Johann Friedrich Palm

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Johann Friedrich Palm (born October 2, 1813 in Prettin , † February 14, 1871 in Bautzen ) was a German classical philologist and lexicographer . His most important achievement is the revision of the concise dictionary of the Greek language by Franz Passow (1841–1857).


Due to the war, he was born as the son of the Dautzschen pastor Johann Elias Palm in the house of his grandfather's maternal side in Prettin. Growing up in Dautzschen only for the first three years , the family moved to Dommitzsch , where his father was appointed pastor. Palm first received private lessons and from 1826 attended the Nikolaischule in Leipzig. After graduation (Easter 1832) he studied theology and philology at the University of Leipzig . Under the influence of Gottfried Hermann , Palm turned more and more to philology. However, he had to give up his plans for an academic career after the death of his father (1834) because he had to take care of the family. In 1835, Palm accepted a position as an adjunct at the Nikolaischule and was appointed full teacher in 1837. During this time, Palm also created an edition of the Histories of Herodotus , which appeared in three volumes in 1839. This work and his success as a teacher were decisive for his transfer to the Landesschule Grimma and his appointment as high school professor in December 1842. In this position, Palm also participated in the debate about high school and real education and in 1848 published a program on purpose, scope and Method of teaching classical languages ​​in high schools .

In October 1850, Palm was appointed rector of the grammar school in Plauen. His reforms brought this institution to a new bloom. He also set up real classes next to the high school branches, which had become a need for the up-and-coming industrial city. For his success, Palm was rewarded in October 1861 with the transfer to the grammar school in Bautzen, which he had long wanted. Here he worked as director until his death.

In addition to his Herodotus edition, which was reprinted in the 1920s, Palm emerged in particular as a new editor of the concise dictionary of the Greek language by Franz Passow (1841–1857). He also published selected speeches and a biography of his colleague Friedrich Kraner (Leipzig 1864).


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