officer
- 1891 : Jossyp Bokschaj , Ukrainian painter
- 1891 : Wanda Chmielowska , Polish pianist and music teacher
- 1892 : Henry Victor , British-American actor
- 1893 : Orland Kay Armstrong , American politician
- 1895 : Bud Abbott , American comedian and actor
- 1896 : Jacques Duclos , French politician
- 1899 : Herbert B. Fredersdorf , German film director
20th century
- 1901 : Walther Aeschbacher , Swiss conductor and composer
- 1901 : Thomas Henry Raymond Ashton , British peer and politician
- 1901 : Charles Stark Draper , American engineer
- 1901 : Alice Prin , French singer, actress, model and painter
- 1902 : Leopold Figl , Austrian politician
- 1904 : Graham Greene , British writer
- 1904 : Lal Bahadur Shastri , Indian politician, head of government
- 1905 : Enchi Fumiko , Japanese writer
- 1905 : George Gibson , American football player
- 1905 : Hemaiag Bedros XVII. Guedikian , Patriarch of Cilicia
- 1907 : Alexander Todd , British chemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1907 : Ria Deeg , German resistance fighter against National Socialism
- 1909 : David Hempstead , American film producer and screenwriter
- 1909 : Alex Raymond , American comic artist ( Flash Gordon )
- 1910 : Giorgio Agliani , Italian film producer
- 1910 : Henry Nielsen , Danish middle and long distance runner
- 1910 : Aldo Olivieri , Italian football player and coach
- 1910 : Takeuchi Yoshimi , Japanese sinologist and cultural theorist
- 1911 : Hermann Adler , German writer and publicist
- 1911 : Tilly Fleischer , German athlete, Olympic champion
- 1911 : Pascal Rywalski , Swiss Capuchin and Minister General
- 1912 : Anthony Rayappa Arulappa , Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore
- 1913 : Georg Hansemann , Austrian religious educator and priest
- 1913 : Annette Rogers , American athlete, Olympic champion
- 1915 : Pearl Palmason , Canadian violinist
- 1916 : Ángel Suquía Goicoechea , Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela and Madrid, cardinal
- 1916 : Leonard C. Lewin , American writer and satirist
- 1917 : Christian de Duve , Belgian biochemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1919 : Hans Günther Aach , German botanist
- 1919 : John Duarte , British composer, guitarist, music educator and critic
- 1919 : Jan Flinterman , Dutch racing driver
- 1920 : Giuseppe Colombo , Italian engineer and mathematician
- 1920 : Ștefan Kovács , Romanian football player and coach
- 1921 : Mike Nazaruk , American racing car driver
- 1921 : Giorgio Scarlatti , Italian racing driver
- 1921 : Albert Scott Crossfield , American test pilot
- 1922 : Otmar Mácha , Czech composer
- 1924 : Gilbert Simondon , French philosopher
- 1925 : Paul Goldsmith , American motorcycle and car racer
- 1925 : Alois Piňos , Czech composer and music teacher
- 1925 : Kin Sekihan , Japanese writer
- 1925 : Phil Urso , American jazz saxophonist
- 1927 : Margot Leonard , German actress and voice actress
- 1927 : Francis Matthews , British actor
- 1927 : Uta Ranke-Heinemann , German Catholic theologian and author
- 1927 : Gerhard Steffens , German politician, MdL
- 1928 : Oswalt Kolle , German-Dutch journalist, author and film producer
- 1928 : George McFarland , American actor
- 1928 : Ted Nichols , American composer, arranger, conductor and music educator
- 1930 : David Barrett , Canadian politician
- 1930 : Günter Kochan , German composer
- 1931 : Keith Campbell , Australian motorcycle racer
- 1931 : Pierre Cogen , French organist, composer and music teacher
- 1932 : Masanobu Deme , Japanese director
- 1933 : Ernesto Melo Antunes , Portuguese officer
- 1933 : John Gurdon , British developmental biologist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1933 : Giuliano Sarti , Italian football player
