Jacques Duclos

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Jacques Duclos (1959)

Jacques Duclos (born October 2, 1896 in Louey , Hautes-Pyrénées , † April 25, 1975 in Montreuil ) was a French communist politician.


Duclos was the son of an innkeeper and learned the trade of confectioner . He fought in World War I and was wounded in the Battle of Verdun . He later became the Chemin des Dames in German captivity .

Since 1919 Duclos belonged to a bakers union, whose secretary he was 1925-1939. In 1920 he joined the newly founded Communist Party of France (PCF), in whose central committee he was elected in 1926.

In the elections to the French Chamber of Deputies in 1926, he won in his constituency, the 20th arrondissement of Paris , against the socialist Léon Blum ; In 1936 he became Vice President of the National Assembly. Duclos was sent to Comintern congresses by the PCF, and from 1935 he was a member of the Executive Committee (EKKI). Together with Pierre Villon , Duclos founded the Front National , the political representation of the Francs-tireurs et partisans (FTP), the military arm of the Resistance . He was a major organizer of the 1944 Paris uprising .

In the presidential elections in 1969 , Duclos achieved 21.27%, the best result to date of a communist candidate in French presidential elections.


In 1971 Jacques Duclos was awarded the Karl Marx Order of the GDR .

From 1976 to 1992 the Möllendorffstrasse (now again named after the Prussian Field Marshal Wichard von Möllendorff ) in Berlin-Lichtenberg (then East Berlin ) was called Jacques-Duclos-Strasse . A square in Cottbus-Sandow has been named after him since 1976. Cottbus has been the twin town of Duclos' place of death, Montreuil, since 1959.

Works (selection)

  • Batailles pour la République , 1947
  • Écrits de prison , 1952
  • « À l'assaut du ciel ». La Commune de Paris annonciatrice d'un monde nouveau (1961 - revue et augmentée 1974)
  • L'avenir de la démocratie , Paris , Editions sociales, 1962
  • Gaullisme, technographie, corporatisme , 1963
  • De Napoléon III à de Gaulle , 1964
  • La Première Internationale , 1964
  • Octobre 1917 vu de France , 1967
  • Anarchistes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui , 1968
  • Qui sont donc les communistes? Éditions Epi, 1971
  • Mémoires , 6 tomes (7 volumes), Fayard, 1968-1973; German (excerpts): Memoirs (3 volumes, ex. by Otto Distler), Dietz, Berlin (East), 1973/1975
  • Bakounine et Marx. Ombre et lumière , Plon, 1974
  • Ce que je crois , Grasset, 1974

Web links

Commons : Jacques Duclos  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jacques-Duclos-Strasse . In: Street name lexicon of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein
  2. Piece from old Sandow changes: Platz des Friedens in Cottbus. In: Lausitzer Rundschau . August 15, 2016, accessed February 16, 2018 .