Pietro Carnesecchi

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Pietro Carnesecchi

Pietro Carnesecchi (born December 24, 1508 in Florence , † October 1, 1567 in Rome ) was an Italian martyr of the Reformation .


Carnesecchi was a son of the Florentine merchant Andrea Carnesecchi . He was raised in the house of his uncle, Cardinal Bernardo Dovizi da Bibbiena in Rome, and received a humanist education. He first became a notary , then apostolic protonotary at the curia and in 1533 he became secretary to Pope Clement VII. Here Carnesecchi met Juan de Valdés for the first time , whom he followed to Naples in 1536 and from whom he accepted the idea of Martin Luther's doctrine of justification . After Valdés' death, Carnesecchi left Naples. In 1537 he went to Paris and stayed at the court of the French Queen Catherine de Medici . There he could live without worries, since Pope Paul III. protected him. In 1542 he went to Venice . Suspected of spreading Protestant doctrines, he was summoned to Rome, convicted of heresy, but then pardoned. His trial was crushed. In 1566, however, at the instigation of Cosimo I de'Medici, he was arrested again and handed over to the Roman Inquisition . This time Carnesecchi was sentenced to death and beheaded after a long trial ; his body was cremated.

Remembrance day

October 2nd in the Evangelical Name Calendar .


Web links

Individual evidence