- 1935 : Franco Oppo , Italian composer
- 1935 : Omar Sívori , Argentine-Italian football player and coach
- 1936 : Lutz Zülicke , German chemist
- 1939 : Özcan Arkoç , Turkish football player and coach
- 1939 : Sonning Augstin , German industrial engineer and politician
- 1940 : Hans-Jürgen Audehm , German specialist book author
- 1940 : Werner Dörflinger , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1940 : Gheorghe Gruia , Romanian handball player
- 1940 : Herbert Riehl-Heyse , German journalist and author
- 1940 : Peter Rummel , Austrian lawyer
- 1941 : Hilbert Meyer , German school teacher
- 1942 : Manfred Zapatka , German actor
- 1943 : Joachim Hermann Luger , German actor
- 1943 : Eduardo Serra , Portuguese-French cameraman
- 1943 : Paul Van Himst , Belgian football player and coach
- 1944 : Abas Arslanagić , Bosnian-Herzegovinian handball player and coach
- 1944 : Ton Koopman , Dutch conductor
- 1944 : Inge Maux , Austrian actress
- 1945 : Viktor Ivanovich Anpilov , Russian politician
- 1945 : Don McLean , American singer
- 1946 : Jean-Jacques Aillagon , French politician
- 1946 : Ron Griffiths , British rock musician
- 1946 : Marie-Georges Pascal , French actress
- 1947 : Květoslav Mašita , Czechoslovak enduro athlete
- 1947 : Dieter Pfaff , German actor
- 1947 : Christa Prets , Austrian politician, MEP
- 1947 : Janusz Rat , German dentist and professional politician
- 1947 : Faye-Ellen Silverman , American composer, pianist and music teacher
- 1948 : Gerd-Axel Ahrens , German civil engineer and traffic planner
- 1948 : Siim Kallas , Estonian politician, EU commissioner
- 1948 : Donna Karan , American fashion designer
- 1948 : Chris LeDoux , American country singer and rodeo rider
- 1948 : Ramesh Mishra , Indian sarang player
- 1948 : Anna Mitgutsch , Austrian writer
- 1948 : Jochen Sachse , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1949 : Michael Bleekemolen , Dutch racing car driver
- 1949 : Richard Hell , American musician and writer
- 1949 : Annie Leibovitz , American photographer
- 1950 : Mike Rutherford , British musician, singer and songwriter
- 1950 : Manfred G. Dinnes , German painter, sculptor, author and director
- 1951 : François Abou Salem , Franco-Palestinian comedian writer and director
- 1951 : Romina Power , Italian-American singer and actress
- 1951 : Sting , British rock musician, singer and actor
- 1951 : Coco Montoya , American blues guitarist
- 1953 : Edda Klatte , German athlete
- 1953 : Elke Klatte , German athlete
- 1954 : Lorraine Bracco , American actress
- 1955 : Philip Oakey , British singer and songwriter
- 1958 : Kim Andersen , Danish cyclist
- 1958 : Árni Matthias Mathiesen , Icelandic politician
- 1959 : Ralf Stegner , German politician, Member of the State Parliament, State Minister
- 1959 : Saúl Vera , Venezuelan mandolin and bandola player
- 1960 : Glenn Anderson , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1960 : Terence Winter , American screenwriter and producer
- 1960 : Volker Beck , German soccer player
- 1962 : Gerd Weinmann , German soccer player
- 1963 : Tony Agana , English football player
- 1964 : Macharbek Chadarzew , Russian wrestler
- 1965 : Hannes Schäfer , German musician and doctor
- 1966 : Frank Augustin , German racing cyclist
- 1966 : Mousse T. , German musician and producer
- 1967 : Frank Fredericks , Namibian sprinter
- 1967 : Thomas Muster , Austrian tennis player
- 1969 : Mustafa Atici , Swiss politician
- 1969 : Badly Drawn Boy , British musician
- 1969 : Peter Gerfen , German handball player and coach
- 1969 : Anne Gesthuysen , German journalist and presenter
- 1970 : Klaus Schmeh , German non-fiction author
- 1971 : Tiffany , American singer
