Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos

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Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos

Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos (born June 25, 1954 in Umbuzeiro , Paraíba , Brazil) is a Brazilian actor .


Theater and especially circus have always been Luiz Carlos' great passions. He was also very interested in the interplay between theater and literature. Once he rewrote a novel by Guimaraes Rosa into a successful play called O da Vau Sarapalha . He studied theater in Denmark and graduated from UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), a university in João Pessoa , Paraíba, Brazil.

In the late 1970s, he founded the Escola Piollin (School), named after a famous Brazilian clown. In the beginning, children and young people were taught art (theater and circus) in the school. Today the school, which is supposed to be a supplement to the public school, offers a variety of options such as art, dance, IT, literature, music, theater, fashion, circus, sport and foreign languages. The majority of the students come from the poverty area (favela) adjacent to the school. In the Escola Piollin, the creativity of these children should be encouraged and their awareness of their situation and their rights strengthened. In 1983 he organized a clown festival in Paraiba. In 2001 he hosted a festival where clowns from many parts of the world met. In 1997 he began his career as a cinema actor in O Baile Perfumado . His best-known films are EU, TU, ELES (2000), Abril Despedaçado (2001) and Carandiru (2003).


movie theater

  • 1997: Baile Perfumado
  • 1998: O Primeiro Dia
  • 2000: Eu Tu Eles
  • 2001: Behind the Sun ( Abril Despedaçado )
  • 2003: Carandiru
  • 2004: Árido Movie
  • 2006: Romance do Vaqueiro Voador
  • 2007: Mutum
  • 2018: Marighella

watch TV

  • 2000: Você Decide
  • 2002: Pastores da Noite
  • 2004: Senhora do Destino
  • 2005: Carga Pesada
  • 2005: Carandiru, Outras Histórias
  • 2007: A Pedra do Reino
  • 2008: O Natal do Menino Imperador
  • 2008: Faça sua História
  • 2008: Dicas de Um Sedutor
  • 2008: Casos e Acasos
  • 2008: Queridos Amigos

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