Hermann Pistor

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Hermann Pistor

Hermann Pistor (born September 6, 1875 in Sonneberg , † October 2, 1951 in Jena ) was a German mathematician, physicist and educator. Due to his services to teaching in the field of optometry , he is considered the nestor of modern ophthalmic optics in Germany .


Hermann Pistor was born in Sonneberg in the Upper City at the Salzbrunnen. He grew up as the son of a warehouse worker (packer in a toy factory) in a very modest family. Already in elementary school he drew attention to himself with above-average performance. After elementary school he attended the teacher training seminar in Hildburghausen until 1891 and then worked as an elementary school teacher in Graefenthal and Sonneberg. As a gifted man, he was given leave of absence for scientific studies in 1904 at the instigation of the sovereign, Duke Georg II . He made up his Abitur and studied mathematics, physics and geography at the University of Jena . He wrote his doctoral thesis on the railway system in the Thuringian Forest . After completing his doctorate, he worked as a teacher at the Sonneberg secondary school and developed modern didactic approaches in science lessons, especially for mathematics and physics. Because of his excellent pedagogical skills and scientific knowledge, he was appointed as a teacher in 1918 at the “Fachschule für Augenoptik” in Jena. In 1919 he became director of the school that had just opened and was appointed professor in the same year. “In addition to his management activity, Hermann Pistor in Jena also dealt professionally with optometry, the science of ametropia and its correction. It includes both biological and physical optics. The foundations for technical and university education in the field of optometry were largely developed in Germany by Hermann Pistor. ”In 1940 the technical college was renamed “ Engineering School for Ophthalmic Optics ” . The Jena “Fachschule für Augenoptik” , which bears the name “Hermann Pistor” , sees itself in this tradition today . Hermann Pistor held the position of director of the engineering school until his death in 1951.

Hermann Pistor was chairman of the lodge master of the Johannisloge Zur Akazie am Saalstrande for many years until 1935 , and at the same time he was a member of the Schlaraffia Athenae Jenensis under the name of "Pius von der Augenweide" . Because of his free-spirited disposition and membership in the Masonic Lodge, he was expelled from the Reichsschrifttumskammer in 1933 and was banned from writing during the 1930s. With his hometown he was a member of the holiday connection Solmontia to Sonneberg.

Grave of Hermann Pistor in the north cemetery in Jena

In the honor grove of the north cemetery , in a particularly exposed location, is Pister's grave with a simple tombstone. This tomb is still tended by the Masons of the Lodge to this day.


Forty years after the death of Hermann Pistor, he became an honorary citizen of Jena due to his great services to the optics department and “Hermann-Pistor-Straße” in Jena was named after him.

After Hermann Pistor's death, the Sonneberg Realgymnasium, which had been rededicated as an extended secondary school, was renamed "Hermann-Pistor-Oberschule" in the mid-1950s. After the fall of the Wall in 1990, the former EOS was given the name 1. Staatliches Gymnasium Sonneberg . After the merger of the two Sonneberg high schools ( 1st and Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium ), the new school was named State High School "Hermann Pistor" in 2008 . The inauguration ceremony took place on April 12, 2008 in the Sonneberg Society House.


  • Old and new from Sonneberg and the Meininger Oberlande . Emil Oehrlein Publishing House, Sonneberg (1902)
  • The Thuringian Railways , especially those of the Thuringian Forest, especially in their orographic relationships. Jena (1908)
  • as editor: The optician. 4 volumes, Panses, Weimar 1933–1936:
    • Volume I: Elementary Introduction to Geometric Optics .
    • Volume II: The Human Eye. (edited with Richard Greeff)
    • Volume III: Introduction to the theory of glasses. (published with Otto Henker; 4th edition 1948)
    • Volume IV: The Optical Instruments.
  • with R. Greeff: From the history of glasses. In: The optician. Volume 3: Introduction to the theory of glasses. , 4th, completely revised edition. Pößneck-Jena 1948, pp. 321-384.
  • Introduction to the determination of lenses by means of visual acuity testing. (1947)
  • The methods of objective refraction determination with the simple ophthalmoscope . (1948)
  • The basics of ophthalmic optics. (1948)
  • Introduction to optics. (1949)

Web links

Commons : Hermann Pistor  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Cuno Hoffmeister : Hermann Pistor (obituary). In: Die Sterne 28 (1952) 1/2, p. 41
  • Friedrich Stier: History of the optician school in Jena. For the 40th anniversary of its opening. October 7, 1918-1958. Jena 1958
  • Friedrich Stier: In memoriam Hermann Pistor. In: Augenoptik 82 (1965), no. 4, p. 100 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Stier: History of the optician school in Jena. For the 40th anniversary of its opening. October 7, 1918-1958. Jena 1958 [MS]
  2. Johannisloge to the acacia on the beach of the hall. freimaurer-jena.de, accessed on February 25, 2018 .
  3. On the history of the Jena Masonic lodge "To the acacia on the beach". Jena City Museum, accessed on February 25, 2018 .
  4. M. Scheller (1909): Report on the 25th anniversary of the "Solmontia" foundation festival. Sonneberg: Graves & Hetzer. Library of the German Toy Museum. Signature SI 1302
  5. ^ Tombs of honorary citizens of Jena: Hermann Pistor. Retrieved February 25, 2018 .