- 1971 : Xavier Naidoo , German soul and R&B singer ( Sons of Mannheim )
- 1971 : James Root , American guitarist ( Slipknot )
- 1973 : Ferris MC , German rapper and actor
- 1973 : Proof , American rapper ( D12 )
- 1975 : Ubaid ad-Dusari , Saudi Arabian soccer player
- 1976 : Anita Kulcsár , Hungarian handball player
- 1977 : Patricia Arribas , Spanish long distance runner
- 1977 : Didier Défago , Swiss ski racer
- 1978 : Ayumi Hamasaki , Japanese singer
- 1978 : Simon Pierro , German magician
- 1978 : Sławomir Szmal , Polish handball player
- 1981 : James Cerretani , American tennis player
- 1981 : Erik Fellows , American actor
- 1981 : Sidney Samson , Dutch DJ
- 1981 : Annette Strasser , German actress
- 1981 : Luke Wilkshire , Australian football player
- 1982 : Oliver Bender , German actor and speaker
- 1982 : Tyson Chandler , American basketball player
- 1982 : Stephen Pearson , Scottish football player
- 1983 : Prakash Amritraj , Indian tennis player
- 1985 : Ciprian Andrei Marica , Romanian football player
- 1986 : Camilla Belle , American actress
- 1987 : Dia Frampton , American singer-songwriter
- 1987 : Joshua Grothe , German actor
- 1987 : Ruan Lufei , Chinese chess player
- 1987 : Ricky Stenhouse junior , American racing car driver
- 1988 : Sascha Kotysch , German soccer player
- 1989 : Frederik Andersen , Danish ice hockey player
- 1989 : Marta Gastini , Italian actress

Janina Uhse (* 1989)
- 1989 : Janina Uhse , German actress
- 1990 : Samantha Barks , British musical actress
- 1990 : Mix Diskerud , American football player
- 1991 : Cam Bedrosian , American baseball player
- 1991 : Denni Djozic , German handball player
- 1991 : Johannes Floehr , German author
- 1992 : Shanice van de Sanden , Dutch football player
- 1993 : Michy Batshuayi , Belgian football player
- 1993 : Aaro Vainio , Finnish racing driver
- 1994 : Brendan Meyer , Canadian actor
- 1997 : Tammy Abraham , English soccer player
- 1997 : Dardan , German rapper
Before the 17th century
- 534 : Athalaric , king of the Ostrogoths
- 829 : Michael II , Emperor of Byzantium
- 939 : Eberhard von Franken , Duke of Franconia (Konradiner)
- 939 : Giselbert of Lorraine , Duke of Lorraine (Reginare)
- 1099 : Theodoros Gabras , Byzantine military commander
- 1113 : Maudud , Emir of Mosul
- 1213 : Geoffrey fitz Peter, 1st Earl of Essex , English nobleman
- 1225 : Abu l-Abbas Ahmad ibn al-Mustadi an-Nasir li-Dini llah , Arab caliph
- 1264 : Urban IV , Pope from France
- 1348 : Alice de Lacy , English nobleman
- 1368 : Anna von Kashin , Russian princess and saint
- 1413 : Andrea Vanni , Senese painter and politician of the Republic of Siena
- 1464 : Henrik Kalteisen , Archbishop of Norway
- 1488 : Giovanni Arcimboldi , Italian bishop and cardinal
- 1503 : Martin Fuhrmann , German philologist, theologian, university professor and founder of a scholarship foundation
- 1515 : Barbara Zápolya , Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania
- 1517 : Johannes Murmellius , Dutch pedagogue, philologist, poet and humanist
17th and 18th centuries
- 1616 : Ernst Hettenbach , German physicist and medic
- 1617 : Isaak Oliver , English miniature painter
- 1620 : Benedikt Wurzelbauer , German sculptor and ore caster
- 1626 : Diego Sarmiento de Acuña , Spanish diplomat
- 1629 : Antonio Cifra , Italian composer
- 1629 : Pierre de Bérulle , French theologian and cardinal
- 1637 : Angelo Sala , Italian physician, scientist and member of the Fruiting Society
- 1649 : Johann Ludwig von Pfalz-Sulzbach , Swedish general in the Thirty Years War
- 1686 : Balthasar Bebel , German Lutheran theologian
- 1700 : Tetsugyū Dōki , monk of the Ōbaku-shū of Japanese Zen Buddhism
- 1705 : August Friedrich , Prince of Holstein-Gottorf and Prince-Bishop of the Principality of Lübeck
