Nestor (mythology)

Nestor ( ancient Greek Νέστωρ ) was a hero of Greek mythology and the legendary ruler of Pylos . He was one of the sons of Neleus and Chloris .
Before the Trojan War , Nestor was a companion of Jason on the Argo voyage . He took part in the battle of the Lapiths against the Centaurs and in the Calydonian hunt .
In Homer's Iliad , Nestor leads ninety ships to Troy and plays one of the leading roles among the ancient, experienced, and wise advisors of Agamemnon . He also appears as a mediator in the dispute between Agamemnon and Achilles . He combines the wisdom of old age , eloquence, honesty and the cheerful art of living. Homer describes him as δῖος dios , i.e. divine, and as the “protector of warriors” and describes the Nestor cup , which was much discussed in antiquity and which the enthusiastic Nestor brought to Troy.
In the Odyssey , Telemachus , the son of the title hero, comes to Pylos to find out about his father's whereabouts.
Nothing is known about the circumstances of Nestor's death; his grave was shown in Pylos.
Transferred use as an honorary title
In the 16th century, the Brandenburg Elector Joachim I was nicknamed "the German Nestor".
With reference to the role of the mythological Nestor, the honorary title of Nestor is the oldest present at a scientific meeting or, in commemorative publications and appreciations, the "old master" of a science, the founder of a certain process, etc. This honorary designation has also been used in other areas - such as culture. Walter Stoeckel was referred to as the "Nestor of Gynecological Urology", Oswald von Nell-Breuning often as the "Nestor of Catholic social teaching". Johnny Răducanu is considered the nestor of Romanian jazz, Erwin Piscator , director of the Freie Volksbühne Berlin , the nestor of political theater.
Further use of the term
After Nestor is Mount Nestor named in Antarctica.
- Paul Weizsäcker : Nestor . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 3.1, Leipzig 1902, Col. 289-298 ( digitized version ).
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Libraries of Apollodor 1,9,9,1; Hyginus , Fabulae 10
- ^ Valerius Flaccus , Argonautica 1, 380
- ↑ Homer, Iliad 1: 268-269
- ^ Ovid , Metamorphoses 8, 313
- ↑ Homer, Iliad 2, 601-602
- ↑ Homer, Iliad 9, 53 ff.
- ↑ Homer, Iliad 2:57
- ↑ Homer, Odyssey 3, 31 ff.
- ^ Pausanias 4:36 , 2
- ^ Entry Nestor on , Wissen Media Verlag (= formerly Bertelsmann Lexikonverlag).
- ↑ Meyer's large pocket dictionary in 24 volumes . BI-Taschenbuchverlag, 1992, Volume 15, p. 214.
- ^ Horst Kremling : Würzburger Contributions to Gynecological Urology. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 5, 1987, pp. 5-11, here p. 7.