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Former prison wall as a path through the afforestation
Marking of the Parque da Juventude
Carandiru Railway Station

Carandiru is the popular name for the Casa de Detenção de São Paulo prison in the district of the same name in the north of São Paulo . In operation from 1920 to September 16, 2002, it had over 8,000 inmates at times, making it the largest detention center in South America .


Designed by the architect Samuel das Neves based on the model of the Center pénitentiaire de Fresnes , the institution was considered a model of modern penal institutions until 1940, when the number of prisoners reached 1200. That changed afterwards due to their increasing overcrowding, which they tried to get under control in 1956 with new buildings, with which 3250 prison places were now available. However, there was no lasting improvement. With up to 8,000 inmates, the prison became notorious for violence, gang crime, drug consumption, corruption and the extreme brutality of the guards.

The worst incident occurred on October 2, 1992. In a riot, 102 prisoners were shot and another nine died from stab wounds that were not treated. Human rights organizations criticize the fact that unarmed inmates who had already surrendered were shot. The commanding officer of the deployed military police, Colonel Ubiratan Guimarães, was in the first instance a. a. Sentenced to 632 years' imprisonment for 102 murder cases, but was released after he was appealed. In the second instance he was acquitted on February 16, 2006. On September 9, 2006, an unknown perpetrator shot him in the stomach in his home.

The legal processing dragged on for more than two decades. In four separate proceedings, 23 police officers were sentenced to 156 years each in April 2013, 25 police officers in August 2013 to 624 years each, in March 2014 nine police officers to each 96 years and another to 104 years and finally 15 police officers in April 2014 Sentenced to 48 years in prison. However, under Brazilian law, convicted inmates can remain incarcerated for a maximum of thirty years.

The 1992 Carandiru massacre is seen as the impetus for the founding of the notorious gang organization PCC by inmates of the Taubaté prison in the following year. In 2001 there was another uprising in 29 penitentiary institutions in São Paulo state organized in Carandiru by inmates with cell phones. In total, over 1,300 inmates are said to have been killed in Carandiru since 1956.

The prison was closed in September 2002 and the site has since been converted into a Parque da Juventude with leisure facilities and a state technical school (Escola Técnica Estadual - ETEC) after part of the building was demolished . The remains of the prison are now freely accessible and accessible from the Carandiru metro station .

Adaptation in the media

The Brazilian doctor Drauzio Varella worked as a volunteer in Carandiru from 1989 to 2001 to fight the spread of AIDS . His experiences and the appalling conditions of detention are described in his book Estação Carandiru (German: Bahnhof Carandiru), which was filmed immediately after the closure of the prison on the original location of Héctor Babenco with Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos in the role of Varellas. The film was presented on March 21, 2003 at the Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema and was released on April 11, 2003 in Brazilian cinemas.

The Brazilian heavy metal band Sepultura thematizes the events of October 2, 1992 in the song "Manifest" on the LP Chaos AD

Web links

Commons : Parque da Juventude  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carandiru, the prison massacre in Sao Paulo , 1995, Amnesty International FDCL-Verlag, authors: Elói Pietá and Justino Pereira, ISBN 3-923020-15-5 - ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. BBC News: Brazil jail massacre: Policeman convicted
  3. ^ Carandirú massacre: Brazilian police officers sentenced to 48 years in prison each . Spiegel Online, April 3, 2014, accessed on the same day.
  4. ^ The New York Times: Sept. 15-21; The Fall of Brazil's Big House

Coordinates: 23 ° 30 ′ 30 ″  S , 46 ° 37 ′ 25 ″  W