- 1708 : Anne-Jules de Noailles , Marshal of France
- 1721 : Benoît Audran , French engraver
- 1724 : François-Timoléon de Choisy , French writer
- 1724 : Nicolaus Wilckens , German lawyer and archivist
- 1725 : Johann Moller , German teacher, writer and literary historian
- 1727 : Johann Konrad Brunner , Swiss doctor
- 1767 : Louise-Madeleine Cochin , French engraver and painter
- 1775 : Heinrich Klausing , German Lutheran theologian, mathematician, astronomer and polymath
- 1782 : Charles Lee , British soldier, Continental Army general in the American Revolutionary War
19th century
- 1803 : Samuel Adams , American statesman and revolutionary, one of the founding fathers of the USA, governor of Massachusetts
- 1808 : Abd al-Aziz ibn Muhammad , ruler of the Saudi dynasty
- 1815 : Ferdinand Anton Christian von Ahlefeldt , Danish diplomat
- 1841 : Honoré V , Prince of Monaco
- 1842 : José Mariono Elízaga , Mexican composer
- 1847 : Wasil Evstatiew Aprilow , Bulgarian doctor
- 1850 : Joseph Madersperger , Austrian master tailor and inventor
- 1853 : François Arago , French astronomer, physicist and politician
- 1865 : Karl Klaus von der Betten , German explorer and Africa traveler
- 1868 : François-Christophe-Edouard Kellermann , French statesman and diplomat
- 1872 : Francis Lieber , German-American lawyer, publicist, legal and state philosopher
- 1888 : John Ella , English violinist, music writer and concert organizer
- 1892 : Ernest Renan , French historian of religion, philosopher and orientalist
- 1895 : Eugen Langen , German entrepreneur, engineer and inventor, involved in the development of the gasoline engine and the suspension railway
- 1899 : Percy Sinclar Pilcher , British inventor and an aviation pioneer
20th century
1901 to 1950
- 1910 : Karl August Fürchtegott Leberecht Arendt , German politician
- 1915 : Felix Martin Oberländer , German physician, is considered the founder of modern urology
- 1918 : Christian Otto Mohr , German engineer and structural engineer
- 1919 : Alfred Geist , German-Baltic pastor and evangelical confessor
- 1920 : Max Bruch , German composer and conductor
- 1921 : Wilhelm II , fourth and last King of Württemberg
- 1922 : Lucius FC Garvin , American politician, Governor of Rhode Island
- 1927 : Svante Arrhenius , Swedish physical chemist, Nobel laureate in chemistry
- 1931 : Georg Demmler , German architect, athlete and sports official
- 1931 : Thomas Lipton , British self-made man, entrepreneur and yacht owner
- 1933 : Phill Niblock , American multi-media artist and composer
- 1938 : André Lagache , French racing car driver and first winner of the Le Mans 24 Hours
- 1938 : Ferdinand Schrey , German co-founder of shorthand
- 1940 : Johan Anker , Norwegian sailor, Olympic champion, yacht designer and shipyard owner
- 1941 : Albin Müller , German architect, educator and designer
- 1943 : Robert Nathaniel Dett , Canadian composer
- 1943 : John William Evans , Australian politician and Prime Minister of Tasmania
- 1944 : Carl Joseph Kuckhoff , German politician, MdR
- 1946 : Eduard Bass , Czech writer, journalist, singer, actor, reciter and emcee
- 1949 : Kosta Manojlović , Serbian composer and ethnomusicologist
- 1950 : John F. Fitzgerald , American politician, Mayor of Boston, Member of the House of Representatives
1951 to 2000
- 1951 : Hermann Pistor , German mathematician, physicist and optician, co-founder of modern ophthalmic optics
- 1953 : John Marin , American painter
- 1956 : George Bancroft , American actor
- 1958 : Charles Avery Dunning , Canadian politician
- 1959 : Géza de Kresz , Austro-Hungarian-Canadian violinist, music teacher and composer
- 1960 : Alfred Jäger , German rower
- 1968 : Eberhard Ackerknecht , German-Swiss veterinary atom
- 1968 : Marcel Duchamp , French painter and object artist, co-founder of conceptual art, companion of Dadaism and Surrealism
- 1970 : Charles Méré , French writer
- 1970 : Grethe Weiser , German actress
- 1971 : Walther Bullerdiek , German actor, radio play speaker and composer
- 1972 : Gert Andreae , German actor
- 1973 : Paavo Nurmi , Finnish athlete
- 1974 : Nurul Amin , Pakistani politician
- 1976 : James Coats Auchincloss , American politician
- 1976 : Quentin Jackson , American jazz trombonist
- 1982 : Alice Baber , American painter
- 1984 : Harry Strom , Canadian politician
- 1984 : Paul Weyres , German motorcycle racer
- 1985 : Hugo Decker , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1985 : Rock Hudson , American film actor
- 1985 : Alex Möller , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag, Federal Minister
- 1985 : George Savalas , American actor
- 1987 : Peter Brian Medawar , British biologist, zoologist and anatomist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1987 : Russell Rouse , American director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1989 : Paola Barbara , Italian actress
- 1989 : Cousin Joe , American blues musician
- 1990 : Peter Herman Adler , Bohemian conductor
- 1990 : Sophie Ehrhardt , Russian-German anthropologist
- 1991 : Roland Gööck , German editor, non-fiction author and lecturer
- 1993 : Ahmed Abdul-Malik , American jazz musician
- 1996 : Helmut Artzinger , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1998 : Gene Autry , American country singer and actor
- 1998 : Olivier Gendebien , Belgian racing driver, four-time Le Mans winner
- 1999 : Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani , Albanian scholar
- 1999 : Johannes Hanselmann , German regional bishop, President of the Lutheran World Federation
- 1999 : Heinz Günther Konsalik , German writer
- 1999 : Lee Lozano , American artist
21st century
- 2001 : Manny Albam , Dominican musician
- 2002 : Heinz von Foerster , American philosopher
- 2003 : John Thomas Dunlop , US Secretary of Labor
- 2003 : Otto G possibly , last adjutant of Adolf Hitler
- 2003 : Gunther Philipp , Austrian actor and cabaret artist
- 2004 : Bjørnar Andresen , Norwegian jazz musician
- 2004 : Roger-Edgar Gillet , French painter
- 2004 : Luděk Kopřiva , Czech actor
- 2005 : August Wilson , American playwright and playwright
- 2009 : Marek Edelman , Polish cardiologist, politician and resistance fighter
- 2009 : Nat Finkelstein , American photographer
- 2009 : Rolf Rüssmann , German soccer player and manager
- 2010 : Wolfgang Niescher , German handball player and doctor
- 2011 : Peter Przygodda , German film editor and director
- 2012 : Big Jim Sullivan , British guitarist
- 2014 : Alard von Arnim , German politician
- 2014 : Heinz-Horst Deichmann , German entrepreneur
- 2014 : M. Rainer Lepsius , German sociologist
- 2014 : Irmtraut Wäger , German human rights activist
- 2015 : Brian Friel , Irish playwright
- 2016 : Neville Marriner , British conductor
- 2016 : Massimo Rossi , Italian motorboat athlete
- 2017 : Tom Petty , American musician
- 2018 : Jamal Khashoggi , Saudi Arabian journalist
- 2018 : Geoff Emerick , British sound engineer and music producer
- 2019 : Giya Kancheli , Georgian composer
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- Pietro Carnesecchi , Italian martyr (Protestant)
- St. Leodegar von Autun , Frankish abbot and bishop, martyr and patron saint (Roman Catholic)
- Guardian Angel Festival
- State holidays and memorial days
- Guinea : independence from France (1958)
- India : Gandhi Jayanti : Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Individual evidence
Commons : October 2nd - Collection of images, videos and audio files